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Death of TMG?

2013年01月23日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 1071字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭

In a Gartner report titled Magic Quadrant for Secure Web Gateway, published May 25, the first thing we noticed when perusing the matrix of challengers, leaders, niche players and visionaries in the SWG space is that a prominent name is missing in action: that of Microsoft. But if you read on, you find out why.

On page 5, you’ll find a statement that is likely to shock and dismay many Microsoft customers, which says that Microsoft has confirmed to Gartner that it is not going to be shipping another full version release of TMG. The report goes on to say that TMG is in sustaining mode and Microsoft doesn’t intend to compete head-to-head with other vendors in that space. The good news is that the usual five year mainstream/five year extended support lifecycle still applies.

What does this mean for Microsoft in the security space? What does it mean for those organizations with current deployments of TMG? I anticipate many questions (and, I hope, some answers) in the weeks to come, and I’ll be taking a closer look at this development next week in my Microsoft InSights column over on TechRepublic, so stay tuned.”

And if you want to read the Gartner report for yourself, you can download it (for $1995) at:


