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2013年12月18日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 1064字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭


#include "stdafx.h"

#define StackSize 100

typedef char DataType;
typedef struct stack{
 DataType data[StackSize];
 int top;

void InitStack(SqStack *S)
 S->top = -1;
int StackEmpty(SqStack *S)
 return S->top == -1;
int StackFull(SqStack *S)
 return S->top == StackSize-1;
void push(SqStack *S,DataType d)
 if (StackFull(S))
  printf("Stack is full!");
 S->data[++S->top] = d;
DataType pop(SqStack *S)
 if (StackEmpty(S))
  printf("Stack is empty!/n");
void disp(SqStack *S)
 if (StackEmpty(S))
  printf("Stack is empty!/n");
 int count = S->top;
 printf("The elements of stack are:/n");
 while(S->top != -1)
 S->top = count;
int main()
 SqStack *S;
 S = (SqStack *)malloc(sizeof(SqStack));
 printf("Initialize the stack./n");
 printf("pop a element/n");
 DataType aa = pop(S);
 DataType bb = pop(S);
 DataType cc = pop(S);
 DataType dd = pop(S);
 DataType ee = pop(S);

