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Microsoft.TeamFoundation.workitemTracking.Client.WorkItemTypeDeniedOrNotExistException 解决方法

2014年01月10日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 1084字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭
356083. Could not load type 'Microsoft.TeamFoundation.workitemTracking.Client.WorkItemTypeDeniedOrNotExistException'
When I tried to create a team build using VSTS 2008 SP1, and ran it, an error message was displayed when creating the bug work item, so i tried creating a work item normally from VSTS an an error message said: Could not load type 'Microsoft.TeamFoundation.workitemTracking.Client.WorkItemTypeDeniedOrNotExistException' from assembly 'Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client, Version=, Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a'
关闭 填写的反馈 2008/7/14 填写者 Mohamedcherifmo
填写者 Freek Bos 日期 2008/9/3
Installing sp1 again should solve the problem.

填写者 KierenH 日期 2008/9/10
In my case, I had installed the TFS Power Tools after SP1.
Install Tfs Power Tools before VSTS SP1.

If SP1 is installed, uninstall, then reinstall.

填写者 nerminD 日期 2008/11/3
In my case this was a problem due to me installing Team Explorer after SP1 for VS 2008 was already installed. Re-installing SP1 addressed the issue.

填写者 Coleague 日期 2008/11/16
Happend to me when i installed Team Explorer after installing SP1 for Visual Studio 2008.
Quick way to make it work is to re-install SP1 on already installed Visual Studio and Team Explorer application.
