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2013年06月13日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 2073字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭

打包app发布 步骤:要使用有发布权限的apple 账号

1.生成 Certificates 的distribution版本,下载并安装到mac

2.生成Provisioning Profile 的distribution版本,下载并安装

3. 更改程序的Code Singing Identify 的Release


5.在Organizer --Archive中验证和发布版本

上传成功后,app的状态会变成Waiting For Review,接下来就是等待了

编译发布版本的 证书和开发证书的创建和使用都类似,

工具: 使用Xcode 4.5 SDK6.0


Xcode -- Preferences--Locations--Archive 的路径下找到,看到的是这样命名的文件:HelloWorld 12-11-22 上午9.34.xcarchive

右键show Package Contents 可以看到 两个文件夹(dSYMs  Products)和一个info.plist文件

在Products -- Applications里面可以找到 HelloWorld.app




1. info.plist里面的版本号 最多只能是三位即 1.0.0,即填写1.0.0.0验证不通过

2. 必须适配iphone5,最起码要有Default-568h@2x.png,至于程序内有黑边,在不影响使用的情况下,可是暂时不做适配

3. iTunes Connect中的待上传的APP的状态 要为:Waiting For Upload,不然提交的时候找不到对应的app


1.程序内支付 被拒,语言的Simplified Chinese旁边有个Rejected, Status:Developer action needed


改成:描述从哪里点击什么按钮,可以显示商品界面,哪个为本商品,购买本商品可以得到什么,保存后,又变成 Status:Waiting for Review




5.gambling license的问题

We began the review of your app but require additional information before we can continue. Please reply to this message to provide a copy of your gambling license for verifying your compliance with the

App Store Review Guidelines

You can attach a copy of your license by replying to this message in the Resolution Center.

We found that your app enables an activity that is not legal in all the locations in which the app is available, which is not in compliance with the

App Store Review Guidelines

It would be appropriate to modify your app to restrict it to only those territories for which you hold a gambling license. For information on location awareness options, please see the

Location Awareness Programming Guide, available in the iOS Dev Center.

If you are interested in implementing geo-blocking to address, please see Monitoring Shape-Based Regions


6.Metadata Rejected 
While your iTunes Connect Application State is displayed as Metadata Rejected, it is not necessary to upload a new binary. Once you reply to this message, we can proceed with your review.

回复说明后,需要点击submit new metadata后,状态就变成了InReview,不要被此处的说明误导,不点击submit new metadata傻傻的等待
