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2014年01月13日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 11956字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭
 * struct tick_sched - sched tick emulation and no idle tick control/stats
 * @sched_timer:	hrtimer to schedule the periodic tick in high
 *			resolution mode
 * @idle_tick:		Store the last idle tick expiry time when the tick
 *			timer is modified for idle sleeps. This is necessary
 *			to resume the tick timer operation in the timeline
 *			when the CPU returns from idle
 * @tick_stopped:	Indicator that the idle tick has been stopped
 * @idle_jiffies:	jiffies at the entry to idle for idle time accounting
 * @idle_calls:		Total number of idle calls
 * @idle_sleeps:	Number of idle calls, where the sched tick was stopped
 * @idle_entrytime:	Time when the idle call was entered
 * @idle_waketime:	Time when the idle was interrupted
 * @idle_exittime:	Time when the idle state was left
 * @idle_sleeptime:	Sum of the time slept in idle with sched tick stopped
 * @iowait_sleeptime:	Sum of the time slept in idle with sched tick stopped, with IO outstanding
 * @sleep_length:	Duration of the current idle sleep
 * @do_timer_lst:	CPU was the last one doing do_timer before going idle
struct tick_sched {
	struct hrtimer			sched_timer;  //实现时钟的定时器
	unsigned long			check_clocks; 
	enum tick_nohz_mode		nohz_mode;    //当前运作模式
	ktime_t				idle_tick;    //在禁用周期时钟之前,上一个时钟信号的到期时间。
	int				inidle;
	int				tick_stopped; //如果周期时钟已经停用,则为1.
	unsigned long			idle_jiffies; //周期时钟听用的jiffies值
	unsigned long			idle_calls;   //内核试图停用时钟周期的次数
	unsigned long			idle_sleeps;  //成功停用时钟周期的次数。(如果下一个时钟即将在一个jiffy之后到期,内核是不会停用时钟的)。
	int				idle_active;  //
	ktime_t				idle_entrytime;
	ktime_t				idle_waketime;
	ktime_t				idle_exittime;
	ktime_t				idle_sleeptime;//周期时钟上一次禁用的准确时间
	ktime_t				iowait_sleeptime;
	ktime_t				sleep_length;  //周期时钟将禁用的时间长度。
	unsigned long			last_jiffies;
	unsigned long			next_jiffies; //下一个定时器到期时间的jiffy值。
	ktime_t				idle_expires; //下一个将到期的经典定时器的的到期时间。
	int				do_timer_last;

tick_cpu_sched是一个全局各CPU变量,提供一个struct tick_sched实例。这是必须的,因为对时钟的禁用是按照CPU指定的,而不是对整个系统指定的。



 * tick_nohz_switch_to_nohz - switch to nohz mode
static void tick_nohz_switch_to_nohz(void)
	struct tick_sched *ts = &__get_cpu_var(tick_cpu_sched);
	ktime_t next;

	if (!tick_nohz_enabled)

	if (tick_switch_to_oneshot(tick_nohz_handler)) {

	ts->nohz_mode = NOHZ_MODE_LOWRES;

	 * Recycle the hrtimer in ts, so we can share the
	 * hrtimer_forward with the highres code.
	hrtimer_init(&ts->sched_timer, CLOCK_MONOTONIC, HRTIMER_MODE_ABS);
	/* Get the next period */
	next = tick_init_jiffy_update();

	for (;;) {
		hrtimer_set_expires(&ts->sched_timer, next);
		if (!tick_program_event(next, 0))
		next = ktime_add(next, tick_period);

	printk(KERN_INFO "Switched to NOHz mode on CPU #%d\n", smp_processor_id());


 * The nohz low res interrupt handler
static void tick_nohz_handler(struct clock_event_device *dev)
	struct tick_sched *ts = &__get_cpu_var(tick_cpu_sched);
	struct pt_regs *regs = get_irq_regs();
	int cpu = smp_processor_id();
	ktime_t now = ktime_get();

	dev->next_event.tv64 = KTIME_MAX;

	 * Check if the do_timer duty was dropped. We don't care about
	 * concurrency: This happens only when the cpu in charge went
	 * into a long sleep. If two cpus happen to assign themself to
	 * this duty, then the jiffies update is still serialized by
	 * xtime_lock.
	if (unlikely(tick_do_timer_cpu == TICK_DO_TIMER_NONE))
		tick_do_timer_cpu = cpu;

	/* Check, if the jiffies need an update */
	if (tick_do_timer_cpu == cpu)

	 * When we are idle and the tick is stopped, we have to touch
	 * the watchdog as we might not schedule for a really long
	 * time. This happens on complete idle SMP systems while
	 * waiting on the login prompt. We also increment the "start
	 * of idle" jiffy stamp so the idle accounting adjustment we
	 * do when we go busy again does not account too much ticks.
	if (ts->tick_stopped) {


	while (tick_nohz_reprogram(ts, now)) {
		now = ktime_get();




 * Must be called with interrupts disabled !
static void tick_do_update_jiffies64(ktime_t now)
	unsigned long ticks = 0;
	ktime_t delta;

	 * Do a quick check without holding xtime_lock:
	delta = ktime_sub(now, last_jiffies_update); //距离上次更新jiffy的时间
	if (delta.tv64 < tick_period.tv64) //如果delta.tv64小于一个tick周期,则不需要更新

	/* Reevalute with xtime_lock held */

	delta = ktime_sub(now, last_jiffies_update);
	if (delta.tv64 >= tick_period.tv64) {

		delta = ktime_sub(delta, tick_period);
		last_jiffies_update = ktime_add(last_jiffies_update,

		/* Slow path for long timeouts */
		if (unlikely(delta.tv64 >= tick_period.tv64)) {  //如果距离上次更新jiffies已经过去了多余一个时钟周期
			s64 incr = ktime_to_ns(tick_period); //将tick_period换算成ns

			ticks = ktime_divns(delta, incr);    //将delta换算成ticks

			last_jiffies_update = ktime_add_ns(last_jiffies_update, //更新last_jiffies_update
							   incr * ticks);
		do_timer(++ticks); //更新全局jiffies值

		/* Keep the tick_next_period variable up to date */
		tick_next_period = ktime_add(last_jiffies_update, tick_period);





 * The idle thread. There's no useful work to be
 * done, so just try to conserve power and have a
 * low exit latency (ie sit in a loop waiting for
 * somebody to say that they'd like to reschedule)
void cpu_idle(void)
	int cpu = smp_processor_id();

	 * If we're the non-boot CPU, nothing set the stack canary up
	 * for us.  CPU0 already has it initialized but no harm in
	 * doing it again.  This is a good place for updating it, as
	 * we wont ever return from this function (so the invalid
	 * canaries already on the stack wont ever trigger).

	current_thread_info()->status |= TS_POLLING;

	/* endless idle loop with no priority at all */
	while (1) {
		tick_nohz_stop_sched_tick(1); //关闭周期时钟,并进入无时钟状态
		while (!need_resched()) {  //进入一个死循环,直到可以有其它的任务可供调度。


			if (cpu_is_offline(cpu))

			/* Don't trace irqs off for idle */


 * tick_nohz_stop_sched_tick - stop the idle tick from the idle task
 * When the next event is more than a tick into the future, stop the idle tick
 * Called either from the idle loop or from irq_exit() when an idle period was
 * just interrupted by an interrupt which did not cause a reschedule.
void tick_nohz_stop_sched_tick(int inidle)
	unsigned long seq, last_jiffies, next_jiffies, delta_jiffies, flags;
	struct tick_sched *ts;
	ktime_t last_update, expires, now;
	struct clock_event_device *dev = __get_cpu_var(tick_cpu_device).evtdev;
	u64 time_delta;
	int cpu;


	cpu = smp_processor_id();
	ts = &per_cpu(tick_cpu_sched, cpu);

	 * Call to tick_nohz_start_idle stops the last_update_time from being
	 * updated. Thus, it must not be called in the event we are called from
	 * irq_exit() with the prior state different than idle.
	if (!inidle && !ts->inidle)
		goto end;

	 * Set ts->inidle unconditionally. Even if the system did not
	 * switch to NOHZ mode the cpu frequency governers rely on the
	 * update of the idle time accounting in tick_nohz_start_idle().
	ts->inidle = 1;

	now = tick_nohz_start_idle(cpu, ts);

	 * If this cpu is offline and it is the one which updates
	 * jiffies, then give up the assignment and let it be taken by
	 * the cpu which runs the tick timer next. If we don't drop
	 * this here the jiffies might be stale and do_timer() never
	 * invoked.
	if (unlikely(!cpu_online(cpu))) {
		if (cpu == tick_do_timer_cpu)
			tick_do_timer_cpu = TICK_DO_TIMER_NONE;

	if (unlikely(ts->nohz_mode == NOHZ_MODE_INACTIVE))
		goto end;

	if (need_resched())
		goto end;

	if (unlikely(local_softirq_pending() && cpu_online(cpu))) {
		static int ratelimit;

		if (ratelimit < 10) {
			printk(KERN_ERR "NOHZ: local_softirq_pending %02x\n",
			       (unsigned int) local_softirq_pending());
		goto end;

	/* Read jiffies and the time when jiffies were updated last */
	do {
		seq = read_seqbegin(&xtime_lock);
		last_update = last_jiffies_update;
		last_jiffies = jiffies;
		time_delta = timekeeping_max_deferment();
	} while (read_seqretry(&xtime_lock, seq));

	if (rcu_needs_cpu(cpu) || printk_needs_cpu(cpu) ||
	    arch_needs_cpu(cpu)) {
		next_jiffies = last_jiffies + 1;
		delta_jiffies = 1;
	} else {
		/* Get the next timer wheel timer */
		next_jiffies = get_next_timer_interrupt(last_jiffies);
		delta_jiffies = next_jiffies - last_jiffies;
	 * Do not stop the tick, if we are only one off
	 * or if the cpu is required for rcu
	if (!ts->tick_stopped && delta_jiffies == 1)
		goto out;

	/* Schedule the tick, if we are at least one jiffie off */
	if ((long)delta_jiffies >= 1) {

		 * If this cpu is the one which updates jiffies, then
		 * give up the assignment and let it be taken by the
		 * cpu which runs the tick timer next, which might be
		 * this cpu as well. If we don't drop this here the
		 * jiffies might be stale and do_timer() never
		 * invoked. Keep track of the fact that it was the one
		 * which had the do_timer() duty last. If this cpu is
		 * the one which had the do_timer() duty last, we
		 * limit the sleep time to the timekeeping
		 * max_deferement value which we retrieved
		 * above. Otherwise we can sleep as long as we want.
		if (cpu == tick_do_timer_cpu) {
			tick_do_timer_cpu = TICK_DO_TIMER_NONE;
			ts->do_timer_last = 1;
		} else if (tick_do_timer_cpu != TICK_DO_TIMER_NONE) {
			time_delta = KTIME_MAX;
			ts->do_timer_last = 0;
		} else if (!ts->do_timer_last) {
			time_delta = KTIME_MAX;

		 * calculate the expiry time for the next timer wheel
		 * timer. delta_jiffies >= NEXT_TIMER_MAX_DELTA signals
		 * that there is no timer pending or at least extremely
		 * far into the future (12 days for HZ=1000). In this
		 * case we set the expiry to the end of time.
		if (likely(delta_jiffies < NEXT_TIMER_MAX_DELTA)) {
			 * Calculate the time delta for the next timer event.
			 * If the time delta exceeds the maximum time delta
			 * permitted by the current clocksource then adjust
			 * the time delta accordingly to ensure the
			 * clocksource does not wrap.
			time_delta = min_t(u64, time_delta,
					   tick_period.tv64 * delta_jiffies);

		if (time_delta < KTIME_MAX)
			expires = ktime_add_ns(last_update, time_delta);
			expires.tv64 = KTIME_MAX;

		if (delta_jiffies > 1)
			cpumask_set_cpu(cpu, nohz_cpu_mask);

		/* Skip reprogram of event if its not changed */
		if (ts->tick_stopped && ktime_equal(expires, dev->next_event))
			goto out;

		 * nohz_stop_sched_tick can be called several times before
		 * the nohz_restart_sched_tick is called. This happens when
		 * interrupts arrive which do not cause a reschedule. In the
		 * first call we save the current tick time, so we can restart
		 * the scheduler tick in nohz_restart_sched_tick.
		if (!ts->tick_stopped) {

			ts->idle_tick = hrtimer_get_expires(&ts->sched_timer);
			ts->tick_stopped = 1;
			ts->idle_jiffies = last_jiffies;


		/* Mark expires */
		ts->idle_expires = expires;

		 * If the expiration time == KTIME_MAX, then
		 * in this case we simply stop the tick timer.
		 if (unlikely(expires.tv64 == KTIME_MAX)) {
			if (ts->nohz_mode == NOHZ_MODE_HIGHRES)
			goto out;

		if (ts->nohz_mode == NOHZ_MODE_HIGHRES) {
			hrtimer_start(&ts->sched_timer, expires,
			/* Check, if the timer was already in the past */
			if (hrtimer_active(&ts->sched_timer))
				goto out;
		} else if (!tick_program_event(expires, 0))
				goto out;
		 * We are past the event already. So we crossed a
		 * jiffie boundary. Update jiffies and raise the
		 * softirq.
		cpumask_clear_cpu(cpu, nohz_cpu_mask);
	ts->next_jiffies = next_jiffies;
	ts->last_jiffies = last_jiffies;
	ts->sleep_length = ktime_sub(dev->next_event, now);






 * tick_nohz_restart_sched_tick - restart the idle tick from the idle task
 * Restart the idle tick when the CPU is woken up from idle
void tick_nohz_restart_sched_tick(void)
	int cpu = smp_processor_id();
	struct tick_sched *ts = &per_cpu(tick_cpu_sched, cpu);
	unsigned long ticks;
	ktime_t now;

	if (ts->idle_active || (ts->inidle && ts->tick_stopped))
		now = ktime_get();

	if (ts->idle_active)
		tick_nohz_stop_idle(cpu, now);

	if (!ts->inidle || !ts->tick_stopped) {
		ts->inidle = 0;

	ts->inidle = 0;


	/* Update jiffies first */
	cpumask_clear_cpu(cpu, nohz_cpu_mask);

	 * We stopped the tick in idle. Update process times would miss the
	 * time we slept as update_process_times does only a 1 tick
	 * accounting. Enforce that this is accounted to idle !
	ticks = jiffies - ts->idle_jiffies;
	 * We might be one off. Do not randomly account a huge number of ticks!
	if (ticks && ticks < LONG_MAX)

	 * Cancel the scheduled timer and restore the tick
	ts->tick_stopped  = 0;
	ts->idle_exittime = now;

	tick_nohz_restart(ts, now);

