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2013年06月28日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 1760字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭

sql server可以用select top N fields1.. from table 的形式来读取前N条记录。Oracle中用ROWNUM来进行排序取值,


eg: SELECT Field1,field2,HeJi from (SELECT Field1,field2,Sum(field3) as HeJi From Table where ...group by field1,field2 order by HeJi desc) where ROWNUM<100


eg: SELECT Field1,field2,HeJi from (SELECT Field1,field2,Sum(field3) as HeJi From Table where ...group by field1,field2 order by HeJi asc) where ROWNUM<100


eg: SELECT Field1,field2,HeJi   from
    (SELECT ROWNUM R,Field1,field2,HeJi from
    (SELECT Field1,field2,Sum(field3) as HeJi From Table where ...group by field1,field2 order by HeJi desc)
     where ROWNUM<201)
     where ROWNUM>100


//以下这句是查询 17库的2006年1月份销售排行 中的后100种产品(按数量降序)
select goodsid,goodsname,purchaseprice,sellprice1,sellprice,gunit,spec,aa from
(select  b.goodsid,b.goodsname,b.purchaseprice,b.sellprice1,b.sellprice,b.gunit,b.spec,sum(a.tsxqty) as aa from sa_sale_ct a,hq_goods b  where (a.tsxpluno=b.barcode or a.tsxpluno=b.barcode1 or  .tsxpluno=b.barcode2) and depotid='17' and  a.tsxtrnno like '2006/01%'
group by b.goodsid,b.goodsname,b.purchaseprice,b.sellprice1,b.sellprice,b.gunit,b.spec
order by aa ASC,goodsid ASC) where ROWNUM<100

//以下这句是查询 17库的2006年1月份销售排行 中的中间100名产品(第100到第200名的产品)(按数量升序)
SELECT goodsid,goodsname,purchaseprice,sellprice1,sellprice,gunit,spec,aa from
(select ROWNUM r,goodsid,goodsname,purchaseprice,sellprice1,sellprice,gunit,spec,aa from
(select b.goodsid,b.goodsname,b.purchaseprice,b.sellprice1,b.sellprice,b.gunit,b.spec,sum(a.tsxqty) as aa from sa_sale_ct  a,hq_goods b
where (a.tsxpluno=b.barcode or a.tsxpluno=b.barcode1 or a.tsxpluno=b.barcode2) and depotid='17' and
a.tsxtrnno like '2006/01%'
group by b.goodsid,b.goodsname,b.purchaseprice,b.sellprice1,b.sellprice,b.gunit,b.spec
order by aa DESC)
where ROWNUM<201)
where r>100

本文来自: 中国自学编程网(www.zxbc.cn)
