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HDU 3709 Balanced Number

2013年12月23日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 3384字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭
Balanced Number
Time Limit: 10000/5000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 65535/65535 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 162 Accepted Submission(s): 59

Problem Description
A balanced number is a non-negative integer that can be balanced if a pivot is placed at some digit. More specifically, imagine each digit as a box with weight indicated by the digit. When a pivot is placed at some digit of the number, the distance from a digit
to the pivot is the offset between it and the pivot. Then the torques of left part and right part can be calculated. It is balanced if they are the same. A balanced number must be balanced with the pivot at some of its digits. For example, 4139 is a balanced
number with pivot fixed at 3. The torqueses are 4*2 + 1*1 = 9 and 9*1 = 9, for left part and right part, respectively. It's your job
to calculate the number of balanced numbers in a given range [x, y].

The input contains multiple test cases. The first line is the total number of cases T (0 < T ≤ 30). For each case, there are two integers separated by a space in a line, x and y. (0 ≤ x ≤ y ≤ 1018).

For each case, print the number of balanced numbers in the range [x, y] in a line.

Sample Input
0 9
7604 24324

Sample Output


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

int num[20], ln;
__int64 f[20][20][406];
__int64 g[20][91][406];
int maxs[20][20];

__int64 dfs(int i, int pt, int pres, int sum, bool flag){
	int high, p;
	__int64 ret;
	if (i <= 0) return sum == 0 && pt;
	if (sum < 0 || sum > 405) return 0;
	if (!pt && sum > maxs[i][0]) return 0;
	if (pt && sum > maxs[i][pt - i]) return 0;
	if (pt && !flag && ~f[i][pt][sum]) return f[i][pt][sum];
	if (!pt && !flag && ~g[i][pres][sum]) return g[i][pres][sum];
	high = flag ? num[i] : 9;
	ret = 0;
	for (p = 0; p <= high; p++){
		if (!pt){
			ret += dfs(i - 1, pt, pres + p, sum + pres + p, flag && (p == high));
			if (sum || p) ret += dfs(i - 1, i, 0, sum, flag && (p == high));
			ret += dfs(i - 1, pt, 0, sum - p * (pt - i), flag && (p == high));
	if (!flag && pt) f[i][pt][sum] = ret;
	if (!flag && !pt) g[i][pres][sum] = ret;
	return ret;

__int64 calc(char *a){
	int i, j, la;
	la = strlen(a);
	for (i = 0; i < la && a[i] == '0'; i++);
	for (j = la - 1; j >= i; j--)
//		num[j - i + 1] = a[j] - '0';
		num[la - j] = a[j] - '0';
	ln = la - i;
	return dfs(ln, 0, 0, 0, true) + 1;

bool Dec(char *a){
	int t, la;
	la = strlen(a);
	t = la - 1;
	while(t >= 0 && a[t] == '0'){
		a[t] = '9';
	if (t >= 0) a[t]--;
	else return false;
	return true;

int main(){
	char a[20], b[20];
	int k, T;
	__int64 ans;
	memset(f, -1, sizeof(f));
	memset(g, -1, sizeof(g));
	memset(maxs, 0, sizeof(maxs));
	for (k = 1; k <= 20; k++){
		maxs[k][0] = maxs[k - 1][1];
		maxs[k][1] = maxs[k - 1][1] + 9 * k;
		for (T = 2; T <= 20 - k; T++){
			maxs[k][T] = maxs[k][T - 1] + 9 * k;
	scanf("%d", &T);
	for (k = 1; k <= T; k++){
		scanf("%s %s", a, b);
		if (!Dec(a)) ans = calc(b);
		else ans = calc(b) - calc(a);
		printf("%I64d\n", ans);
	return 0;
dfs(i, pt, pres, sum)
对于轴之前的i,pres = 前i位各位数和,sum = 各位数*距离的和
对于轴之后的i,pres 没用了直接设为0,sum 是还剩多少
注意,累加时,每向后移动一位,sum != sum * 2 + num[i], sum = sum + pres + num[i]

pt = 0, 表示轴还未确定,或者说轴在后i位中

本想直接记录f[i][pt][pres][sum], 结果果真MLE了...
记录f[i][pt][sum]呢? 会发现当pt = 0时,pres不同,会导致后面的结果不同,因为后的sum是依靠pres的
最后,把pt = 0 和 pt != 0 的情况分开记录,因为pt = 0的时候需要记录pres,而pt != 0的不需要




考虑平衡度量bla = sum - 0, 注意到每向右移动一次轴,
相当于bla = (sum - x) - (0 + pres - x) = bla - pres
及,只要轴在最左边时,sum % pres == 0,即可判定数字balance 
