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就是能像其它的IDE一样,打入对象名xxx. 后面就会有方法和属性提示的。真是妙不可言

::URL::http://www.snapfiles.com/get/platyjava.html   下载1
::URL::http://www.downloadthat.com/software/view.php?prodid=1029   下载2
::URL::http://www.c-point.com/javascript_editor.php   使用   



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Antechinus JavaScript Editor

script editor

Our Rating: 4 stars(Very Good)

Antechinus JavaScript Editor (formerly:Platypus JavaScript Editor) is a first-class programming tool for Web developers who wish to give edge to their HTML pages. Eliminate hunting for code with advanced bookmarking, brace matching and function navigation. Enjoy both JavaScript and HTML syntax colouring and the unique support for algorithmic programming through our Task/Pseudocode/Function mode. Antechinus is friendly, comes with extensible set of JavaScript HTML templates, and links easily with your other Web-development tools. Experiment! The unlimited undo/redo can always get you back. Platypus supports drag-and-drop editing, Microsoft wheel mouse, and split JavaScript HTML views. Use JavaScript common objects pick-lists, automatic indentation and other goodies.

Download Antechinus JavaScript Editor

Free Trial, $49.95 to buy
