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Date&Time in java codes&XML

2014年02月06日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 572字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭

 Date&Time in java codes&XML

 Problem Description
The path of the Time is,
Java.util.Date --> XML: datetime --> Java.util.Calendar.getTime()
If we have not done any additional change for the Time functions, the result in the end will be many hours away from the actual time.
One possible Solution
java.util.Date nowdate=new java.util.Date();    

ps:  getTimezoneOffset():  unit is minute
         setTime() and getTime(): unit is millisecond

Calendar CaseStartDate = srs.getCaseDateInfo().getCaseStartDate();
=CaseStarDate.getTime();// Get day and time
