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sliverlight + wcf +datagrid

2013年02月28日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 2366字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭

I just study the sliverlight .

I create three project.

the one sliverlight web project

and the other is sliverlight project ,

the last is wcf project.


I think the case is easy,but I  am wrong.

so I write the blog to note myself.

1) because the wcf project and sliverlight project is different domain,so  when the sliverlight web project call wcf service that throw the error:" cross-domain error" . I  search the message about this error with google, I found  that because the two project are diffenert domain, you must add xml file "crossdomain.xml" , the file contend is





2) sliverlight datagrid bind

