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2014年01月02日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 3411字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭

      今天在Scrum Alliance的网站上,无意中看到一个篇题为“Daily Stand-up, Beyond Mechanics: A Measure of Self-Organization”的短文,它介绍了什么是Scrum的每日立会(Daily Stand-up),并在一张表中总结了好的Scrum每日立会应该具备的特质和模式,并针对每种特质给出了不好情况的描述,以及可能提高的改善和提高的方法。这篇文章不长,当总结的非常好,特别是下面这张表:

      别看Scrum每日立会的定义和内容非常简单,但要真正开好,还是很有难度的。结合我个人的实践体会,表中列出的:Self-Organization和Respect这两点,是每日例会中最难于实现和最容易出现问题的地方。往往大家很容易就把每日立会开成了对领导的工作汇报会,其实这点通过发言的方式就可以看出来。如果团队成员都是面向着Manager在讲述,类似于一个1-on-1方式,那么这就是典型的工作汇报;如果大家在每日立会中只是报喜而不报忧,说话小心翼翼,这也是典型的工作汇报;如果Manager对每个人的发言都要做出评价和结论,这也是工作汇报。工作汇报是单向的,而Scrum的每日例会期待的发言是双向的: -> 让团队知道我的进度和遇到的问题,期待别人对我的问题建议反馈。<- 了解别人进展,提供我所能想到的好的建议。


Team Values/Foundations High-Performance Pattern High-Performance Examples

Scope for Growth


Potential Solutions
Self-Organization Team members fully engaged, conversation between team members Team members grab tasks off the task board, recognize need for different disciplines (QA and engineer working together) Team members report to ScrumMaster/PO/manager versus team discussion "Look at Your Shoes" technique: SM/PO/manager looks at his/her shoes each time a team members look at him/her during stand-up
Focus Team members hone in on what's most important, what's standing in the way Team members police each other on focus, are willing to call each other out when getting off topic: “Let’s discuss this after the meeting." Discussion wanders to problem-solving or other topics, important but better discussed after stand-up ScrumMaster can assign specific phrase or code word to alert when discussion loses focus; moderating is more of a game
Collaboration Team members offer help to each other, not afraid to ask for assistance “How could I support you? How could you support me? Let us discuss after the meeting.” SM/PO must remind team members of dependencies of work and point out opportunities for support Third question changes to, “What is stopping us from completing this work?” Helps team members realize they're not alone in any task
Rhythm Consistent and brisk flow of control throughout stand-up from one person to another; no external "go"signal required; everyone in charge, hence no one in charge Perfect popcorn discussion, no team members talking over each other (eye contact and anticipation) ScrumMaster must consistently prompt next person to share, team members wait for "go" signal Move stand-up location near sprint task board (tangible prompt for team members); have stand-up at same time, same place every day.

Expose and confront roadblocks, accept and embrace change when needed

If burn-down is not progressing as it should, team members have the courage to speak up Everyone ignores elephant in the room, avoids difficult discussions Use comment box: place to post sticky notes explaining concerns with process/progress
Respect Team members, ScrumMaster, product owner treat each other with consideration; appreciate the value of stand-up Attendees on time for stand-up and monitor time elapsed Team regards stand-up solely as opportunity for ScrumMaster and product owner to check up on team; no thought of mutual gain Limit or eliminate SM and/or PO from meeting; consider note-taking, timekeeping; stop any rituals that could convey judgment



      如果你的每日立会还没有达到上述表格中“High-Performance Pattern”列中的要求,或者说“Scope for Growth”列所描述的场景还经常出现在你的每日立会中,即使是这样也没有关系,能够认识到这些不足之处也是一个不小的收获,它是通向成功的每日立会的第一步。团队的生命和活力就在于能够不断地发现自身的不足之处,并采用小步快跑的方式持续改进自己。所以说只要你的团队还有这样的自我不断改进机制在,那就是有活力、有希望的团队,呵呵!

