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多租户ASP.net MVC

2013年02月12日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 2300字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭

确实如我们所接触的,使用asp.net的人,分享的内容复杂度,频度多不如开源型,例如java/php之类。那多租户mvc实现,在08或10年某位大牛。。http://codeofrob.com/  其实我很喜欢他写的介绍,很明显,this is a tech guy and enojoy life guy,我们看到切换的技术很多。

I'm Rob Ashton, a freelance software developer from Britain but currently operating in Belgium.

I like delivering, and I like helping teams deliver - I am often found leading technical teams on technical products, and spend a lot of my time mentoring and coaching teams to deliver more effective code.

I believe that the best code is code that can be maintained by others, I don't believe in black boxes, I don't believe in magic tricks and I think that the most direct route to a solution is often the best one.

I have contributed code to a number of OSS projects, most notably RavenDB but these days I focus my efforts on games development in Javascript - because it's fun. I like having fun.




This project is an example of multi-tenancy on ASP.NET MVC 2.0 using Visual Studio 2010. This sample utilizes the following utilities:- Visual Studio 2010- ASP.NET MVC 2.0- .NET 4.0- IIS7- StructureMap (lib folder)- xUnit.NET (lib folder)



a “tenant” to me is simply a client. This client has a few different attributes that are reflected in the model. Here’s the interface I use to describe a tenant. 租户是一个子系统的使用,子系统提供给它的用户使用。需要描述租户,从基本概念已经应用程序出租的概念:

public interface IApplicationTenant
    string ApplicationName { get; }

    IFeatureRegistry EnabledFeatures { get; }

    IEnumerable<string> UrlPaths { get; }

    IContainer DependencyContainer { get; }

    IViewEngine ViewEngine { get; }

看来学习Ioc DI是绝对需要提上日程了。

我们通过features列表,来控制是否可以看到/使用 app feature,设计上很简单,feature path,其实就是树形结构的功能节点。。。

a tenant has a list of features that are enabled by the tenant, called a feature registry. The feature registry is responsible for describing which features are enabled and which features the tenant is allowed to utilize. Here’s some relevant code for features:









site1.xxx.com/subsite1 & site1.xxx.com/subsite2




public interface IComplexFeature : IFeature
    IEnumerable<IFeature> SubFeatures { get; }





