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下面是得自MSDN中关于Common Controls的说明,具体路径为:ms-help://MS.MSDNQTR.v80.en/MS.MSDN.v80/MS.WIN32COM.v10.en/shellcc/platform/commctls/common/common.htm#Using_Common_Control




Note   Not all controls will send WM_NOTIFY messages. In particular, the standard Windows controls (edit controls, combo boxes, list boxes, buttons, scroll bars, and static controls) do not send WM_NOTIFY messages. Consult the documentation for the control to determine if it will send any WM_NOTIFY messages and, if it does, which notification codes it will send.
关于EDIT Control,msdn有Edit Control Text Operations文章:
在Edit Controls文章:ms-help://MS.MSDNQTR.v80.en/MS.MSDN.v80/MS.WIN32COM.v10.en/shellcc/platform/commctls/editcontrols/editcontrols.htm



The EN_ALIGN_LTR_EC notification message is sent when the user has changed the edit control direction to left-to-right. The parent window of the edit control receives this notification message through a WM_COMMAND message.


The EN_ALIGN_RTL_EC notification message is sent when the user has changed the edit control direction to right-to-left. The parent window of the edit control receives this notification message through a WM_COMMAND message.


The EN_CHANGE notification message is sent when the user has taken an action that may have altered text in an edit control. Unlike the EN_UPDATE notification message, this notification message is sent after the system updates the screen. The parent window of the edit control receives this notification message through a WM_COMMAND message.


The EN_ERRSPACE notification message is sent when an edit control cannot allocate enough memory to meet a specific request. The parent window of the edit control receives this notification message through a WM_COMMAND message.


The EN_HSCROLL notification message is sent when the user clicks an edit control's horizontal scroll bar. The parent window of the edit control receives this notification message through a WM_COMMAND message. The parent window is notified before the screen is updated.


The EN_KILLFOCUS notification message is sent when an edit control loses the keyboard focus. The parent window of the edit control receives this notification message through a WM_COMMAND message.


The EN_MAXTEXT notification message is sent when the current text insertion has exceeded the specified number of characters for the edit control. The text insertion has been truncated.

This message is also sent when an edit control does not have the ES_AUTOHSCROLL style and the number of characters to be inserted would exceed the width of the edit control.

This message is also sent when an edit control does not have the ES_AUTOVSCROLL style and the total number of lines resulting from a text insertion would exceed the height of the edit control.

The parent window of the edit control receives this notification message through a WM_COMMAND message.


The EN_SETFOCUS notification message is sent when an edit control receives the keyboard focus. The parent window of the edit control receives this notification message through a WM_COMMAND message.


The EN_UPDATE notification message is sent when an edit control is about to redraw itself. This notification message is sent after the control has formatted the text, but before it displays the text. This makes it possible to resize the edit control window, if necessary. The parent window of the edit control receives this notification message through a WM_COMMAND message.


The EN_VSCROLL notification message is sent when the user clicks an edit control's vertical scroll bar or when the user scrolls the mouse wheel over the edit control. The parent window of the edit control receives this notification message through a WM_COMMAND message. The parent window is notified before the screen is updated.


An edit control that is not read-only or disabled sends the WM_CTLCOLOREDIT message to its parent window when the control is about to be drawn. By responding to this message, the parent window can use the specified device context handle to set the text and background colors of the edit control.



 // Main message loop:
 while (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0))
  if (!TranslateAccelerator(msg.hwnd, hAccelTable, &msg))



MSDN GetMessage:

The GetMessage function retrieves a message from the calling thread's message queue. The function dispatches incoming sent messages until a posted message is available for retrieval.

Unlike GetMessage, the PeekMessage function does not wait for a message to be posted before returning.






[out] Pointer to an MSG structure that receives message information from the thread's message queue.
[in] Handle to the window whose messages are to be retrieved. The window must belong to the calling thread. The NULL value has a special meaning:
GetMessage retrieves messages for any window that belongs to the calling thread and thread messages posted to the calling thread using the PostThreadMessage function.
[in] Specifies the integer value of the lowest message value to be retrieved. Use WM_KEYFIRST to specify the first keyboard message or WM_MOUSEFIRST to specify the first mouse message.

Windows XP: Use WM_INPUT here and in wMsgFilterMax to specify only the WM_INPUT messages.

If wMsgFilterMin and wMsgFilterMax are both zero, GetMessage returns all available messages (that is, no range filtering is performed).

[in] Specifies the integer value of the highest message value to be retrieved. Use WM_KEYLAST to specify the last keyboard message or WM_MOUSELAST to specify the last mouse message.

Windows XP: Use WM_INPUT here and in wMsgFilterMin to specify only the WM_INPUT messages.

If wMsgFilterMin and wMsgFilterMax are both zero, GetMessage returns all available messages (that is, no range filtering is performed).



 // Main message loop:
 while (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0))

  if (!TranslateAccelerator(msg.hwnd, hAccelTable, &msg))
   if( msg.hwnd == hEdit )
    switch( msg.message )
    case WM_KEYDOWN:
     OutputDebugString(_T("Yes.") );
    case WM_MOUSEMOVE:
     OutputDebugString(_T("Yes2.") );

相对于我们自己去Dispatch Message了。这下满意了,就凭这一招,通杀所有窗口消息处理了。

