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The Log: What every software engineer should know about real-time data’s unifying abstraction

2014年03月23日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 27075字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭

I joined LinkedIn about six years ago at a particularly interesting time. We were just beginning to run up against the limits of our monolithic, centralized database and needed to start the transition to a portfolio of specialized distributed systems. This
has been an interesting experience: we built, deployed, and run to this day a distributed graph database, a distributed search backend, a Hadoop installation, and a first and second generation key-value store.

One of the most useful things I learned in all this was that many of the things we were building had a very simple concept at their heart: the log. Sometimes called write-ahead logs or commit logs or transaction logs, logs have been around almost as long as
computers and are at the heart of many distributed data systems and real-time application architectures.

You can't fully understand databases, NoSQL stores, key value stores, replication, paxos, hadoop, version control, or almost any software system without understanding logs; and yet, most software engineers are not familiar with them. I'd like to change that.
In this post, I'll walk you through everything you need to know about logs, including what is log and how to use logs for data integration, real time processing, and system building.

Part One: What Is a Log?

A log is perhaps the simplest possible storage abstraction. It is an append-only, totally-ordered sequence of records
ordered by time. It looks like this:

Records are appended to the end of the log, and reads proceed left-to-right. Each entry is assigned a unique sequential log entry number.

The ordering of records defines a notion of "time" since entries to the left are defined to be older then entries to the right. The log entry number can be thought of as the "timestamp" of the entry. Describing this ordering as a notion of time seems a bit
odd at first, but it has the convenient property that it is decoupled from any particular physical clock. This property will turn out to be essential as we get to distributed systems.

The contents and format of the records aren't important for the purposes of this discussion. Also, we can't just keep adding records to the log as we'll eventually run out of space. I'll come back to this in a bit.

So, a log is not all that different from a file or a table. A file is an array of bytes, a table is an array of records, and a log is really just a kind of table or file where the records are sorted by time.

At this point you might be wondering why it is worth talking about something so simple? How is a append-only sequence of records in any way related to data systems? The answer is that logs have a specific purpose: they record what happened and when. For distributed
data systems this is, in many ways, the very heart of the problem.

But before we get too far let me clarify something that is a bit confusing. Every programmer is familiar with another definition of logging—the unstructured error messages or trace info an application might write out to a local file using syslog or log4j. For
clarity I will call this "application logging". The application log is a degenerative form of the log concept I am describing. The biggest difference is that text logs are meant to be primarily for humans to read and the "journal" or "data logs" I'm describing
are built for programmatic access.

(Actually, if you think about it, the idea of humans reading through logs on individual machines is something of an anachronism. This approach quickly becomes an unmanageable strategy when many services and servers are involved and the purpose of logs quickly
becomes as an input to queries and graphs to understand behavior across many machines—something for which english text in files is not nearly as appropriate as the kind structured log described here.)

Logs in databases

I don't know where the log concept originated—probably it is one of those things like binary search that is too simple for the inventor to realize it was an invention. It is present as early as IBM's System
. The usage in databases has to do with keeping in sync the variety of data structures and indexes in the presence of crashes. To make this atomic and durable, a database uses a log to write out information about the records they will be modifying, before
applying the changes to all the various data structures it maintains. The log is the record of what happened, and each table or index is a projection of this history into some useful data structure or index. Since the log is immediately persisted it is used
as the authoritative source in restoring all other persistent structures in the event of a crash.

Over-time the usage of the log grew from an implementation detail of ACID to a method for replicating data between databases. It turns out that the sequence of changes that happened on the database is exactly what is needed to keep a remote replica database
in sync. Oracle, MySQL, and PostgreSQL include log shipping protocols to transmit portions of log to replica databases which act as slaves. Oracle has productized the log as a general data subscription mechanism for non-oracle data subscribers with their XStreams and GoldenGate and
similar facilities in MySQL and PostgreSQL are key components of many data architectures.

Because of this origin, the concept of a machine readable log has largely been confined to database internals. The use of logs as a mechanism for data subscription seems to have arisen almost by chance. But this very abstraction is ideal for supporting all
kinds of messaging, data flow, and real-time data processing.

Logs in distributed systems

The two problems a log solves—ordering changes and distributing data—are even more important in distributed data systems. Agreeing upon an ordering for updates (or agreeing to disagree and coping with the side-effects) are among the core design problems for
these systems.

The log-centric approach to distributed systems arises from a simple observation that I will call the State Machine Replication Principle:

If two identical, deterministic processes begin in the same state and get the same inputs in the same order, they will produce the same output and end in the same state.

This may seem a bit obtuse, so let's dive in and understand what it means.

Deterministic means that the processing isn't timing dependent and doesn't let any other "out of band" input
influence its results. For example a program whose output is influenced by the particular order of execution of threads or by a call to gettimeofday or
some other non-repeatable thing is generally best considered as non-deterministic.

The state of the process is whatever data remains on the machine, either in memory or on disk, at the end of the processing.

The bit about getting the same input in the same order should ring a bell—that is where the log comes in. This is a very intuitive notion: if you feed two deterministic pieces of code the same input log, they will produce the same output.

The application to distributed computing is pretty obvious. You can reduce the problem of making multiple machines all do the same thing to the problem of implementing a distributed consistent log to feed these processes input. The purpose of the log here is
to squeeze all the non-determinism out of the input stream to ensure that each replica processing this input stays in sync.

When you understand it, there is nothing complicated or deep about this principle: it more or less amounts to saying "deterministic processing is deterministic". Nonetheless, I think it is one of the more general tools for distributed systems design.

One of the beautiful things about this approach is that the time stamps that index the log now act as the clock for the state of the replicas—you can describe each replica by a single number, the timestamp for the maximum log entry it has processed. This timestamp
combined with the log uniquely captures the entire state of the replica.

There are a multitude of ways of applying this principle in systems depending on what is put in the log. For example, we can log the incoming requests to a service, or the state changes the service undergoes in response to request, or the transformation commands
it executes. Theoretically, we could even log a series of machine instructions for each replica to execute or the method name and arguments to invoke on each replica. As long as two processes process these inputs in the same way, the processes will remaining
consistent across replicas.

Different groups of people seem to describe the uses of logs differently. Database people generally differentiate between physical and logical logging. Physical logging means logging the contents of each row that is changed. Logical logging
means logging not the changed rows but the SQL commands that lead to the row changes (the insert, update, and delete statements).

The distributed systems literature commonly distinguishes two broad approaches to processing and replication. The "state machine model" usually refers to an active-active model where we keep a log of the incoming requests and each replica processes each request.
A slight modification of this, called the "primary-backup model", is to elect one replica as the leader and allow this leader to process requests in the order they arrive and log out the changes to its state from processing the requests. The other replicas
apply in order the state changes the leader makes so that they will be in sync and ready to take over as leader should the leader fail.

To understand the difference between these two approaches, let's look at a toy problem. Consider a replicated "arithmetic service" which maintains a single number as its state (initialized to zero) and applies additions and multiplications to this value. The
active-active approach might log out the transformations to apply, say "+1", "*2", etc. Each replica would apply these transformations and hence go through the same set of values. The "active-passive" approach would have a single master execute the transformations
and log out the result, say "1", "3", "6", etc. This example also makes it clear why ordering is key for ensuring consistency between replicas: reordering an addition and multiplication will yield a different result.

The distributed log can be seen as the data structure which models the problem ofconsensus.
A log, after all, represents a series of decisions on the "next" value to append. You have to squint a little to see a log in the Paxosfamily
of algorithms, though log-building is their most common practical application. With Paxos, this is usually done using an extension of the protocol called "multi-paxos", which models the log as a series of consensus problems, one for each slot in the log. The
log is much more prominent in other protocols such as ZABRAFT,
and Viewstamped Replication, which directly model the problem of maintaining a distributed, consistent log.

My suspicion is that our view of this is a little bit biased by the path of history, perhaps due to the few decades in which the theory of distributed computing outpaced its practical application. In reality, the consensus problem is a bit too simple. Computer
systems rarely need to decide a single value, they almost always handle a sequence of requests. So a log, rather than a simple single-value register, is the more natural abstraction.

Furthermore, the focus on the algorithms obscures the underlying log abstraction systems need. I suspect we will end up focusing more on the log as a commoditized building block irrespective of its implementation in the same way we often talk about a hash table
without bothering to get in the details of whether we mean the murmur hash with linear probing or some other variant. The log will become something of a commoditized interface, with many algorithms and implementations competing to provide the best guarantees
and optimal performance.

Changelog 101: Tables and Events are Dual

Let's come back to databases for a bit. There is a facinating duality between a log of changes and a table. The log is similar to the list of all credits and debits and bank processes; a table is all the current account balances. If you have a log of changes,
you can apply these changes in order to create the table capturing the current state. This table will record the latest state for each key (as of a particular log time). There is a sense in which the log is the more fundamental data structure: in addition
to creating the original table you can also transform it to create all kinds of derived tables. (And yes, table can mean keyed data store for the non-relational folks.)

This process works in reverse too: if you have a table taking updates, you can record these changes and publish a "changelog" of all the updates to the state of the table. This changelog is exactly what you need to support near-real-time replicas. So in this
sense you can see tables and events as dual: tables support data at rest and logs capture change. The magic of the log is that if it is acomplete log of changes, it holds not only the contents of the final version of the table, but also allows recreating
all other versions that might have existed. It is, effectively, a sort of backup of everyprevious state of the table.

This might remind you of source code version control. There is a close relationship between source control and databases. Version control solves a very similar problem to what distributed data systems have to solve—managing distributed, concurrent changes in
state. A version control system usually models the sequence of patches, which is in effect a log. You interact directly with a checked out "snapshot" of the current code which is analogous to the table. You will note that in version control systems, as in
other distributed stateful systems, replication happens via the log: when you update, you pull down just the patches and apply them to your current snapshot.

Some people have seen some of these ideas recently from Datomic, a company selling a log-centric database. This presentation gives
a great overview of how they have applied the idea in their system. These ideas are not unique to this system, of course, as they have been a part of the distributed systems and database literature for well over a decade.

This may all seem a little theoretical. Do not despair! We'll get to practical stuff pretty quickly.

What's next

In the remainder of this article I will try to give a flavor of what a log is good for that goes beyond the internals of distributed computing or abstract distributed computing models. This includes:

  1. Data Integration—Making all of an organization's data easily available in all its storage and processing systems.
  2. Real-time data processing—Computing derived data streams.
  3. Distributed system design—How practical systems can by simplified with a log-centric design.

These uses all resolve around the idea of a log as a stand-alone service.

In each case, the usefulness of the log comes from simple function that the log provides: producing a persistent, re-playable record of history. Surprisingly, at the core of these problems is the ability to have many machines playback history at their own rate
in a deterministic manner.

Part Two: Data Integration

Let me first say what I mean by "data integration" and why I think it's important, then we'll see how it relates back to logs.

Data integration is making all the data an organization has available in all its services and systems.

This phrase "data integration" isn't all that common, but I don't know a better one. The more recognizable term ETL usually
covers only a limited part of data integration—populating a relational data warehouse. But much of what I am describing can be thought of as ETL generalized to cover real-time systems and processing flows.

You don't hear much about data integration in all the breathless interest and hype around the idea of big data, but nonetheless, I believe this mundane problem of "making the data available" is one of the more valuable things an organization can focus

Effective use of data follows a kind of Maslow's hierarchy of needs. The base of the pyramid involves capturing
all the relevant data, being able to put it together in an applicable processing environment (be that a fancy real-time query system or just text files and python scripts). This data needs to be modeled in a uniform way to make it easy to read and process.
Once these basic needs of capturing data in a uniform way are taken care of it is reasonable to work on infrastructure to process this data in various ways—MapReduce, real-time query systems, etc.

It's worth noting the obvious: without a reliable and complete data flow, a Hadoop cluster is little more than a very expensive and difficult to assemble space heater. Once data and processing are available, one can move concern on to more refined problems
of good data models and consistent well understood semantics. Finally, concentration can shift to more sophisticated processing—better visualization, reporting, and algorithmic processing and prediction.

In my experience, most organizations have huge holes in the base of this pyramid—they lack reliable complete data flow—but want to jump directly to advanced data modeling techniques. This is completely backwards.

So the question is, how can we build reliable data flow throughout all the data systems in an organization?

Data Integration: Two complications

Two trends make data integration harder.

The event data firehose

The first trend is the rise of event data. Event data records things that happen rather than things that are. In web systems, this means user activity logging, but also the machine-level events and statistics required to reliably operate and monitor a data
center's worth of machines. People tend to call this "log data" since it is often written to application logs, but that confuses form with function. This data is at the heart of the modern web: Google's fortune, after all, is generated by a relevance pipeline
built on clicks and impressions—that is, events.

And this stuff isn't limited to web companies, it's just that web companies are already fully digital, so they are easier to instrument. Financial data has long been event-centric. RFID adds
this kind of tracking to physical objects. I think this trend will continue with the digitization of
traditional businesses and activities.

This type of event data records what happened, and tends to be several orders of magnitude larger than traditional database uses. This presents significant challenges for processing.

The explosion of specialized data systems

The second trend comes from the explosion of specialized data systems that have become popular and
often freely available in the last five years. Specialized systems exist for OLAPsearchsimpleonline storagebatch
graph analysis, and so on.

The combination of more data of more varieties and a desire to get this data into more systems leads to a huge data integration problem.

Log-structured data flow

The log is the natural data structure for handling data flow between systems. The recipe is very simple:

Take all the organization's data and put it into a central log for real-time subscription.

Each logical data source can be modeled as its own log. A data source could be an application that logs out events (say clicks or page views), or a database table that accepts modifications. Each subscribing system reads from this log as quickly as it can,
applies each new record to its own store, and advances its position in the log. Subscribers could be any kind of data system—a cache, Hadoop, another database in another site, a search system, etc.

For example, the log concept gives a logical clock for each change against which all subscribers can be measured. This makes reasoning about the state of the different subscriber systems with respect to one another far simpler, as each has a "point in time"
they have read up to.

To make this more concrete, consider a simple case where there is a database and a collection of caching servers. The log provides a way to synchronize the updates to all these systems and reason about the point of time of each of these systems. Let's say we
write a record with log entry X and then need to do a read from the cache. If we want to guarantee we don't see stale data, we just need to ensure we don't read from any cache which has not replicated up to X.

The log also acts as a buffer that makes data production asynchronous from data consumption. This is important for a lot of reasons, but particularly when there are multiple subscribers that may consume at different rates. This means a subscribing system can
crash or go down for maintenance and catch up when it comes back: the subscriber consumes at a pace it controls. A batch system such as Hadoop or a data warehouse may consume only hourly or daily, whereas a real-time query system may need to be up-to-the-second.
Neither the originating data source nor the log has knowledge of the various data destination systems, so consumer systems can be added and removed with no change in the pipeline.

Of particular importance: the destination system only knows about the log and not any details of the system of origin. The consumer system need not concern itself with whether the data came from an RDBMS, a new-fangled key-value store, or was generated without
a real-time query system of any kind. This seems like a minor point, but is in fact critical.

I use the term "log" here instead of "messaging system" or "pub sub" because it is a lot more specific about semantics and a much closer description of what you need in a practical implementation to support data replication. I have found that "publish subscribe"
doesn't imply much more than indirect addressing of messages—if you compare any two messaging systems promising publish-subscribe, you find that they guarantee very different things, and most models are not useful in this domain. You can think of the log as
acting as a kind of messaging system with durability guarantees and strong ordering semantics. In distributed systems, this model of communication sometimes goes by the (somewhat terrible) name ofatomic

It's worth emphasizing that the log is still just the infrastructure. That isn't the end of the story of mastering data flow: the rest of the story is around metadata, schemas, compatibility, and all the details of handling data structure and evolution. But
until there is a reliable, general way of handling the mechanics of data flow, the semantic details are secondary.

At LinkedIn

I got to watch this data integration problem emerge in fast-forward as LinkedIn moved from a centralized relational
database to a collection of distributed systems.

These days our major data systems include:

Each of these is a specialized distributed system that provides advanced functionality in its area of specialty.

This idea of using logs for data flow has been floating around LinkedIn since even before I got here. One of the earliest pieces of infrastructure we developed was a service called databus that
provided a log caching abstraction on top of our early Oracle tables to scale subscription to database changes so we could feed our social graph and search indexes.

I'll give a little bit of the history to provide context. My own involvement in this started around 2008 after we had shipped our key-value store. My next project was to try to get a working Hadoop setup going, and move some of our recommendation processes
there. Having little experience in this area, we naturally budgeted a few weeks for getting data in and out, and the rest of our time for implementing fancy prediction algorithms. So began a long slog.

We originally planned to just scrape the data out of our existing Oracle data warehouse. The first discovery was that getting data out of Oracle quickly is something of a dark art. Worse, the data warehouse processing was not appropriate for the production
batch processing we planned for Hadoop—much of the processing was non-reversable and specific to the reporting being done. We ended up avoiding the data warehouse and going directly to source databases and log files. Finally, we implemented another pipeline
to load data into our key-value store for
serving results.

This mundane data copying ended up being one of the dominate items for the original development. Worse, any time there was a problem in any of the pipelines, the Hadoop system was largely useless—running fancy algorithms on bad data just produces more bad data.

Although we had built things in a fairly generic way, each new data source required custom configuration to set up. It also proved to be the source of a huge number of errors and failures. The site features we had implemented on Hadoop became popular and we
found ourselves with a long list of interested engineers. Each user had a list of systems they wanted integration with and a long list of new data feeds they wanted.

ETL in Ancient Greece. Not much has changed.

A few things slowly became clear to me.

First, the pipelines we had built, though a bit of a mess, were actually extremely valuable. Just the process of making data available in a new processing system (Hadoop) unlocked a lot of possibilities. New computation was possible on the data that would have
been hard to do before. Many new products and analysis just came from putting together multiple pieces of data that had previously been locked up in specialized systems.

Second, it was clear that reliable data loads would require deep support from the data pipeline. If we captured all the structure we needed, we could make Hadoop data loads fully automatic, so that no manual effort was expanded adding new data sources or handling
schema changes—data would just magically appear in HDFS and Hive tables would automatically be generated for new data sources with the appropriate columns.

Third, we still had very low data coverage. That is, if you looked at the overall percentage of the data LinkedIn had that was available in Hadoop, it was still very incomplete. And getting to completion was not going to be easy given the amount of effort required
to operationalize each new data source.

The way we had been proceeding, building out custom data loads for each data source and destination, was clearly infeasible. We had dozens of data systems and data repositories. Connecting all of these would have lead to building custom piping between each
pair of systems something like this:

Note that data often flows in both directions, as many systems (databases, Hadoop) are both sources and destinations for data transfer. This meant we would end up building two pipelines per system: one to get data in and one to get data out.

This clearly would take an army of people to build and would never be operable. As we approached fully connectivity we would end up with something like O(N2) pipelines.

Instead, we needed something generic like this:

As much as possible, we needed to isolate each consumer from the source of the data. They should ideally integrate with just a single data repository that would give them access to everything.

The idea is that adding a new data system—be it a data source or a data destination—should create integration work only to connect it to a single pipeline instead of each consumer of data.

This experience lead me to focus on building Kafka to combine what we had seen in messaging systems with the log concept popular in databases
and distributed system internals. We wanted something to act as a central pipeline first for all activity data, and eventually for many other uses, including data deployment out of Hadoop, monitoring data, etc.

For a long time, Kafka was a little unique (some would say odd) as an infrastructure product—neither a database nor a log file collection system nor a traditional messaging system. But recently Amazon has offered a service that is very very similar to Kafka
called Kinesis. The similarity goes right down to the way partitioning is handled, data is retained, and the fairly odd split in
the Kafka API between high- and low-level consumers. I was pretty happy about this. A sign you've created a good infrastructure abstraction is that AWS offers it as a service! Their vision for this seems to be exactly similar to what I am describing: it is
the piping that connects all their distributed systems—DynamoDB, RedShift, S3, etc.—as well as the basis for distributed stream processing using EC2.

Relationship to ETL and the Data Warehouse

Let's talk data warehousing for a bit. The data warehouse is meant to be a repository of the clean, integrated data structured to support analysis. This is a great idea. For those not in the know, the data warehousing methodology involves periodically extracting
data from source databases, munging it into some kind of understandable form, and loading it into a central data warehouse. Having this central location that contains a clean copy of all your data is a hugely valuable asset for data-intensive analysis and
processing. At a high level, this methodology doesn't change too much whether you use a traditional data warehouse like Oracle or Teradata or Hadoop, though you might switch
 the order of loading and munging.

A data warehouse containing clean, integrated data is a phenomenal asset, but the mechanics of getting this are a bit out of date.

The key problem for a data-centric organization is coupling the clean integrated data to the data warehouse. A data warehouse is a piece of batch query infrastructure which is well suited to many kinds of reporting and ad hoc analysis, particularly when the
queries involve simple counting, aggregation, and filtering. But having a batch system be the only repository of clean complete data means the data is unavailable for systems requiring a real-time feed—real-time processing, search indexing, monitoring systems,

In my view, ETL is really two things. First, it is an extraction and data cleanup process—essentially liberating data locked up in a variety of systems in the organization and removing an system-specific non-sense. Secondly, that data is restructured for data
warehousing queries (i.e. made to fit the type system of a relational DB, forced into a star or snowflake schema, perhaps broken up into a high performance column format,
etc). Conflating these two things is a problem. The clean, integrated repository of data should be available in real-time as well for low-latency processing as well as indexing in other real-time storage systems.

I think this has the added benefit of making data warehousing ETL much more organizationallyscalable. The classic problem of the data warehouse team is that they are responsible for collecting and cleaning all the data generated by every other team
in the organization. The incentives are not aligned: data producers are often not very aware of the use of the data in the data warehouse and end up creating data that is hard to extract or requires heavy, hard to scale transformation to get into usable form.
Of course, the central team never quite manages to scale to match the pace of the rest of the organization, so data coverage is always spotty, data flow is fragile, and changes are slow.

A better approach is to have a central pipeline, the log, with a well defined API for adding data. The responsibility of integrating with this pipeline and providing a clean, well-structured data feed lies with the producer of this data feed. This means that
as part of their system design and implementation they must consider the problem of getting data out and into a well structured form for delivery to the central pipeline. The addition of new storage systems is of no consequence to the data warehouse team as
they have a central point of integration. The data warehouse team handles only the simpler problem of loading structured feeds of data from the central log and carrying out transformation specific to their system.

This point about organizational
