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My past week

2014年01月01日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 1105字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭

In IBM, there are so many pairs of username and password to remember, as we are involved in a large project, so team working becomes a really important thing, we need to access many kinds of servers in our project, as an IBMer, if we want to use some service, we also need to access some servers such as domino server, and collections of softwares, hehe, let me count how many servers did I access in the lastweek, from the RequisitePro server(we need to share the same collection of use cases), to ClearQuest server, and to ClearCase server, the last two are the most important, and today, I will find something introducing what these two softwares are used to, and in this project, I met some new softwares and new concepts, such as Portal and Portlet, Rich Client and so on, I will know something about them through some articles about them.

What Yepp said is right, you need not to keep on working in your spare time. Your spare time is for you to relax and enrich yourself, not only for the project, but for yourself. As when in a project, you only have a fixed knowledge field, when you met problems, you will know what is necessary for you to master, but the problem is that you don’t have the time to learn them when working, the solution is to get familiar with them in your spare time, hehe , a really good suggestion, I will pay attention to it.
