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PHP Mysqli Class收集

2013年06月04日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 8119字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭


* Make an array of references to the values of another array
* Note: useful when references rather than values are required
* @param {array} array of values
* @return {array} references array
function makeRefArr(&$arr) {
$refs = array();

foreach($arr as $key => &$val) {
$refs[$key] = &$val;

return $refs;

* Make a recursive copy of an array
* @param {array} original array
* @param {boolean} should the values to be cloned too?
* @return {array} copy of source array
function array_copy($arr, $deep= true) {
$newArr = array();

if ($deep) {
foreach ($arr as $key=>$val) {
if (is_object($val)) {
$newArr[$key] = clone($val);
else if (is_array($val)) {
$newArr[$key] = array_copy($val);
else {
$newArr[$key] = $val;
else {
foreach ($arr as $key=>$val) {
$newArr[$key] = $val;

return $newArr;

* A mysqli wrapper class
* @author Andrew Lowndes (APL Web)
* @date 20/11/2010
class db {
public static $db = null;

//connect to the database
public static function connect() {
::$db = new mysqli('localhost', 'username' ,'password', 'database');

if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
throw new Exception('Connection failed: ' . mysqli_connect_error());


//close the connection
public static function close() {
if (self::$db) {

* Run a query and return the result
* @param {string} query to run (with '?' for values)
* @param {array} values to execute in prepared statement (optional)
* @return {resource} result
public static function query($query, $objs = array()) {
if (!self::$db) self::connect();

$objs = (array)$objs; //automagically cast single values into an array

$statement = self::$db->prepare($query);

if (!$statement) {
throw new Exception('Query failed: ' . self::$db->error);

//go through all of the provided objects and bind them
$types = array();
$values = array();

if (count($objs)>0) {
foreach ($objs as $obj) {
//get the object type and translate it ready for bind parameter
$type = gettype($obj);

switch ($type) {
case 'boolean': case 'integer':
$types[] = 'i';
$values[] = intval($obj);
case 'double':
$types[] = 'd';
$values[] = doubleval($obj);
case 'string':
$types[] = 's';
$values[] = (string)$obj;
case 'array': case 'object':
$paramTypes[] = 's';
$values[] = json_encode($obj);
case 'resource': case 'null': case 'unknown type': default:
throw new Exception('Unsupported object passed through as query prepared object!');

$params = makeRefArr($values);
array_unshift($params, implode('', $types));
call_user_func_array(array($statement, 'bind_param'), $params);

if (!$statement->execute()) {
return null;
else {
return $statement;

* Determine if an object exists
* @param {string} query to run
* @param {array} objects to use in prepare query (optional)
* @return {boolean} object exists in database
public static function objectExists($query, $objs = array()) {
$statement = self::query($query, $objs);

return (is_object($statement) && $statement->num_rows>0);

* Make an associative array of field names from a statement
* @param {resource} mysqli statement
* @return {array} field names array
private static function getFieldNames($statement) {
$result = $statement->result_metadata();
$fields = $result->fetch_fields();

$fieldNames = array();
foreach($fields as $field) {
$fieldNames[$field->name] = null;

return $fieldNames;

* Get an object from a query
* @param {string} query to execute
* @param {array} objects to use as the values (optional)
* @return {assoc} sinulatobject
public static function getObject($query, $objs = array()) {
$statement = self::query($query, $objs);

if (!is_object($statement) || $statement->num_rows<1) {
return null;

$fieldNames = self::getFieldNames($statement);
call_user_func_array(array($statement, 'bind_result'), makeRefArr($fieldNames));


return $fieldNames;

* Get a list of objects from the database
* @param {string} query
* @return {array} objects
public static function getObjects($query, $objs = array()) {
$statement = self::query($query, $objs);

if (!is_object($statement) || $statement->num_rows<1) {
return array();

$fieldNames = self::getFieldNames($statement);
call_user_func_array(array($statement, 'bind_result'), makeRefArr($fieldNames));

$results = array();
while ($statement->fetch()) {
$results[] = array_copy($fieldNames);


return $results;

* Get all of the data from a table
* @param {string} table name
* @return {array} table data
public static function getTable($tableName) {
if (!self::$db) self::connect();

$tableName = self::$db->escape_string($tableName);

return self::getObjects('SELECT * FROM `' . $tableName . '`;');

* Get a field from a table based on a field having a specific value
* @param {string} table name
* @param {string} field name
* @param {mixed} field value
* @return {array} table row data
public static function getTableRow($tableName, $field, $value) {
if (!self::$db) self::connect();

$tableName = self::$db->escape_string($tableName);
$field = self::$db->escape_string($field);

return self::getObject('SELECT * FROM `' . $tableName . '` WHERE `' . $field . '` = ? LIMIT 1;', $value);

* Get all related rows from a table based on a field having a specific value
* @param {string} table name
* @param {string} field name
* @param {mixed} field value
* @return {array} table row data
public static function getTableRows($tableName, $field, $value, $sortField = null, $sortDesc = false) {
if (!self::$db) self::connect();

$tableName = self::$db->escape_string($tableName);
$field = self::$db->escape_string($field);

if ($sortField == null) {
$sortField = $field;
else {
$sortField = self::$db->escape_string($sortField);

return self::getObjects('SELECT * FROM `' . $tableName . '` WHERE `' . $field . '` = ? ORDER BY `' . $sortField . '` ' . ($sortDesc ? 'DESC' : 'ASC') . ';', $value);



*     作者:streen003
*    来自:www.bc263.com
*    邮箱:streen003@gmail.com

class Db_mysql {
        private $host;
private $user;
private $pwd;
private $dbname;
protected $charset;
public $db_link;
public $result;
public $rows;
public $myrow;

        public $sql_version//mysql 版本
        //构造函数,用来初始化Mysql Server 连接。

        public function __construct($params) {
$this->host = $params['host'];
$this->user = $params['username'];
$this->pwd = $params['password'];
$this->dbname = $params['dbname'];
$this->charset = $params['charset'];
if (is_array($params)) {
if ($this->db_connect($this->host,$this->user,$this->pwd)) {
if ($this->db_select($this->dbname)) {
$this->query("SET NAMES {$this->charset}");
if (version_compare($this->sql_version,'5.0.2','>=')) {
$this->query("SET SESSION SQL_MODE=''");
else {

                                      $this->halt('Connet databa
'.$params['dbname'].' unsuccess or database is not exists');
else {
$this->halt('Connet Mysql server unsuccess please check your config args');
else {
$this->halt('Class Db_mysql() args is error');
//连接Mysql Server.
        public function db_connect($host,$user,$pwd) {
if($this->db_link) {
return false//当Mysql server已连接时,程序不执行,返回false.
else {
$this->db_link = mysqli_connect($host,$user,$pwd);
return $this->db_link;
        public function db_select($dbname) {
return mysqli_select_db($this->db_link,$dbname);
        public function query($sql,$info=false) {
//当SQL参数不为空且Mysql Server连接成功时执行SQL语句.
