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算法练习 – Camelot USACO 题解

2014年02月26日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 8987字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭


自转文章,原文 见我想 http://woxiangblog.appspot.com/log-8.html 


代码已经提交到Google Code,可以点击这里浏览最新代码 



  1. 求出以骑士的速度(走法)从棋盘上所有点到所有点需要的步数。
  2. 求出国王从他所在的一点到所有点需要的步数。
  3. 遍历整个棋盘,尝试以各个点作为集合点。求这时需要的最小步数。
  4. 确定集合点的时候,求最小步数的方法是:遍历整个棋盘,尝试以各个点作为国王搭便车的点,然后尝试让每个骑士去这个点搭上国王,求出每个骑士去每个点搭国王的时候国王走的步数+骑士比直接去集合点多走的步数 的和。这样去寻找到最小的和。这个最小的和+所有骑士到集合点的步数之和就是这种情况下的最小步数。
  5. 第四步时间复杂度很高,会超时,要剪枝。我是先计算出所有骑士到集合点需要的步数,如果这个步数已经大于或等于当前的最小步数了,就直接跳过。

求所有点到所有点的步数的时候不要用Floyd,那个时间复杂度是3次幂,最坏的情况下 780×780×780=474552000,太大了,我没有验证,但应该会超时。

这个每次移动都算一步,也就是在棋盘这个连通图上,所有边的weight都是1,用Flood-Fill就好了,一次Flood-Fill的时间复杂度是 节点数目 × 每节点边的数目,而我们要对所有的节点都来一次,所以最坏的情况就是 780×780×8=4867200,这个很好。

求最小步数的时候不剪枝的话复杂度是 棋盘大小×棋盘大小×骑士数目,骑士可能和棋盘格子一样多,所以也是个三次幂,会超时。剪枝后就好了。



IOI 98

Centuries ago, King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table used to meet every year on New Year's Day to celebrate their fellowship. In remembrance of these events, we consider a board game for one player, on which one chesspiece king and several knight pieces are placed on squares, no two knights on the same square.

This example board is the standard 8x8 array of squares:

The King can move to any adjacent square from  to  as long as it does not fall off the board:

A Knight can jump from  to , as long as it does not fall off the board:

During the play, the player can place more than one piece in the same square. The board squares are assumed big enough so that a piece is never an obstacle for any other piece to move freely.

The player's goal is to move the pieces so as to gather them all in the same square - in the minimal number of moves. To achieve this, he must move the pieces as prescribed above. Additionally, whenever the king and one or more knights are placed in the same square, the player may choose to move the king and one of the knights together from that point on, as a single knight, up to the final gathering point. Moving the knight together with the king counts as a single move.

Write a program to compute the minimum number of moves the player must perform to produce the gathering. The pieces can gather on any square, of course.



Line 1: Two space-separated integers: R,C, the number of rows and columns on the board. There will be no more than 26 columns and no more than 30 rows.
Line 2..end: The input file contains a sequence of space-separated letter/digit pairs, 1 or more per line. The first pair represents the board position of the king; subsequent pairs represent positions of knights. There might be 0 knights or the knights might fill the board. Rows are numbered starting at 1; columns are specified as upper case characters starting with `A'.

SAMPLE INPUT (file camelot.in)

8 8
D 4
A 3 A 8
H 1 H 8

The king is positioned at D4. There are four knights, positioned at A3, A8, H1, and H8.


A single line with the number of moves to aggregate the pieces.

SAMPLE OUTPUT (file camelot.out)



They gather at B5. 
Knight 1: A3 - B5 (1 move) 
Knight 2: A8 - C7 - B5 (2 moves) 
Knight 3: H1 - G3 - F5 - D4 (picking up king) - B5 (4 moves) 
Knight 4: H8 - F7 - D6 - B5 (3 moves) 
1 + 2 + 4 + 3 = 10 moves. 





ID: thinkin6

PROG: camelot



#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <iostream>

#include <fstream>

#include <string>

#include <map>

#include <vector>

#include <list>

#include <math.h>

#include <set>

#include <sstream>

#include <algorithm>

#include <memory.h>

#include <complex>

#include <queue>

#include <stack>





#ifdef _WIN32

#include <time.h>



using namespace std;


#ifdef _WIN32

typedef __int64 n64;

typedef unsigned __int64 u64;


typedef long long n64;

typedef unsigned long long u64;


typedef unsigned long u32;


#ifdef _WIN32

#define THINKINGL 1



const int MOVE_DIRECTION_NUM = 8;


/** 用复数表示向量的棋子走法。 */

typedef std::complex<int> TIntComplex;

typedef std::vector< TIntComplex > TPosVector;


const TIntComplex END_DIRECTION = TIntComplex( 0, 0 );

const int INFINITE = 0xFFFFFF;


/** 骑士可能走的步骤。 最终以0,0作为结束的标志。 */

static TIntComplex s_arKnightDirection[] = 


TIntComplex( 1, 2 ),

TIntComplex( 1, -2),

TIntComplex( -1, 2 ),

TIntComplex( -1, -2 ),

TIntComplex( 2, 1 ),

TIntComplex( 2, -1 ),

TIntComplex( -2, 1 ),

TIntComplex( -2, -1 ),




/** 国王可能的走法,最终以0,0作为结束的标志。 */

static TIntComplex s_arKingDirection[] = 


TIntComplex( 1, 1 ),

TIntComplex( 1, -1),

TIntComplex( 0, 1 ),

TIntComplex( 0, -1 ),

TIntComplex( 1, 0 ),

TIntComplex( -1, 1 ),

TIntComplex( -1, 0 ),

TIntComplex( -1, -1 ),




/** 用Flood Fill求一个点到其它所有点的距离。 

* TIntComplex nPos 起始点。

* TIntComplex* directionStep 棋子一步的走法。END_DIRECTION 结束。

* int nRowNum, int nColNum 棋盘的高度和宽度。

* u32 *parDistance 存放距离/棋子需要最少步数的数组。


void FloodFillStep( TIntComplex nPos, TIntComplex* directionStep, int nRowNum, int nColNum, u32 *parDistance )


// 开始计算点 序号nFirstIndex,坐标( nFirstCol, nFirstRow ) 到棋盘所有点上的距离。

// 算法是逐步向外扩散的Flood fill算法。时间复杂度似乎是 点×边,也就是棋盘大小(<=780) × 可能步数(=8)


int nFirstIndex = nPos.real() + nPos.imag() * nColNum;

// 当前距离。

int nCurStep = 0;

TPosVector tCurStepPos;

tCurStepPos.push_back( nPos );

parDistance[ nFirstIndex ] = nCurStep;


while( !tCurStepPos.empty() ) // 当前步数下有新的节点可以到达。


// 下一轮以此轮为基础,步数+1.



TPosVector tNextStepPos;

for( int i=0; i<tCurStepPos.size(); ++i )


TIntComplex tNewPos = tCurStepPos[i];


// 找从这个点可以到达的没去过的其它点。

int nDirectionIndex = 0;

while( directionStep[ nDirectionIndex ] != END_DIRECTION )


TIntComplex tNextPos = tNewPos + directionStep[ nDirectionIndex ];

if( tNextPos.real() >= 0 && tNextPos.imag() >= 0 

&& tNextPos.real() < nColNum && tNextPos.imag() < nRowNum ) 


// 没有越界。检查是否访问过。

int nNextPosIndex = tNextPos.real() + tNextPos.imag() * nColNum;

if( INFINITE == parDistance[ nNextPosIndex ] )


// 更新距离步数

parDistance[ nNextPosIndex ] = nCurStep; 


tNextStepPos.push_back( tNextPos );









// 更新下轮可到达的点。

tCurStepPos = tNextStepPos;




int main()


string strProblemName = "camelot";

string strInFile = strProblemName + ".in";

string strOutFile = strProblemName + ".out";

ofstream fout ( strOutFile.c_str() );

ifstream fin ( strInFile.c_str() );


if( !fin )


cout << "open input file fail!" << endl;

return 0;



int nRow, nCol;

fin >> nRow >> nCol;


TIntComplex tKingPos;

char tmpx;

int tmpy;

fin >> tmpx >> tmpy;

tmpx -= 'A';

tmpy -= 1;

tKingPos = TIntComplex( tmpx, tmpy );


TPosVector tKnightPosList;


while( fin >> tmpx >> tmpy )


tmpx -= 'A';

tmpy -= 1;

tKnightPosList.push_back( TIntComplex( tmpx, tmpy ) );




// 求以骑士的走法,棋盘上两点间的距离/需要的最小步数。


// 初始化棋盘上两点间对于骑士的距离。

int nMatrixSize = nRow * nCol;

//unsigned int *arKnightDistance = new unsigned int[ nMatrixSize * nMatrixSize ];

// 因为指向数组的指针不好调试,所以改为vector。

// stl标准中规定,vector中元素是连续的,所以不改变vector大小的情况下可以直接用指针访问其中的数据。

typedef std::vector< u32 > TUIntVector;

TUIntVector arKnightDistance( nMatrixSize * nMatrixSize, INFINITE );



int nFirstIndex = 0;

// 存放当前点到其他点距离的数组。

u32 *parCurDistance = &arKnightDistance[0];


for( int nFirstRow=0; nFirstRow<nRow; ++ nFirstRow )


for( int nFirstCol=0; nFirstCol<nCol; ++nFirstCol )


FloodFillStep( TIntComplex( nFirstCol, nFirstRow ), s_arKnightDirection, nRow, nCol, parCurDistance );

// 距离存放位置偏移。

parCurDistance += nMatrixSize;

// 序号更新到下一个。





// 求国王自己走的时候,到所有点需要的步骤/距离。

TUIntVector arKingDistance(  nMatrixSize, INFINITE );

FloodFillStep( tKingPos, s_arKingDirection, nRow, nCol, &arKingDistance[0] );


// 尝试所有的点作为集合地。

u32 nMinAllStep = INFINITE; // 最终的最少步数。


u32 nMinKnightStep = INFINITE;

for( int nCamelot = 0; nCamelot<nMatrixSize; ++nCamelot )


// 骑士们走的步数。

u32 nAllKnightStep = 0;

for( int nKnight=0; nKnight<tKnightPosList.size(); ++nKnight )


int nKnightPosIndex = tKnightPosList[ nKnight ].real() + tKnightPosList[ nKnight ].imag() * nCol;

nAllKnightStep += arKnightDistance[ nKnightPosIndex * nMatrixSize + nCamelot ];


if( nAllKnightStep >= nMinAllStep )


// 不用试了,加上国王的就更多了。




nMinKnightStep = min( nMinKnightStep, nAllKnightStep );


// 尝试所有的点作为国王搭便车的点。

// 让国王先走到此点,然后搭乘骑士的便车,求 国王的步数+骑士多走的步数 最小的。

int nKnightWithKing = -1;

// 国王可以不依靠骑士,靠自己,所以国王自己和搭骑士便车多走的步数 最大也就是国王自己走的步数。

u32 nMinKingStepAndKnightStepPlus = arKingDistance[ nCamelot ];

for( int i=0; i<nMatrixSize; ++i )


int nKingStep = arKingDistance[ i ];

// 要所有骑士都试一下。

for( int nKnight=0; nKnight<tKnightPosList.size(); ++nKnight )


int nKnightPosIndex = tKnightPosList[ nKnight ].real() + tKnightPosList[ nKnight ].imag() * nCol;

u32 nNewKnightStep = arKnightDistance[ nKnightPosIndex * nMatrixSize + i ] 

+ arKnightDistance[ i * nMatrixSize + nCamelot ];

int nKnightStepPlus = nNewKnightStep - arKnightDistance[ nKnightPosIndex * nMatrixSize + nCamelot ];


// 看是不是让这个骑士带国王最合适(国王花费的步数+骑士比直达多浪费的步数之和 是不是比其它的小。

if( nMinKingStepAndKnightStepPlus > nKingStep + nKnightStepPlus )


nMinKingStepAndKnightStepPlus = nKingStep + nKnightStepPlus;


nKnightWithKing = nKnight;





// 以这个点做集合地的距离就出来了。

// 国王和国王让骑士多跑的这段加上所有骑士本来要跑的距离。

int nCurCamelotAllStep = nMinKingStepAndKnightStepPlus + nAllKnightStep;


if( nMinAllStep > nCurCamelotAllStep )// 看这个点做集合地是不是比其它的强


nMinAllStep = nCurCamelotAllStep; 



fout << nMinAllStep << endl;







cout << "use clock: " << clock() << " / " << CLOCKS_PER_SEC << endl;


cout << "-----------begin--dump--output--file----------------" << endl << endl;

system( ( string( "type " ) + strOutFile ).c_str() );

cout << endl;

system( "pause" );



return 0;





USER: Zinsser Lee [thinkin6]
TASK: camelot

Compile: OK

   Test 1: TEST OK [0.000 secs, 2932 KB]
   Test 2: TEST OK [0.000 secs, 2932 KB]
   Test 3: TEST OK [0.000 secs, 2932 KB]
   Test 4: TEST OK [0.054 secs, 2932 KB]
   Test 5: TEST OK [0.637 secs, 2932 KB]
   Test 6: TEST OK [1.307 secs, 2932 KB]
   Test 7: TEST OK [0.011 secs, 2932 KB]
   Test 8: TEST OK [0.011 secs, 2932 KB]
   Test 9: TEST OK [0.184 secs, 2932 KB]
   Test 10: TEST OK [1.123 secs, 2932 KB]
   Test 11: TEST OK [0.011 secs, 2932 KB]
   Test 12: TEST OK [0.022 secs, 2932 KB]
   Test 13: TEST OK [0.022 secs, 2932 KB]
   Test 14: TEST OK [0.000 secs, 2932 KB]
   Test 15: TEST OK [0.011 secs, 2932 KB]
   Test 16: TEST OK [0.000 secs, 2932 KB]
   Test 17: TEST OK [0.000 secs, 2932 KB]
   Test 18: TEST OK [0.011 secs, 2932 KB]
   Test 19: TEST OK [0.000 secs, 2932 KB]
   Test 20: TEST OK [0.011 secs, 2932 KB]

All tests OK.

Your program ('camelot') produced all correct answers! This is your submission #6 for this problem. Congratulations!


