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The Footprint Of Cocos2d-x [三] —- cocos2d之基础知识(tips)

2013年10月08日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 418字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭


1:Don’t use __super in
C++ to instead super in objc. The keyworkd __super is only recognized by VC++, but can not compiled by GCC. So you had better to call the name of parent class, CCLayer::init()

2:All the gaming elements in cocos2d-x, such as sprite, layer, scene, label, action, are allocated in the heap. So we must
call their methods by “->”

3:The return type of init method is “bool” now. There’s
no keyword “id” in cpp, so the methods returning “id” is translated to a object pointer or bool.
