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libnet 库函数介绍

2013年07月21日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 1539字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭

   本系列的文章是基于libnet 1.1.5 版本.


 * Creates the libnet environment. It initializes the library and returns a
 * libnet context. If the injection_type is LIBNET_LINK or LIBNET_LINK_ADV, the
 * function initializes the injection primitives for the link-layer interface
 * enabling the application programmer to build packets starting at the
 * data-link layer (which also provides more granular control over the IP
 * layer). If libnet uses the link-layer and the device argument is non-NULL,
 * the function attempts to use the specified network device for packet
 * injection. This is either a canonical string that references the device
 * (such as "eth0" for a 100MB Ethernet card on Linux or "fxp0" for a 100MB
 * Ethernet card on OpenBSD) or the dots and decimals representation of the
 * device's IP address ( If device is NULL, libnet attempts to
 * find a suitable device to use. If the injection_type is LIBNET_RAW4 or
 * LIBNET_RAW4_ADV, the function initializes the injection primitives for the
 * IPv4 raw socket interface. The final argument, err_buf, should be a buffer
 * of size LIBNET_ERRBUF_SIZE and holds an error message if the function fails.
 * This function requires root privileges to execute successfully. Upon
 * success, the function returns a valid libnet context for use in later
 * function calls; upon failure, the function returns NULL.
 * @param injection_type packet injection type (LIBNET_LINK, LIBNET_LINK_ADV, LIBNET_RAW4, LIBNET_RAW4_ADV, LIBNET_RAW6, LIBNET_RAW6_ADV)
 * @param device the interface to use (NULL and libnet will choose one)
 * @param err_buf will contain an error message on failure
 * @return libnet context ready for use or NULL on error.
libnet_t *
libnet_init(int injection_type, const char *device, char *err_buf);

