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Innodb buffer pool struct

2013年07月10日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 17030字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭

struct buf_pool_struct{

        /* 1. General fields */

        mutex_t         mutex;          /* mutex protecting the buffer pool

                                        struct and control blocks, except the

                                        read-write lock in them */

        byte*           frame_mem;      /* pointer to the memory area which

                                        was allocated for the frames; in AWE

                                        this is the virtual address space

                                        window where we map pages stored

                                        in physical memory */

        byte*           frame_zero;     /* pointer to the first buffer frame:

                                        this may differ from frame_mem, because

                                        this is aligned by the frame size */

        byte*           high_end;       /* pointer to the end of the buffer

                                        frames */

        ulint           n_frames;       /* number of frames */

        buf_block_t*    blocks;         /* array of buffer control blocks */

        buf_block_t**   blocks_of_frames;/* inverse mapping which can be used

                                        to retrieve the buffer control block

                                        of a frame; this is an array which

                                        lists the blocks of frames in the

                                        order frame_zero,

                                        frame_zero + UNIV_PAGE_SIZE, ...

                                        a control block is always assigned

                                        for each frame, even if the frame does

                                        not contain any data; note that in AWE

                                        there are more control blocks than

                                        buffer frames */

        os_awe_t*       awe_info;       /* if AWE is used, AWE info for the

                                        physical 4 kB memory pages associated

                                        with buffer frames */

        ulint           max_size;       /* number of control blocks ==

                                        maximum pool size in pages */

        ulint           curr_size;      /* current pool size in pages;

                                        currently always the same as

                                        max_size */

        hash_table_t*   page_hash;      /* hash table of the file pages */

        ulint           n_pend_reads;   /* number of pending read operations */

        time_t          last_printout_time; /* when buf_print was last time

                                        called */

        ulint           n_pages_read;   /* number read operations */

        ulint           n_pages_written;/* number write operations */

        ulint           n_pages_created;/* number of pages created in the pool

                                        with no read */

        ulint           n_page_gets;    /* number of page gets performed;

                                        also successful searches through

                                        the adaptive hash index are

                                        counted as page gets; this field

                                        is NOT protected by the buffer

                                        pool mutex */

        ulint           n_pages_awe_remapped; /* if AWE is enabled, the

                                        number of remaps of blocks to

                                        buffer frames */

        ulint           n_page_gets_old;/* n_page_gets when buf_print was

                                        last time called: used to calculate

                                        hit rate */

        ulint           n_pages_read_old;/* n_pages_read when buf_print was

                                        last time called */

        ulint           n_pages_written_old;/* number write operations */

        ulint           n_pages_created_old;/* number of pages created in

                                        the pool with no read */

        ulint           n_pages_awe_remapped_old;

        /* 2. Page flushing algorithm fields */

        UT_LIST_BASE_NODE_T(buf_block_t) flush_list;

                                        /* base node of the modified block

                                        list */

        ibool           init_flush[BUF_FLUSH_LIST + 1];

                                        /* this is TRUE when a flush of the

                                        given type is being initialized */

        ulint           n_flush[BUF_FLUSH_LIST + 1];

                                        /* this is the number of pending

                                        writes in the given flush type */

        os_event_t      no_flush[BUF_FLUSH_LIST + 1];

                                        /* this is in the set state when there

                                        is no flush batch of the given type

                                        running */

        ulint           ulint_clock;    /* a sequence number used to count

                                        time. NOTE! This counter wraps

                                        around at 4 billion (if ulint ==

                                        32 bits)! */

        ulint           freed_page_clock;/* a sequence number used to count the

                                        number of buffer blocks removed from

                                        the end of the LRU list; NOTE that

                                        this counter may wrap around at 4

                                        billion! A thread is allowed to

                                        read this for heuristic purposes

                                        without holding any mutex or latch */

        ulint           LRU_flush_ended;/* when an LRU flush ends for a page,

                                        this is incremented by one; this is

                                        set to zero when a buffer block is

                                        allocated */

        /* 3. LRU replacement algorithm fields */

        UT_LIST_BASE_NODE_T(buf_block_t) free;

                                        /* base node of the free block list;

                                        in the case of AWE, at the start are

                                        always free blocks for which the

                                        physical memory is mapped to a frame */

        UT_LIST_BASE_NODE_T(buf_block_t) LRU;

                                        /* base node of the LRU list */

        buf_block_t*    LRU_old;        /* pointer to the about 3/8 oldest

                                        blocks in the LRU list; NULL if LRU

                                        length less than BUF_LRU_OLD_MIN_LEN */

        ulint           LRU_old_len;    /* length of the LRU list from

                                        the block to which LRU_old points

                                        onward, including that block;

                                        see buf0lru.c for the restrictions

                                        on this value; not defined if

                                        LRU_old == NULL */

        UT_LIST_BASE_NODE_T(buf_block_t) awe_LRU_free_mapped;

                                        /* list of those blocks which are

                                        in the LRU list or the free list, and

                                        where the page is mapped to a frame;

                                        thus, frames allocated, e.g., to the

                                        locki table, are not in this list */






struct buf_block_struct{

        /* 1. General fields */

        ulint           magic_n;        /* magic number to check */

        ulint           state;          /* state of the control block:

                                        BUF_BLOCK_NOT_USED, ...; changing

                                        this is only allowed when a thread

                                        has BOTH the buffer pool mutex AND

                                        block->mutex locked */

        byte*           frame;          /* pointer to buffer frame which

                                        is of size UNIV_PAGE_SIZE, and

                                        aligned to an address divisible by

                                        UNIV_PAGE_SIZE; if AWE is used, this

                                        will be NULL for the pages which are

                                        currently not mapped into the virtual

                                        address space window of the buffer

                                        pool */

        os_awe_t*       awe_info;       /* if AWE is used, then an array of

                                        awe page infos for

                                        UNIV_PAGE_SIZE / OS_AWE_X86_PAGE_SIZE

                                        (normally = 4) physical memory

                                        pages; otherwise NULL */

        ulint           space;          /* space id of the page */

        ulint           offset;         /* page number within the space */

        ulint           lock_hash_val;  /* hashed value of the page address

                                        in the record lock hash table */

        mutex_t         mutex;          /* mutex protecting this block:

                                        state (also protected by the buffer

                                        pool mutex), io_fix, buf_fix_count,

                                        and accessed; we introduce this new

                                        mutex in InnoDB-5.1 to relieve

                                        contention on the buffer pool mutex */

        rw_lock_t       lock;           /* read-write lock of the buffer

                                        frame */

        buf_block_t*    hash;           /* node used in chaining to the page

                                        hash table */

        ibool           check_index_page_at_flush;

                                        /* TRUE if we know that this is

                                        an index page, and want the database

                                        to check its consistency before flush;

                                        note that there may be pages in the

                                        buffer pool which are index pages,

                                        but this flag is not set because

                                        we do not keep track of all pages */

        /* 2. Page flushing fields */

        /* 2. Page flushing fields */

        UT_LIST_NODE_T(buf_block_t) flush_list;

                                        /* node of the modified, not yet

                                        flushed blocks list */

        dulint          newest_modification;

                                        /* log sequence number of the youngest

                                        modification to this block, zero if

                                        not modified */

        dulint          oldest_modification;

                                        /* log sequence number of the START of

                                        the log entry written of the oldest

                                        modification to this block which has

                                        not yet been flushed on disk; zero if

                                        all modifications are on disk */

        ulint           flush_type;     /* if this block is currently being

                                        flushed to disk, this tells the

                                        flush_type: BUF_FLUSH_LRU or

                                        BUF_FLUSH_LIST */

        /* 3. LRU replacement algorithm fields */

        UT_LIST_NODE_T(buf_block_t) free;

                                        /* node of the free block list */

        ibool           in_free_list;   /* TRUE if in the free list; used in

                                        debugging */

        UT_LIST_NODE_T(buf_block_t) LRU;

                                        /* node of the LRU list */

        UT_LIST_NODE_T(buf_block_t) awe_LRU_free_mapped;

                                        /* in the AWE version node in the

                                        list of free and LRU blocks which are

                                        mapped to a frame */

        ibool           in_LRU_list;    /* TRUE of the page is in the LRU list;

                                        used in debugging */

        ulint           LRU_position;   /* value which monotonically

                                        decreases (or may stay constant if

                                        the block is in the old blocks) toward

                                        the end of the LRU list, if the pool

                                        ulint_clock has not wrapped around:

                                        NOTE that this value can only be used

                                        in heuristic algorithms, because of

                                        the possibility of a wrap-around! */

        ulint           freed_page_clock;/* the value of freed_page_clock

                                        of the buffer pool when this block was

                                        the last time put to the head of the

                                        LRU list; a thread is allowed to

                                        read this for heuristic purposes

                                        without holding any mutex or latch */

        ibool           old;            /* TRUE if the block is in the old

                                        blocks in the LRU list */

        ibool           accessed;       /* TRUE if the page has been accessed

                                        while in the buffer pool: read-ahead

                                        may read in pages which have not been

                                        accessed yet; this is protected by

                                        block->mutex; a thread is allowed to

                                        read this for heuristic purposes

                                        without holding any mutex or latch */

        ulint           buf_fix_count;  /* count of how manyfold this block

                                        is currently bufferfixed; this is

                                        protected by block->mutex */

        ulint           io_fix;         /* if a read is pending to the frame,

                                        io_fix is BUF_IO_READ, in the case

                                        of a write BUF_IO_WRITE, otherwise 0;

                                        this is protected by block->mutex */

        /* 4. Optimistic search field */

        dulint          modify_clock;   /* this clock is incremented every

                                        time a pointer to a record on the

                                        page may become obsolete; this is

                                        used in the optimistic cursor

                                        positioning: if the modify clock has

                                        not changed, we know that the pointer

                                        is still valid; this field may be

                                        changed if the thread (1) owns the

                                        pool mutex and the page is not

                                        bufferfixed, or (2) the thread has an

                                        x-latch on the block */

        /* 5. Hash search fields: NOTE that the first 4 fields are NOT

        protected by any semaphore! */

        ulint           n_hash_helps;   /* counter which controls building

                                        of a new hash index for the page */

        ulint           n_fields;       /* recommended prefix length for hash

                                        search: number of full fields */

        ulint           n_bytes;        /* recommended prefix: number of bytes

                                        in an incomplete field */

        ibool           left_side;      /* TRUE or FALSE, depending on

                                        whether the leftmost record of several

                                        records with the same prefix should be

                                        indexed in the hash index */

        /* These 6 fields may only be modified when we have

        an x-latch on btr_search_latch AND

        a) we are holding an s-latch or x-latch on block->lock or

        b) we know that block->buf_fix_count == 0.

        An exception to this is when we init or create a page

        in the buffer pool in buf0buf.c. */

        ibool           is_hashed;      /* TRUE if hash index has already been

                                        built on this page; note that it does

                                        not guarantee that the index is

                                        complete, though: there may have been

                                        hash collisions, record deletions,

                                        etc. */

        ulint           n_pointers;     /* used in debugging: the number of

                                        pointers in the adaptive hash index

                                        pointing to this frame */

        ulint           curr_n_fields;  /* prefix length for hash indexing:

                                        number of full fields */

        ulint           curr_n_bytes;   /* number of bytes in hash indexing */

        ibool           curr_left_side; /* TRUE or FALSE in hash indexing */

        dict_index_t*   index;          /* Index for which the adaptive

                                        hash index has been created. */

        /* 6. Debug fields */


        rw_lock_t       debug_latch;    /* in the debug version, each thread

                                        which bufferfixes the block acquires

                                        an s-latch here; so we can use the

                                        debug utilities in sync0rw */


        ibool           file_page_was_freed;

                                        /* this is set to TRUE when fsp

                                        frees a page in buffer pool */





Some useful URL to help understand how innodb buffer pool initialize and works:





Yangwanfu's CSDN blog:




