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SIGGRAPH2007的一篇文章翻译:在GPU上直接处理细分曲面(Direct Manipulation of Subdivision Surfaces on GPUs)

2013年01月02日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 6246字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭


(Direct Manipulation of Subdivision Surfaces on GPUs)


Kun Zhou    Xin Huang    Weiwei Xu    Baining Guo    Heung-Yeung Shum

Microsoft Research Asia





(a) 带有位移映射贴图的细分曲面形变,它的控制网格,光滑网格和位移贴图在图2展示.

(b) 带有几何纹理的细分曲面形变.




我们介绍了一种针对细分曲面形变的算法,适合包括带有位移映射的细分曲面和带有几何纹理的细分曲面.我们的系统让用户自由选择曲面点作为手柄(handle)直接处理曲面.在形变过程中,控制网格的顶点自动调整以使形变曲面满足手柄位置约束.同时保持原曲面的形状和细节.为了最好地保持曲面细节,我们研究出一种梯度域方法能够结合手柄位置约束和细节保持目的到形变能量.对于位移映射细分曲面和带有几何纹理的细分曲面,形变能量是高度非线性和难以处理的在现有的迭代解决方案.为了解决这个问题,我们介绍了一种外壳形变方法,它通过两个稳定的网格形变操作代替每一个不稳定的数字上的迭代步骤.我们的形变算法近使用局部操作,因此对于GPU实现来说是稳定的.结果是比艺术级的多栅格网格形变方案更快的一个实时数量级次序形变系统(The result is a real-time deformation system running orders of magnitude faster than the state-of-the-art multigrid mesh deformation solver).我们通过一系列例子论证了我们的方法,包括通过操作带有运动捕抓数据的细分曲面实时创作可视的令人满意的角色动画.


关键字:细分曲面,细节保持,位移映射(displacement mapping),几何纹理


1 引言


细分曲面已经广泛应用到视频创作,商业建模和游戏引擎[DeRose1998; WarrenWeimer 2002].通过细分构造曲面给计算机图形工作者带来许多问题,例如任意的拓扑,缩放性,一致性呈现,数值稳定和编码简单[Zorin et al. 2000].传统的细分曲面主要适合分段光滑建模;[Lee2000] 介绍了位移映射细分曲面以提高表现效果,该方法整合位移映射[Cook 1984]到细分框架.最近,研究人员更进一步地添加几何纹理到细分表面以使它们成为真正强大的带有复杂细节的表面建模工具.[Peng2004; Porumbescu 2005]





实时表现:我们的算法能够在GPU上实现,对于不同大小的细分曲面能够有100 FPS以上的性能表现.


保持细节对于细分曲面形变是十分重要的.如果没有保持细节,形变曲面会表现出如图10所示的严重扭曲.这促使我们研究一种梯度域的细分曲面形变算法.梯度域方法最近引入到网格形变和编辑[Alexa 2003; Yu2004; Sorkine2004],由于它们能够任意保持曲面细节和产生可视的令人满意的效果是相当著名的.


对于针对细分曲面的梯度域算法一个直接问题是维持细分曲面展现(An immediate issue with a gradient domain algorithm for subdivision surfaces is that of maintaining the subdivision surface representation).和现有的梯度域方法相似,我们希望直接操作细分曲面并且保持细节,与现有近生成一个形变网格方法不同的是,我们需要一个新的细分控制网格以保证形变结果真正是一个细分曲面.我们通过从曲面网格投影形变能量到控制网格达到这个目的,使用了细分细节函数(subdivision detail function)从控制网格顶点确定曲面网格顶点.


一个更具挑战性的问题是形变过程中保持曲面细节,对于一个没有带有位移映射和几何纹理的细分曲面,细分细节函数是一个简单的线性函数由细分矩阵定义[WarrenWeimer 2002].在这种情况下形变能量是非线性的并且能够通过高斯-牛顿迭代方法最小化.这和子空间形变技术很相似[Huang2006],子空间形变技术使用平均数插值[Ju2005]以获得稳定快速解决方案.




我们的算法能够在GPU上实现带来实时表现.关于我们算法的一个关键结论是完全通过局部操作来设计以适应GPU实现.为了平衡CPUGPU负载,并且利用GPU并行流处理的优点,我们组织细分曲面网格在纹理上如[Shiue et al. 2005].我们同样预计算需要的逆矩阵,并且把结果加载到GPU作为纹理图象.这样剩下整个迭代在GPU解决带来搞的性能.我们的GPU实现以数量级运行,比使用多栅格的艺术级的形变方案要快.(Our GPU implementation runs orders of magnitude faster than the state-of-the-art fast deformation solver using multigrids [Shi2006]




2 Related Work

Freeform deformation (FFD) [Sederberg and Parry 1986] embeds

an object inside a volume lattice. The user deforms the object by

manipulating the lattice points. Several extensions have been proposed

to provide a more intuitive user interface by directly manipulating

points [Hsu et al. 1992] or curves [Singh and Fiume 1998]

on the object surface. A recent approach [Botsch and Kobbelt

2005] uses volume-based radial basis functions to deform the object.

Real-time performance on large meshes has been achieved for

deformation with predefined handles.

Figure 2: (a) Control mesh shown in blue. (b) Smooth mesh. (c) Displace-

ment map. See Fig. 1 for the detail mesh of the subdivision surface.



Energy minimization has long been used to deform smooth surfaces

[Welch andWitkin 1992; Botsch and Kobbelt 2004]. [Boier-Martin

et al. 2004] introduces a variational approach to deform subdivision

surfaces. To preserve surface details, they optimize the energy of a

deformation vector field instead of the deformation energy of vertex

positions. With their technique the deformation result is always

a fine mesh with a deformation vector associated with each vertex. This can be quite inconvenient when working with subdivision

surfaces without displacements. Furthermore, since displacements

at vertices are not texture-mapped from a displacement map, this

approach does not scale up well as the subdivision level increases.

Most importantly, the above technique cannot handle geometry textures

that are not displacement maps.

Since the introduction of hierarchical B-Spline editing [Forsey and

Bartels 1988], multiresolution mesh editing techniques [Zorin et al.

1997; Kobbelt et al. 1998; Guskov et al. 2000] have been developed

for detail-preserving deformations by decomposing a mesh

into several frequency bands. A deformed mesh is obtained by first

manipulating the low-frequency mesh and later adding back the

high frequency details as displacement vectors. Recently, [Marinov

et al. 2007] mapped a two-band multiresolution deformation

framework to the GPU. These methods do not support direct manipulation

of the original surface. Also, the displacement vectors

are inserted back independently at each vertex. As a result, artifacts

can appear in highly deformed regions because details are not

coupled and preserved uniformly over the surface.

Gradient domain mesh deformation techniques [Alexa 2003; Yu

et al. 2004; Sorkine et al. 2004; Sheffer and Kraevoy 2004; Zhou

et al. 2005; Lipman et al. 2005; Nealen et al. 2005; Zayer et al.

2005; Au et al. 2006; Huang et al. 2006; Lipman et al. 2006] cast

deformation as an energy minimization problem. The energy function

incorporates position constraints as well as terms for detail

preservation. Minimization of this energy distributes errors globally

over the entire mesh and thus leads to high quality deformation

results. The user can directly manipulate the mesh surface and use

the region of interest to control the scale of manipulation.

Our algorithm combines the strengths of gradient domain techniques

and subdivision surfaces to achieve visually pleasing deformation

and high performance. Recently, [Shi et al. 2006] presents

a fast multigrid solver for gradient domain mesh deformation. Unfortunately,

their GPU implementation does not run much faster

than the CPU version due to the unstructured nature of a general

mesh. Thanks to the regular connectivity and locality-preserving

data access of subdivision surfaces, our deformation algorithm can

be efficiently implemented on the GPU, resulting in a real-time system

which runs orders of magnitude faster than the multigrid solver

of [Shi et al. 2006]. We deem our algorithm a nice complement

to existing GPU-based subdivision techniques [Bolz and Schr ¨oder

2004; Shiue et al. 2005].

Deformation is an active research area and the above review only

summarizes techniques most relevant to our work. Other deformation

approaches include example-based mesh deformation [Sumner

et al. 2005; Der et al. 2006], vector field based shape deformation

[von Funck et al. 2006], and volumetric prism based deformation

[Botsch et al. 2006].


3 细分曲面形变


在这篇文章,一个三角网格 由一个元组
