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lpc1788_ucos\cmsis\flash.scat Flash.ini verctors.s –ucosii移植在lpc1788–part1

2013年07月30日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 10213字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭

步骤三:添加Flash.ini 到工程
        选项卡的Debug项,Initialization File 增加Flash.ini文件
        选项卡的Linker项,Scatter File 添加flash.scat文件
编者:张永辉 2013年5月30日
;                         SCATTER LOADING DESCRIPTION
;                                    ARM
;                             KEIL's uVision3
;                   (RealView Microprocessor Developer Kit)
; Filename      : STM32_Flash.scat
LR_IROM1 0x00000000 0x00080000          ;; Load region
    ER_IROM1 0x00000000 0x00080000
        vectors.o (VECT, +First)
        init.o (INIT)
        * (+RO)
    RW_IRAM1 0x10000000 0x00010000
        * (+RW,+ZI)
    }   ;; The following declarations select the "two region model" ;
        ;; A default __user_initial_stackheap() will be used        ;
    ARM_LIB_HEAP  0x1000f700 EMPTY  0x00000400   {}
    ARM_LIB_STACK 0x1000ff00 EMPTY -0x00000400   {}

/* RAM.INI: RAM Initialization File                                           */
/* 文件: Flash.ini
// <<< Use Configuration Wizard in Context Menu >>>                           //
/* This file is part of the uVision/ARM development tools.                    */
/* Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Keil Software. All rights reserved.                */
/* This software may only be used under the terms of a valid, current,        */
/* end user licence from KEIL for a compatible version of KEIL software       */
/* development tools. Nothing else gives you the right to use this software.  */

FUNC void Setup (void) {
  SP = _RDWORD(0x00000000);          // Setup Stack Pointer
  PC = _RDWORD(0x00000004);          // Setup Program Counter
  _WDWORD(0xE000ED08, 0x00000000);   // Setup Vector Table Offset Register
LOAD IFlash\ucos_lpc1788.axf INCREMENTAL      // Download
Setup();                             // Setup for Running

;                             INTERRUPT VECTORS
;                                    ARM
;                             KEIL's uVision3
; Filename      : vectors.s
                AREA   VECT, CODE, READONLY   ; Name this block of code  ;
;                                  IMPORTS
                IMPORT      OS_CPU_SysTickHandler
                IMPORT      OS_CPU_PendSVHandler

                IMPORT     WDT_IRQHandler            ; 16: WatchDog
                IMPORT     TIMER0_IRQHandler         ; 17: Timer0
                IMPORT     TIMER1_IRQHandler         ; 18: Timer1
                IMPORT     TIMER2_IRQHandler         ; 19: Timer2
                IMPORT     TIMER3_IRQHandler         ; 20: Timer3
                IMPORT     UART0_IRQHandler          ; 21: UART0
                IMPORT     UART1_IRQHandler          ; 22: UART1
                IMPORT     UART2_IRQHandler          ; 23: UART2
                IMPORT     UART3_IRQHandler          ; 24: UART3
                IMPORT     PWM1_IRQHandler           ; 25: PWM1
                IMPORT     I2C0_IRQHandler           ; 26: I2C0
                IMPORT     I2C1_IRQHandler           ; 27: I2C1
                IMPORT     I2C2_IRQHandler           ; 28: I2C2
                IMPORT     SPI_IRQHandler            ; 29: SPI
                IMPORT     SSP0_IRQHandler           ; 30: SSP0
                IMPORT     SSP1_IRQHandler           ; 31: SSP1
                IMPORT     PLL0_IRQHandler           ; 32: PLL0 Lock (Main PLL)
                IMPORT     RTC_IRQHandler            ; 33: Real Time Clock
                IMPORT     EINT0_IRQHandler          ; 34: External Interrupt 0
                IMPORT     EINT1_IRQHandler          ; 35: External Interrupt 1
                IMPORT     EINT2_IRQHandler          ; 36: External Interrupt 2
                IMPORT     EINT3_IRQHandler          ; 37: External Interrupt 3
                IMPORT     ADC_IRQHandler            ; 38: A/D Converter
                IMPORT     BOD_IRQHandler            ; 39: Brown-Out Detect
                IMPORT     USB_IRQHandler            ; 40: USB
                IMPORT     CAN_IRQHandler            ; 41: CAN
                IMPORT     DMA_IRQHandler            ; 42: General Purpose DMA
                IMPORT     I2S_IRQHandler            ; 43: I2S
                IMPORT     ENET_IRQHandler           ; 44: Ethernet
                IMPORT     RIT_IRQHandler            ; 45: Repetitive Interrupt Timer
                IMPORT     MCPWM_IRQHandler          ; 46: Motor Control PWM
                IMPORT     QEI_IRQHandler            ; 47: Quadrature Encoder Interface
                IMPORT     PLL1_IRQHandler           ; 48: PLL1 Lock (USB PLL)

                IMPORT      USBActivity_IRQHandler    ; 49: USB Activity interrupt to wakeup
                IMPORT      CANActivity_IRQHandler    ; 50: CAN Activity interrupt to wakeup
                IMPORT      UART4_IRQHandler          ; 51: UART4
                IMPORT      SSP2_IRQHandler           ; 52: SSP2
                IMPORT      LCD_IRQHandler            ; 53: LCD
                IMPORT      GPIO_IRQHandler           ; 54: GPIO
                IMPORT      PWM0_IRQHandler           ; 55: PWM0
                IMPORT      EEPROM_IRQHandler         ; 56: EEPROM

                IMPORT  ResetHndlr
                ; Import stack limit from scatter-loading file ;
                IMPORT  ||Image$$ARM_LIB_STACK$$ZI$$Limit||
        DCD     ||Image$$ARM_LIB_STACK$$ZI$$Limit||         ;  0, SP start value.
        DCD     ResetHndlr                                  ;  1, PC start value.
        DCD     App_NMI_ISR                                 ;  2, NMI
        DCD     App_Fault_ISR                               ;  3, Hard Fault
        DCD     App_MemFault_ISR                            ;  4, Memory Management
        DCD     App_BusFault_ISR                            ;  5, Bus Fault
        DCD     App_UsageFault_ISR                          ;  6, Usage Fault
        DCD     0                                           ;  7, Reserved
        DCD     0                                           ;  8, Reserved
        DCD     0                                           ;  9, Reserved
        DCD     0                                           ; 10, Reserved
        DCD     App_Spurious_ISR                            ; 11, SVCall
        DCD     App_Spurious_ISR                            ; 12, Debug Monitor
        DCD     App_Spurious_ISR                            ; 13, Reserved
        DCD     OS_CPU_PendSVHandler                        ; 14, PendSV Handler
        DCD     OS_CPU_SysTickHandler                       ; 15, uC/OS-II Tick ISR Handler

        ; External Interrupts
        DCD     WDT_IRQHandler            ; 16: Watchdog Timer
        DCD     TIMER0_IRQHandler         ; 17: Timer0
        DCD     TIMER1_IRQHandler         ; 18: Timer1
        DCD     TIMER2_IRQHandler         ; 19: Timer2
        DCD     TIMER3_IRQHandler         ; 20: Timer3
        DCD     UART0_IRQHandler          ; 21: UART0
        DCD     UART1_IRQHandler          ; 22: UART1
        DCD     UART2_IRQHandler          ; 23: UART2
        DCD     UART3_IRQHandler          ; 24: UART3
        DCD     PWM1_IRQHandler           ; 25: PWM1
        DCD     I2C0_IRQHandler           ; 26: I2C0
        DCD     I2C1_IRQHandler           ; 27: I2C1
        DCD     I2C2_IRQHandler           ; 28: I2C2
        DCD     SPI_IRQHandler            ; 29: SPI
        DCD     SSP0_IRQHandler           ; 30: SSP0
        DCD     SSP1_IRQHandler           ; 31: SSP1
        DCD     PLL0_IRQHandler           ; 32: PLL0 Lock (Main PLL)
        DCD     RTC_IRQHandler            ; 33: Real Time Clock
        DCD     EINT0_IRQHandler          ; 34: External Interrupt 0
        DCD     EINT1_IRQHandler          ; 35: External Interrupt 1
        DCD     EINT2_IRQHandler          ; 36: External Interrupt 2
        DCD     EINT3_IRQHandler          ; 37: External Interrupt 3
        DCD     ADC_IRQHandler            ; 38: A/D Converter
        DCD     BOD_IRQHandler            ; 39: Brown-Out Detect
        DCD     USB_IRQHandler            ; 40: USB
        DCD     CAN_IRQHandler            ; 41: CAN
        DCD     DMA_IRQHandler            ; 42: General Purpose DMA
        DCD     I2S_IRQHandler            ; 43: I2S
        DCD     ENET_IRQHandler           ; 44: Ethernet
        DCD     RIT_IRQHandler            ; 45: Repetitive Interrupt Timer
        DCD     MCPWM_IRQHandler          ; 46: Motor Control PWM
        DCD     QEI_IRQHandler            ; 47: Quadrature Encoder Interface
        DCD     PLL1_IRQHandler           ; 48: PLL1 Lock (USB PLL)

        DCD     USBActivity_IRQHandler    ; 49: USB Activity interrupt to wakeup
        DCD     CANActivity_IRQHandler    ; 50: CAN Activity interrupt to wakeup
        DCD     UART4_IRQHandler          ; 51: UART4
        DCD     SSP2_IRQHandler           ; 52: SSP2
        DCD     LCD_IRQHandler            ; 53: LCD
        DCD     GPIO_IRQHandler           ; 54: GPIO
        DCD     PWM0_IRQHandler           ; 55: PWM0
        DCD     EEPROM_IRQHandler         ; 56: EEPROM

;                          DEFAULT HANDLERS
App_NMI_ISR         B       App_NMI_ISR
App_Fault_ISR       B       App_Fault_ISR
App_MemFault_ISR    B       App_MemFault_ISR
App_BusFault_ISR    B       App_BusFault_ISR
App_UsageFault_ISR  B       App_UsageFault_ISR
App_Spurious_ISR    B       App_Spurious_ISR

