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(v., n.)(表示客气时用)麻烦

You're not troubling me. I'm happy to help.

(n.) 活页夹

I put the papers in a folder.

as soon as


As soon as my report is ready, I will give it to my boss.

I'm always faithful.
古时候的社会,奉行一夫多妻制 (Polygamy),但做女人一定要从一而终,甚至以得到贞节牌坊为荣。如果你也是个忠诚、忠贞的人,可以说:I'm always faithful.(我永远忠贞不二)。现在,大部份国家奉行一夫一妻制 (Monogamy)。如果别人对你不忠诚,你可以对他说:You are unfaithful.(你不忠实)/ You are cheating on me.(你骗我)。一脚踏双船的人叫two-timer,所以You are a two-timer可说作‘你一脚踏双船’。

Lisa:Hey Gordon, are you winking at that girl?
Gordon:What? Oh, no! I have something in my eye.
Lisa:Look, I know you like a beautiful girl but I'm always faithful. I hope you are too.
Gordon:Of course I am, but baby, just because I've ordered my main course doesn't mean I still can't look at the menu.
Lisa:Well, then there is no dessert for you tonight.

莉莎对戈登说:I'm always faithful. I hope you are too (我对你很坚贞,希望你对我也如此)。李白说‘丈夫好新多异心’,戈登显然并不例外。

说到爱情专一,英文习惯用faithful、constant两字,例如:(1) She found in Tom a faithful husband(她有一个忠实的丈夫汤姆)。(2) While she plays around with other men, Tom remains constant to her(她跟别的男人在鬼混,汤姆却对她却始终不渝)。

对配偶或情人不忠,英文叫做two-time,例如:Peter two-timed his wife with her best friend(彼得跟他太太最好的朋友搭上了)。(2) Don't touch me, you dirty two-timing rat!(你这个负爱偷欢的脏东西,不要碰我!)不忠于配偶或情人者,叫做two-timer。

专指夫妻之间的不忠,则可用adultery(通奸)一字,一般说commit adultery,例如:Clinton committed adultery with an office assistant(柯林顿和一名办公室助理通奸)。不忠的丈夫叫adulterer,妻子叫adulteress。

从前,已婚男人的情妇叫mistress,已婚女人的情郎叫lover,Lady Chatterley's lover(查泰莱夫人的情郎)是脍炙人口的了。今天,情妇一般也可以称为lover,mistress一字已很少用。她也可以叫做the Other Woman(另一个女人)。已婚女人没有the Other Man,但可以有another man(另一个男人),例如: “I believe your wife has another man.” “And I believe your husband has one Other Woman.”(‘你太太似乎有外遇。’‘你丈夫似乎也有。’)

(n.) 街角

There is a 7-11 on the corner of the street.

(n.) 蜘蛛

Can you kill the spider that's in the kitchen?

ask somebody out


I really hope John asks me out. I really like him.

You're my sweetheart.
恋爱中的情侣通常都喜欢给对方一个小名或昵称,例如:亲爱的(Darling)、爱人(Love)、蜜糖儿 (Honey),或者你可以说:You're my sweetheart.(你是我的甜心)。如果想要说得‘肉麻’一点,可以说:You are the air that I breathe.(你是我呼吸的空气)、You are my everything.(你是我的一切)、You make my heart sing.(你令我的心唱歌)等,相信对方听到后,一定会甜在心头。

Gordon:I know things have been tough, but I still love you. You have to believe me.
Gordon:I only have eyes for you. You're my sweetheart.
Katie:But you're going out with Lisa.

戈登对凯蒂说:I only have eyes for you. You're my sweetheart。实在嘴甜如糖。To have eyes for是‘想得到’或‘对……感兴趣’,往往和only连用,作only have eyes for或have eyes only for,例如:(1) Have you eyes for a necklace?(你想要什么项链?)(2) He has eyes only for Mary, and will not go out with anyone else(他一心只爱玛丽,不会和别人谈恋爱)。留意have eyes for和have an eye for不同:have an eye for是 ‘懂得鉴赏’的意思,例如:He has an eye for jewelry(他懂得鉴赏宝石)。

戈登叫凯蒂做sweetheart(甜心),这是英文对情侣的众多称呼之一。同样取‘甜’意思的称呼有sweetie, sweetie-pie, sweeting, honey等,取 ‘亲爱’意思的则有darling, dear, deary, dearie, love, beloved, truelove等。班鸠(turtledove)以雌雄相爱著名,所以turtledove也成为情侣的称呼。例如戈登可以说:You're my truelove/turtledove。要表示爱情专一,可以说:You're my one and only(你是我唯一的爱人)、I love you with all my heart(我全心全意的爱你)。You're the love of my life则是说‘你是我一生最爱的人’。

还有一些爱的宣言,中国人一般不会说,西方人却可以说出口:I can't live without you(没有你,我就活不下去)、I have to have you(我不能没有你)、You're everything to me(你是我的一切)。


The line is so long. It will take a long time to buy our food.

(n.) 零食,点心

Eat a snack now because dinner isn't until nine o'clock.

go out with somebody


Julia went out with Robert last night. He took her for dinner.

We are in a serious relationship.
子女谈恋爱,相信父母是最紧张的。妈妈可能会常常追问你们的关系如何,如果你跟另一半的关系很稳定、很认真,你可告诉她:We are in a serious relationship.(我们是认真交往的)或是 We are in a steady relationship.(我们关系相当稳定)。如果大家的感情到了肯为对方无私奉献的地步,你可以说:We are devoted to one another.(我们愿意为对方奉献)。相反,如果是不认真的关系,可以说:We are in a causal relationship.(我们只是一般交往)。

Candice:Thanks for inviting me to your new apartment. Wow, it's so cool.
Lisa:Thanks, it's all part of the new image.Now I'm dating Gordon, things have changed.
Candice:I'll say. This place looks like it costs serious money.
Lisa:That's because we are in a serious relationship.

莉莎告诉坎迪斯:Now I'm dating Gordon, things have changed(我现在和戈登谈恋爱,情况就不同了)。坎迪斯说:I'll say。那是什么意思?

I'll say一语,常用来表示同意或肯定,例如:(1) “Is he handsome?” “I'll say!”(‘他样子帅吗?’‘帅得很!’)(2) “He certainly likes Mary.”“I'll say.”(‘无疑的他喜欢玛丽。’‘一点不错。’)而I'll say和I say、I should say的意思都不同,I say一般用来表示惊讶或引起人家注意,例如:(1) I say! What a pleasant surprise!(啊,真是个惊喜)。(2) I say, look at that snake(喂,看看那条蛇)。I should say则有‘我猜想’、‘也许’的意思,例如:I should say that snake measures some three meters in length(我看那条蛇大约有三公尺长)。

莉莎又谈到和男朋友的关系:We are in a serious relationship。这relationship一字,当然有‘关系’的意思,但很难准确译出。近代英文往往不用friendship(友谊)、love affair(风流韵事)、marriage(婚姻)等语意清晰的字,而用含糊的relationship来说,例如:(1) They have developed a friendly relationship (=friendship) pretty quickly(他们不久就建立了友谊)。(2) He had a relationship with his secretary(他和秘书有一段风流往事)。英国的Marriage Guidance Council(婚姻辅导会)更于一九八○年代末改名为Relate(关系)。莉莎所谓We are in a serious relationship,意思大约等于‘我们这段感情是认真的’。

(n.) 爆米花

Do you want butter on your popcorn?

(n.) 导演

Ang Lee is a famous Taiwanese director.

fall asleep


I can't fall asleep. I have to keep studying.

Will you marry me?
当你和另一半的关系已到论及婚嫁的阶段,此时男方会向女方求婚说:Will you marry me?(你会嫁给我吗?)某人向别人求婚,也可以说:He proposed.或He popped the question。求婚的时候当然少不了订婚戒指(Engagement ring),结婚戒指则叫Wedding ring。当对方接受你的求婚,你们便成为未婚夫(Fiance)和未婚妻(Fiancee)的关系了。

Gordon:I thought I'd bring you to this romantic place to tell you something.
Lisa:It sounds like it's something important Gordon.
Gordon:(Goes down on bended knee) Lisa, will you…
Lisa:Marry you? Yes, yes Gordon, yes, yes. What a perfect evening, his place, you, now we're engaged…
Gordon:Well…well, I was going to ask you to help me up, my knee's killing me. Why not, will you marry me? Think of all the gifts we'll get.
Lisa:Now the price has gone up, 5 carat ring.

莉莎见戈登跪下来(goes down on bended knee)说Will you...?以为是求婚,连忙替他接成一句话:Marry you? Yes, yes(嫁你?好,我愿意)。

求婚除了可以说Will you marry me ?还可以说Will you be my wife?(做我妻子好吗?)、Will you spend the rest of your life with me?(和我共度余生好吗?)等。答应很简单,说Yes, I will就行了。拒绝当然可以说No, I won't,但要婉转一点,则不妨说I don't want to get engaged/married yet(我现在还不想订婚/结婚)、I'm not ready for marriage yet(我还没准备好要结婚)。

‘求婚’英文可称之to propose, to make a proposal to, to offer marriage, to ask (a girl) in marriage或to ask for (a girl's) hand,俚语则叫做to pop the question。Pop有‘突然提出’含义,to pop a question无非‘提出问题’;但把a question限定为the question,那就不是普通问题,而是关乎终身幸福的那个大问题,例如:(1) We dated for five years before I popped the question (to her)(我和她恋爱五年之后才求婚)。(2) I proposed, but she refused(我跟她求婚,但她拒绝了)。

留意on bended knee这说法。Bend(屈曲)的过去式、完成式都是bent,不可写成bended,例如:He sat with his head bent(他低头坐着)。但当作‘跪着’或‘恳求’的on bended knee/knees,却是例外。He proposed to me on bended knee即‘他跪着向我求婚’,I sought his help on bended knee即‘我恳求他的帮忙’。


(a.) 不可思议的,惊人的

You wrote a book in a week? That's incredible.

(n.) 计算机

Jason likes to play video games on his computer.

hurry up


You have to hurry up. We need to go in ten minutes.

We are getting married.
当一对恋人经过求爱期、热恋期和稳定期之后,感情到达升华的阶段,就会结婚。此时你可高兴地向亲友宣布:We are getting married.(我们要结婚了)。婚礼中最重要的人物当然是新娘(Bride) 和新郎(Groom),还有好友当的伴娘(Matron of honor)和伴郎(Best man)。在外国,有些新人完成婚礼后会坐着贴了Just married (刚刚结婚)字句的车离开,他们还会兴高采烈的告诉大家:We are going for our honeymoon. (我们要去度蜜月啰) 。

Lisa: Well you know, we are getting married.
Kathryn: Yes.
Lisa: And I want you to be the wedding planner.
Kathryn: Thank you.
Lisa: We'll hold the reception here.
Kathryn: OK, right. Tell me what you're planning.
Lisa: Well, the band will go over there. The food will go over here, the guests will arrive here and pass the receiving line. Oh, please make sure that these doors can be locked.
Kathryn: Why?
Lisa: Once I have this man I'm never going to let him escape. You know Gordon.
莉莎: 你知道吗,我们快要结婚了。
凯思莲: 我知道啊。
莉莎: 我想要请你当婚礼的策划人。
凯思莲: 谢谢。
莉莎: 我们将在这里举行婚宴。
凯思莲: 好的,告诉我你们怎样计划?
莉莎: 嗯,乐队会在那边,食物放在这里,宾客来到这里然后经过接待处。噢,请确保这些门可以上锁。
凯思莲: 为什么?
莉莎: 当我得到这个男人,我绝不让他逃离我,你知道戈登的为人。

莉莎告诉凯思莲说:Gordon and I are getting married. I want you to be our wedding planner(戈登和我要结婚了,我想你替我们筹办婚礼。)

Wedding指婚礼,不可指婚姻(marriage)。 ‘她的婚姻维持了两年’英文是Her marriage lasted two years,不可说Her wedding。不过,marriage或marriage ceremony则和wedding一样,都可指婚礼,只是wedding较为常用,例如:We had a simple marriage / wedding with no banquet and only a few guests(我们的婚礼很简单,没有盛宴,客人也只有几名)。

留意marry一字的用法。莉莎可以说I'm marrying Gordon或I'm getting married to Gordon(我会和戈登结婚)。用被动语态的married,须用介系词to带出结婚对象,切勿用with,例如‘我嫁给戈登’是I'm married to Gordon。I'm married with three children则是‘我已婚,有三个孩子’,with之前可加逗点(comma)。

莉莎请凯思莲筹办婚礼,但更重要的应该是请人做伴娘、伴郎。伴娘已婚的叫matron of honor,未婚的叫bridesmaid,通常bridesmaids由matron of honor统领;伴郎叫groomsman或best man,若有很多名groomsmen则统领的叫best man。准新郎或准新娘可以问朋友:Will you be my groomsman / bridesmaid at the wedding?(婚礼上可以请你当我伴郎 / 伴娘吗?)、I would be happy if you could agree to be my best man / my bridesmaid(假如你可以做我的伴郎 / 伴娘,那就真是太好了)。

(n.) 同事

Her coworker was sick so she had a lot of work to do today.

(n.) 温泉,水疗

There are many spas in the mountains close to Taipei.

take off


I like to watch planes taking off and landing.

 caught the bouquet.
外国人的婚礼有个习俗就是在仪式完毕后,新娘把手上的捧花 (Wedding bouquet) 抛出,The bride will toss the bouquet.(新娘即将抛出捧花),哪个单身女生接到,很快就会结婚或交到男朋友。如果你有幸接到捧花的话,可以说:I caught the bouquet。除女生接捧花外,The men will fight for the garter.(男士会争夺吊袜带),希望接到新娘抛出的吊袜带,便可即早交到女友或者快些结婚。

Lisa: I knew I was going to get married next.
Candice: How could you know that?
Lisa: I caught the bouquet at Kathryn's wedding. It was fate.
Candice: Yes, but you pushed all the other girls there out of the way.
Lisa: I always get what I want, you'll see.
莉莎: 我知道我将会是下一个结婚的人。
坎迪斯: 你怎么知道?
莉莎: 我在凯思莲的婚礼上接到捧花,这是命中注定的。
坎迪斯: 对,但你把其它女孩全部推开。
莉莎: 我总是可以得到我想要的东西,你等着看吧。

莉莎说在朋友婚礼上接到新娘的捧花,是命运安排她随后做新娘:I caught the bouquet. It was fate。但坎迪斯认为她接到捧花不是天意,而是人力:You pushed all the other girls there out of the way(你把其它女郎全部推开)。

西方传统婚礼不脱迷信色彩。例如要好运,新娘衣着就须遵从古训:Wear something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue(穿的要有旧有新、有借来的,也有蓝色的)。结婚那天,新郎、新娘假如在婚礼前相见,据说会招来恶运;礼成后新娘抛出的捧花,据说又会落在下一个要结婚的女郎身上。所以莉莎说It was fate。

Fate、destiny都是‘命运’,但destiny所说的命运,可以由天安排,也可以由人决定,例如:(1) He wanted to die in his homeland, but destiny decided against it(他想死在故乡,但命运不容许)。(2) A referendum was held to decide the destiny of the nuclear power plant(当局举行公民投票,以决定核电厂的命运)。Fate则有较强‘上天安排’的含义,例如:You must learn to accept your fate(你须懂得接受命运安排)。希腊神话里的命运三女神,就叫做the Fates。不过,It was fate一语,改为It was destiny,其实也无不可。

莉莎把竞争者推开,显然是个英文所谓pushy的人。Pushy有‘进取得讨厌’的含义,例如:A salesman must not appear pushy(推销员不可给人强求粗鲁的印象)。

(v.) 敲、击

I knocked on Dan's door and he answered it.

(n.) 毛巾

After he went swimming, Jack dried himself with a towel.

rain or shine


Brad took his daughter walking every day, rain or shine.

Where is your reception?
结婚除了举行婚礼外,很多人还会‘摆喜酒’。婚宴叫Wedding banquet或Wedding dinner,不过外国人多称之为Reception。所以想知道别人在哪里摆喜酒,可以问:Where is your reception?(你的婚宴在哪里举行呢?)中国人喜欢包礼金送给新人,外国人则多喜欢送结婚礼物(Wedding gifts / Wedding presents)。此外,婚宴上新人会向来宾敬酒(Wedding toasts),宾客当然也要对新人祝福一番。

Candice: Thank you for the invitation, I am definitely coming.
Lisa: I'm so glad to hear it. I'm on cloud nine at the moment.
Candice: I bet you are. So tell me Lisa, where is your reception?
Lisa: Well I had to think of somewhere I wanted and something Gordon could afford. So we're having it at Pierre's, the upmarket French restaurant, but we're serving burgers and French fries. Compromise, compromise.
Candice: Hum… ok, ok.
坎迪斯: 谢谢你的邀请,我一定会到。
莉莎: 我听到这消息很高兴,我现在非常雀跃。
坎迪斯: 我想这是一定的。莉莎,你的婚宴在哪里举行呢?
莉莎: 嗯,我要找一个我喜欢和戈登可负担的地方。所以我们会在那间叫‘彼尔雅’的高级法国餐厅举行婚宴,但我们只能提供汉堡和薯条。妥协啊,妥协啊。
坎迪斯: 嗯……了解,了解。

莉莎告诉朋友说:We're having our wedding reception at the upmarket French restaurant, but we're serving burgers and French fries(我们会在高级法国餐厅举办婚宴,但餐点只有汉堡、薯条)。

西式婚宴一般在婚礼后举行,叫做wedding reception、wedding party或wedding breakfast、wedding feast、wedding banquet。其中,Feast、banquet当然都是指盛宴,而wedding breakfast却不一定是‘早餐’,它可以在下午甚至黄昏举办,菜肴也可以很丰富。至于party和reception,则可能只是酒会。邀人出席婚宴,通常会有请帖清楚列出宴会地址,例如:Miss Lisa Young and Mr. Gordon Chan request the pleasure of your company at the wedding breakfast following the ceremony at (address)(杨莉莎小姐与陈戈登先生谨邀台端出席婚礼后之宴会,宴会地址为XX)。

在婚宴上,一般会向新人敬酒。主礼者会说:Ladies and gentleman, I'd like to propose a toast to the bride and groom/let's toast the happy couple(各位,我们举杯向新人敬酒吧)、Here's to a long and happy life together!(谨祝婚姻美满,白头偕老!)

莉莎的婚宴以炸薯条请客;炸薯条起源于法国,所以英式英文称为French fried potatoes(法式炸薯)或chips,美式英文则称为French fries。在美国,不要叫炸薯条做chips:美式英文以chips指炸薯片,等于英式英文的potato crisps。


Sophie put on her bikini and went swimming.

(n.) 冷藏箱,冰筒

The drinks are in the cooler.

dine out


I don't like to cook so I dine out every day.

It's our paper anniversary.
对于新婚夫妻来说,第一年的结婚纪念日可能是特别有意义。要告诉人家自己的纸婚纪念日来临,可以说:It’s our paper anniversary.(这是我们的纸婚纪念日)。其实不同阶段的结婚周年纪念(Wedding anniversary)都有特别的名称,例如廿五周年叫银婚(Silver anniversary),五十周年叫金婚(Golden anniversary)。有些人喜欢举办结婚周年宴会(Wedding anniversary party)与亲友一起庆祝。Anniversary是指‘周年纪念’,除了指结婚周年纪念外,也可泛指其它东西,如百货公司、企业的成立周年纪念。

对 话
Candice: So Kathryn, you've been married a year now. How does it feel?
Kathryn: So far, so good. Actually it's our paper anniversary today. Marcus gave me this. I still haven't opened it yet.
Candice: Well open it. Let's see what it says.
Kathryn : (Open the envelope) 'Honey can you pick up my suit from the cleaners?'’ Well, the honeymoon is definitely over.
坎迪斯: 凯思莲,你已经结婚一年了,感觉如何呢?
凯思莲: 到目前一切还不错,其实今天是我们的纸婚纪念日,马卡斯送我这个,但我还未打开它。
坎迪斯: 快打开它,看看里面写些什么。
凯思莲: (打开信封)‘蜜糖儿,可否替我从洗衣店取回我的西装呢?’嗯,蜜月期的确已经过去。

凯思莲结婚满一周年那天,丈夫给她的字条不是蜜语甜言,而是请她去洗衣店拿衣服。她叹息说:The honeymoon is definitely over(蜜月期的确已经过去)。

西方结婚纪念日,以所赠送礼物的性质命名,一周年叫paper wedding anniversary(纸婚纪念日),此后的结婚纪念日则每五年有一个名称:wooden(木,五周年)、tin(锡,十周年)、crystal(水晶,十五周年)、china(瓷,二十周年)、silver(银,二十五周年)、pearl(珍珠,三十周年)、coral(珊瑚,三十五周年)、ruby(红宝石,四十周年)、sapphire(蓝宝石,四十五周年)、golden(金,五十周年)、emerald(翡翠,五十五周年)、diamond(钻石,六十周年)。

在纸婚纪念日,凯思莲的丈夫至少可以送给她一张感谢卡,写着Thanks for a wonderful year(谢谢过去美好的一年)、Lucky me! I have you!(有了你,我真幸运)之类。但正如中国人所说,婚前的‘书画琴棋诗酒花’,婚后往往化成‘柴米油盐酱醋茶’。这就是凯思莲所谓The honeymoon is definitely over。另一说法是:The romance has gone out of our marriage (我们的婚姻不再浪漫了)。

不过,凯思莲看来还是个脚踏实地的人;朋友问她婚姻生活怎样,她也说so far, so good(到目前一切还不错)。假如她说I’ve fallen out of love(我不再爱他了)、We’ve drifted apart (我们愈来愈疏远了)、I never talk to him anymore(我不再和他谈话了)等,那么,婚姻就亮起危险讯号了。


The children made a sandcastle on the beach.

(adv.) 在(往)楼下

If you need to use the bathroom, go downstairs.

look for


I'm looking for Dr. Smith. Have you seen him?

I'm expecting.
不少人成家立室后,都会打算生个可爱的小宝宝,一尝为人父母的滋味,也有的是为家族传宗接代。不管怎样,当你怀了小生命,你可以说:I'm expecting.或 I'm pregnant.(我怀孕了)。还有两个较通俗的说法:I have a bun in the oven. (我有一个小圆面包在烤箱里) 或I'm eating for two. (我一人吃两人补),意思都是‘我怀孕了’。

对 话
Katie: What did you want to talk to me about?
Lisa: Well, I don't know how to put this. I'm expecting…
Katie: You're pregnant? But you're not even married yet. What will you do?
Lisa: I'm not pregnant. I was saying that I'm expecting 50 more guests than we thought at the reception and I was wondering if I could borrow some money from my best friend?
Katie: I liked it better when you were pregnant. How much?
Lisa: A hundred grand.
Katie: What?
Lisa: Fifty? Twenty? Anything?
凯蒂: 你想跟我说什么?
莉莎: 噢,我不知该怎么说,我预计会……
凯蒂: 你怀孕了吗?但你仍未结婚,那你打算怎样?
莉莎: 我不是怀孕。我是说我期待会多五十个宾客到婚宴,我想跟你借些钱,可以吗?
凯蒂: 我宁愿你怀孕了。要借多少?
莉莎: 十万块。
凯蒂: 什么?
莉莎: 五万?二万?多少都可以啦。

莉莎告诉朋友:I'm expecting....,话没有说完,朋友却以为她怀孕了,不得不结婚。被迫举行的婚礼,英文叫shotgun marriage/wedding,直译是‘猎枪婚礼’,有‘女方父亲拿着枪逼迫男方迎娶’的意思,而要出此下策,往往是因为女的未婚怀孕。She was several months pregnant when she married. It was a real shotgun wedding即‘她结婚时已怀孕好几个月了,实在是被迫结婚的’。

和女方有了性关系然后迎娶,英文叫做to make an honest woman of her,直译是‘使她成为诚实的女人’。假设莉莎未婚怀孕,莉莎的父亲发觉了,盛怒之下拔枪相向,戈登应该就会说:Please don't shoot, sir. I promise I'll make an honest woman of your daughter(请不要开枪,我保证迎娶令嫒,保存她的声誉)。

‘怀孕’英文有多个说法。She is pregnant/expecting (a child)/with child/in a family way等,都是说‘她怀孕了’。留意with child和with a child的意思不同:She is with a child即‘她和一个孩子在一起’。此外还有一些俚语说法:She got storked/knocked up、She's baking bread、She's got a pudding/a bun in the oven。西方有鹳鸟(stork)送婴儿的传说,所以storked;knock up(敲击)是粗鄙说法,一般不宜使用;至于小圆面包(bun)、面包(bread)、布丁(pudding)等,都是很明白的比喻,不必解释了。

(n.) 一餐

Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day.

(n.) 食谱

The recipe says we need two eggs and a cup of milk.

 get over


A: I can't get over the fact that Alice was promoted, and I wasn't.
B: Alice is friendly with the boss, and you're not.

She left him at the altar.
早前有出以逃婚为主题的电影叫Runaway Bride(落跑新娘),新娘子在进教堂前临阵退缩,可以说:She left him at the altar.(她在神坛前离开他),即是说‘她逃婚了’。也可以说:She changed her mind at the last minute.(她在最后一刻改变主意)/ She got cold feet.(她临阵退缩)。新娘对结婚感到战战兢兢、紧张不安,可以形容她:She had the wedding jitters.(她对结婚感到紧张不安)。

Brian: Shawn. Sorry I missed the service but at least I'm here for the reception. Where is the happy couple?
Shawn: Only Gordon is here. Lisa's...she left him at the altar.
Brian: No! So why are we still having a party?
Shawn: Well, Lisa's family paid for the wedding and Gordon's never been one to give up a free meal.
Brian: Just look at him, he's having a ball. He's bounced back so quickly.
布莱恩: 尚伟,对不起我错过了婚礼,但至少我还出席了婚宴,新人在哪里?
尚伟: 只有戈登在这里,莉莎……她逃婚了。
布莱恩: 不会吧!那为什么仍继续开派对?
尚伟: 噢,莉莎家人已经支付婚礼开支了,戈登当然不会错过这个免费大吃的机会。
布莱恩: 看他,他正在玩的开心呢,他心情恢复得真快。

在西方,不少人会到教堂成亲,不少结婚成语自然也就和教堂有关。比如说,婚礼开始时,新娘一般会由父亲挽着手,沿教堂中间的通道(aisle)走向神坛(altar),所以,walk down the aisle有‘结婚’的意思,例如:(1) As my father walked me down the aisle, I suddenly felt nervous(父亲携我沿着通道走向神坛,我忽然感到忐忑不安)。(2) I saw Mary the day before she walked down the aisle(玛丽结婚前一天,我见过她)。

到了神坛,父亲会把女儿交给新郎,英文叫做to give the bride away,例如:As our father was dead, I as the elder brother gave Becky away(家父已过世,身为兄长的我,就负责把蓓琪交给新郎)。

至于to lead one to the altar(把某人带到神坛前),则是‘娶某人为妻’的意思,例如:Tom led Mary to the altar three months after getting to know her(汤姆认识玛丽三个月后,就和她结婚了)。

To leave one at the altar(在神坛前离开某人)意思更是再明白不过:临时逃婚。例如:Learning at the eleventh hour that James was a homosexual, Amy left him (standing) at the altar(爱美在最后一刻才知道詹姆斯有断袖之癖,于是临时逃婚)。

此外,为婚礼响起的钟声(wedding bells),往往也成为结婚的代名词,例如:I saw them walking hand in hand, and seemed to hear their wedding bells(我见他们手牵手同行,觉得他们婚期近了)。


(a.) 【口语】饥饿的

Paul was starving so he ate four hamburgers.

(a.) 食品杂货;食品杂货店;食品杂货业

Janet buys food at the grocery store once a week.

quit on


A: I don't feel like finishing this report for you.
B: Don't quit on me now.

Can't we just be friends?
分手总是很难说出口,这一课就教大家几句婉转提出分手的说法,你可跟对方说:I think we should start to see other people.(我想我们应该认识其它朋友)、I think we need to talk.(我想我们需要谈一谈)或者说:Can't we just be friends?(我们只做朋友,好吗?)如果用婉转的方法对方听不懂,不妨试试直接点说:I want to break up with you.(我想跟你分手)。提出离婚,则可以说:I want a divorce.(我想离婚)。

Gordon: (Arms around Katie at party) Could I have your attention please? Thank you for coming to our wedding everyone.
Brian: Speech! Speech!
Gordon: Well I have only one thing to say.
Shawn: What's that Gordon?
Gordon: Can't we just be friends?
Lisa: Well all right.
Shawn: We suppose so.
Brian: Of course!
All: Cheers! Cheers! Cheers!
戈登: (派对中手挽着凯蒂)大家可否听我讲句话?谢谢各位来到我们的婚礼。
布莱恩: 致辞吧!致辞吧!
戈登: 我只想讲一件事。
尚伟: 什么事啊,戈登?
戈登: 我们只做朋友,好吗?
莉莎: 好吧。
尚伟: 我赞成。
布莱恩: 当然可以!
众人: 干杯!干杯!干杯!

情侣或夫妻提议分手,往往不用千言万语。你可以说:I think we should break off our relationship(我想,我们应该终止这段关系)、I want to break up (with you)(我想分手了)。夫妻则可以说:Let's get divorced(我们离婚吧)。

分手、离婚的原因很多,但大致上不外乎是爱情渐淡:I think we've been pretending to each other for some time. Maybe we were in love at first. If so, we've changed. I don't know why, but I know now I don't really love you(我觉得,过去这段日子,我们只是假装相爱。也许,最初我们是相爱的,但彼此都变了。我不知道为什么,只知道现在的我,并不真的爱你)。

严重一点的,则可以说:I don't want to rake up old quarrels, but clearly we just don't get along and it's pointless to continue our relationship. I'm sure this is the right decision for us both(我不想翻旧帐,但我们明显无法相处,维持这段关系并没有意思。我相信分手对你我来说,都是好事)。

提出分手之后,双方应该还可以做好朋友,你可以说:I hope when we see each other again, we can still be very good friends(我希望再见面的时候,我们还是好朋友)。

当然,恋爱的理想结局不是Can't we just be friends?(我们只做朋友,好吗?)而是: “Darling, will you marry me?” “Why, yes!”(‘嫁给我好吗?’‘啊,好!’)

(v.) 答应,承诺

I promise I will meet you after work.

(v.) 介意

I don't mind if you eat the last piece of cake.
you name it


I like all sports. Baseball, basketball, you name it.

I'm an X-sports fan.
时下年青人最近流行玩一种新世代运动叫X-sports(极限运动),X是指Extreme(极端),X-sports (Extreme sports)是指一些具高度危险缘脑硕纾焊呖仗?Sky diving)、空中滑板(Sky surfing)、下山越野单车(Downhill mountain biking)等等,这些X-sports充满刺激性,令人肾上腺素上升(Adrenalin rush)。如果你是个极限运动爱好者,可以说:I'm an X-sports fan.(我是极限运动爱好者)。

Brian: What a great outfit. What's it for?
Candice: I need it for my sports. I'm an X-sports fan.
Brian: I've never seen any X-sports before. What are they like?
Candice: Well, let me show you. (Getting herself into a bag, rolling downstairs)
Brian: Wow ! Now that's extreme. I'm impressed. Do it again, I'll get my camera.
布莱恩: 很棒的一套装备,它是干嘛的?
坎迪斯: 用来做运动的,我是极限运动的爱好者。
布莱恩: 我从未见过什么极限运动,它是怎样的啊?
坎迪斯: 让我表演给你看。(把自己包进一个袋子里 ,滚下楼梯 )
布莱恩: 哇!的确极限,真让我印象深刻。再来一次吧,我要拍照留念。

在西方传统运动之外,兴起了所谓extreme sports(极限运动),又名alternative sports(另类运动),从事这类运动的人叫extreme sportsman/sportswoman。

极限运动一般十分危险,包括snowboarding(踏板滑雪)、snow biking(雪上脚踏车)、ice climbing(攀冰山)、paragliding(飞行伞运动)等。这类运动强调free expression(自由表达),连穿着溜冰鞋(roller skates)翻觔斗都算‘自由表达’。所以有人批评说:Sports are about discipline, about excellence within clearly set guidelines, not about free expression(运动讲究纪律,务求在明确规范下有出类拔萃的表现,没有自由表达这回事)。也有人讥讽说:Alternative sports are an alternative to sports(另类运动者,运动之外的另一类东西也)。Alternative作名词用,是‘供选择的事物’,例如‘不做奴隶,就要死亡’可译做The alternative to slavery is death。

Sport泛指所有运动的时候,是不可数名词(uncountable noun),例如:(1) He enjoys watching sport on television(他喜欢看电视的运动节目)。(2) I am not interested in any kind of sport(我对任何运动都不感兴趣)。Sport也可专指某种运动,作可数名词(countable noun),例如:(1) Soccer is a team sport(足球是一种团队运动)。(2) He excels in many sports(他擅长多种运动)。作形容词,sport是美式说法,sports则是英式,‘报纸的体育版’叫做the sport/sports pages。

(n.) 小睡,午睡

John was tired so he had a nap in the afternoon.

(n.) (书的)章节

Paula read three chapters of her book last night.

Hold your horses.


Hold your horses. We’ll leave soon.

He's a tennis pro.
有不少广告商会邀请知名运动员担任代言人,例如:阿格西、库妮可娃等,像阿格西这样的职业网球员,可叫做:He's a tennis pro.(他是个职业网球选手),Pro即是Professional(专业的),有时候称赞别人打得一手好网球,也可说:He's a tennis pro。所以要说得准确点,不妨说:He's a professional tennis player.(他是个职业网球选手)。业余运动员则叫Amateur。

Rita: I just love watching tennis. These guys are real athletes. You must be proud of Marty.
Candice: I am. He's a tennis pro. He may even get to Wimbeldon next year.
Rita: So which one is he?
Candice: He's the one over there in the green shirt.
Rita: But he's a ball boy.
Candice: That's my Marty.
莉达: 我只爱看网球赛,他们是真正的运动员,你一定为马丁感到自豪。
坎迪斯: 当然啰。他是个专业的网球好手,他明年甚至可以去温布尔登了。
莉达: 哪个是他呢?
坎迪斯: 在那边,穿绿色衬衫的那个。
莉达: 但他只是个球童而已。
坎迪斯: 那就是我的马丁。

坎迪斯向莉达吹嘘男朋友马丁是个职业网球员:He's a tennis pro。观赛的莉达羡慕不已,说:These guys are real athletes. Which one is Marty?(他们都是真正的运动员,哪个是马丁呢?)

Pro是professional的简写,但professional作名词用,一般指律师、医生之类的专业人士;pro则多指职业运动员,也常常指职业演员。和professional一样,pro也可作形容词(adjective)。She bought a T-shirt signed by a soccer pro for US$1,000即‘她花一千美元,买了一件有职业足球员签名的T恤’。Pro soccer had a late start in China. 即‘职业足球运动,在中国起步稍迟’。Professional的反义词是amateur(业余从事者、业余的),a pro-am match或a pro-am是指‘职业、业余选手合作的比赛’。

Athlete、sportsman都是‘运动员’,两字一般可以通用。不过,sportsman可以指‘其争也君子’的运动员,athlete却未必有这样的修养。譬如说,有个足球先生以手代脚推球入网,得分后欣喜若狂,你可以说:He may be a great athlete, but he is no sportsman(他也许是出色的运动员,却不是运动家)。

留意Which one is Marty?这一句。Which一般不用来说人,但要问‘……之中的哪一个人’,则须用which,不能用who。Who is he?即‘他是谁?’有别于Which is he?(哪个是他?) ‘你们之中谁跑得最快?’英文是:Which of you is the fastest runner?


(v.) 得高分

I'm so happy because I aced all of my exams.

(v.) 庆祝

I'm celebrating my birthday tonight. Can you come to the party?

drop out of


A: I think I might drop out of school.
B: Then you can kiss your future goodbye.

I like martial arts.
提到李小龙大家都会联想到功夫(Kung Fu),其实功夫属于武术的一种,所以如果你喜欢武术,可以说:I like martial arts.(我喜欢武术)。柔道(Judo)、空手道(Karate)、跆拳道(Tae Kwan Do)等都属于武术。如果你是个武术专家,可以自我介绍说:I am a martial arts expert.(我是个武术专家)。

对 话
Brian: You look great in that outfit. What are you doing?
Rita: I'm practising Tae Kwan Do. I think I'm getting the hang of it now.
Brian: I'll take your word for it. Come on, give it up, you'll do yourself an injury.
Rita: No way. I like martial arts.
Brian: Fine. But I don't think martial arts like you. Here, let me help you up. (Rita attempts to kick Brian but falls down) I'm sorry, I'm sorry. (Rita finally kicks down Brian) Yeah, you're really getting the hang of it.
布莱恩: 你一身装备看来很棒 ,你在干什么 ?
莉达: 我在练习跆拳道,我想我已掌握诀窍了。
布莱恩: 我不怀疑你的话。来吧, 放弃它,你会弄伤你自已的。
莉达: 不,我喜欢武术。
布莱恩: 好的,但我认为武术不适合你。让我来帮你练习吧。(莉达尝试踢布莱恩,但跌倒)对不起 ,对不起。(莉达最终踢倒布莱恩)现在你真的掌握到了。

莉达告诉布莱恩:I'm getting the hang of it now. I like martial arts。布莱恩说:I don't think martial arts like you。那get the hang of是什么意思?

Hang作名词,意思是‘诀窍’或‘说话的意思’,常见于have/get the hang of这句成语,例如:(1) I don't think I'll ever get the hang of the computer(我想,我永远不能掌握计算机运用的诀窍)。(2) I failed to get the hang of his lecture(我没办法明白他的演讲)。I'm getting the hang of tae kwan do即‘我开始掌握跆拳道的诀窍’。

古罗马战神叫Mars,太阳系的第七大行星就以Mars为名,中文则称为‘火星’。古人认为,在Mars影响下出生的人特别好战,所以martial指‘军事的’或‘战争的’,例如martial spirit(尚武精神)、martial music(军乐)等。这个字容易和marital(婚姻的)混淆,必须小心。Marital和Mars无关,却和marry(结婚)同出一源。Martial arts专指东方的武术,包括tae kwan do、kung fu(功夫)、kendo(剑道)、karate(空手道)、judo(柔道)等。It is difficult to master even one of the martial arts即‘要精通任一门武术,都很不容易’。

布莱恩告诉莉达:I don't think martial arts like you(我认为武术不适合你)。留意英文常用‘something does not like somebody’来说某事物不适合某人,例如:I like wine, but it doesn't like me(我爱喝酒,但酒对我身体不好)。


The batter hit the ball.

(n.) 投手

The pitcher threw the ball, but I couldn't hit it.

take off


Let’s take off in an hour.

I'm going for a jog.
很多人喜欢慢跑,因为没有时间和地点的限制,而且对心肺功能很有帮助,所以如果你将要去跑步,可以说:I'm going for a jog.(我要去慢跑),或者可以说:I'm going for a run.(我去跑步)。跑步也有不同形式,例如百米赛跑叫A hundred meter dash、短跑叫Sprint、马拉松赛跑叫Marathon,超过26.4英里距离的赛跑才叫马拉松,其它都称为长跑而已。

对 话
Candice: What are you doing?
Marty: Nothing, just eating a hot dog.
Candice: Well I'm going for a jog and you are coming with me! It's for your own good. You've got to get yourself fit and healthy for the games.
Marty: But I haven't finished with my hot dog!
Candice: Well, hurry up and finish your dog you lazy dog! Come on!
坎迪斯: 你在干什么 ?
马丁: 没什么,只是在吃热狗。
坎迪斯: 嗯,我要去慢跑,你和我一起去吧!这对你有好处,你要有强健的体魄才能应付比赛。
马丁: 但我还没吃完热狗耶!
坎迪斯: 嗯,懒狗,快吃掉你的热狗!一起来跑步吧!

坎迪斯叫正在吃热狗的马丁和她一起慢跑健身:Hurry up and finish your hot dog, you lazy dog!(懒狗,快吃掉你的热狗!)这两只‘狗’值得谈谈。

中文叫人做‘狗’,多带侮辱意味,英文却不然,以狗比喻人再平常不过,I'm sick as a dog(我病得像狗一样厉害)就是一例。Dog有时只是‘家伙’的意思,前面一般加形容词,例如:a gay/jolly dog(快活的家伙)、a lucky dog(幸运的家伙)等。You've won the lottery again? You lucky dog!即‘你又中乐透彩了?你这家伙真幸运!’懒虫是lazy dog,也可叫做lazybones。Lazybones须用复数形式,但可冠a字,例如:He is a lazybones with no ambition whatsoever(他很懒,一点雄心壮志都没有)。

谁都知道hot dog是‘热狗’,但长面包夹香肠和狗有什么关系?原来猎獾狗(dachshund,又名腊肠狗)身长腿短,状似香肠,俚语因此以dog说香肠。美国人爱吃热狗,hot dog因此也有‘好极了’的意思,例如:Hot dog! There's custard pudding!(好啊,有蛋奶布丁!)
坎迪斯喜欢的慢跑(jogging),是一种有助心肺健康(cardiorespiratory fitness)的有氧运动(aerobic exercise),英文可以说:Jogging is an aerobic exercise that enhances cardiorespiratory fitness。快步走(brisk walking)也有益健康。The doctor advised me to go for a brisk walk for thirty minutes a day即‘医生建议我每天快步走三十分钟’。

(n.) 体育场,球场

There's a football game at the stadium this weekend.

(v.) 接住

I'm going to throw the ball, so try and catch it.
turn in


A: When will you turn in your assignment?
B: Next week.

I only play team sports.
有些运动例如:跑步、健身等都可以一个人做,我们称为个人运动(Solo sports),相反有些运动例如:棒球(Baseball) 、足球(Football)或排球(Volleyball)则需要一班人来玩的,英文称为Team sports(团体运动),如果你只喜欢玩团体运动,可以说:I only play team sports.(我只玩团体运动)。团体运动讲求团队精神(Team spirit),还有拉拉队(Cheerleaders)在比赛场上助兴鼓励士气。

Brian: So who's next for a beating? I am on fire today. How about you? Or, are you too chicken? (Playing tennis single)
Adrian: No thanks. One on one isn't for me. I only play team sports.
Brian: Oh really? So what team sport would that be?
Adrian: Teaching arrogant idiots like you a lesson. Get him boys!
布莱恩: 谁来做我下一个手下败将?我今天战意旺盛,你来好吗?还是,你太胆小? (比赛网球单打)
阿德里恩: 不用了,谢谢。我不喜欢单打独斗,我只玩团体运动。
布莱恩: 噢,真的吗?那会是什么团体运动?
阿德里恩: 就是教训像你这般傲慢自大的笨蛋。揍他一顿吧兄弟们!

布莱恩向阿德里恩挑战:So who's next for a beating? How about you? Or, are you too chicken? 阿德里恩说:One on one isn't for me。

One on one是美式英语,等于英式的one to one,意思是‘一对一’,例如:(1) Chess is a one-on-one/one-to-one game(奕棋是一对一的游戏)。(2) The two department heads had a one-on-one/one-to-one discussion(两位部门主任单独面谈)。One on one isn't for me即 ‘我不会单打独斗’。

Who's next for a beating?这话很自大。Beating有‘败北’、‘惨败’的意思,例如:He shouldn't have challenged the heavyweight boxing champion. He's in for a beating(他不该挑战重量级拳击冠军;他一定会惨败)。布莱恩那句话等于说‘谁来做我下一个手下败将?’

Are you too chicken?的chicken是俚语。Chicken指‘鸡’,但从前专指‘小鸡’,和今天的chick(小鸡)差不多。小鸡容易受惊,所以俚语常以chicken说胆小鬼,也可作形容词或动词。作形容词,有时会写作chicken-hearted,是lion-hearted(勇猛的)的反义词,作动词,则往往和out连用,指临阵退缩,例如:(1) I never guessed he was so chicken/chicken-hearted(我绝对想不到他那么胆小)。(2) He may chicken out when action is called for(要行动时,他可能退缩)。

留意成语no chicken用来说女性,一般是指她已不年轻,取chicken的‘小鸡’原意,例如She's no chicken是‘她年纪不轻了’,不是说‘她很勇敢’。
