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2013年03月29日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 3144字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭





VB.NET code
Public Sub Test(ByVal name as String, ByVal Age as String) MessageBox.Show("Name is " & name & "and age is " & age) End Sub







VB.NET code
Function关键字实例 Dim nums() As Integer = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} nums = Array.FindAll(nums, Function(n) Console.WriteLine("testing " & n) Return n > 2 End Function) Sub关键字实例 Array.ForEach(nums, Sub(n) Console.Write("Number: ") Console.WriteLine(n) End Sub)



VB.NET code
Private _FirstName As String Property FirstName() As String Get Return _FirstName End Get Set(ByVal value As String) _FirstName = value End Set End Property

在vb.net 2010中,我们不需要这么写了。你只要编写属性就可以了,编译器在编译的时候会


VB.NET code
Property FirstName() As String


VB.NET code
Property FirstName() As String = "George" '中文译音为:饺子


VB.NET code
'List Dim list As New List(Of String) From {"abc", "def", "ghi"} 'Dictionary Dim dict As New Dictionary(Of Integer, String) From {{1, "abc"},{2, "def"}} '当然,你也可以不用声明类型,编译器会根据集合的类型来识别 Dim a = {1, 2, 3} '编译器会推断为 Integer() Dim b = {1, 2, 3.5} '编译器会推断为 Double() Dim c = {"1", "2", "3"} '编译器会推断为 String() Dim d = {1, "123"} '编译器会推断为 Object() 如果设置了Option Strict On,会有警告 Dim e = {{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}} '编译器会推断为 Integer(,) Dim f = {({1, 2, 3}), ({4, 5, 6})} '编译器会推断为 Integer()()

Compiling without PIAs
Using .NET to program against the Microsoft Office Object Model requires the use of Primary Interop Assemblies (PIAs), which must be deployed to the end-user’s machine. These assemblies are often very large, so deploying them can often be a nuisance.
Visual Basic 10.0 will allow these applications to be deployed without requiring PIAs to exist on the user’s machine. It does this by generating “local types” that perform the interop calls to the COM library directly. These types are annotated by the compiler
in such a way that the Common Language Runtime (CLR) can unify these types across assemblies. The compiler will not copy every type in the PIA into your assembly, just the ones you actually use.
In order to turn on this feature, select the reference in Solution Explorer and then set “Embed Interop Tyeps” to “True” in the Properties window:

Implicit Line Continuation
The underscore character is used in Visual Basic to indicate that the current logical line is being split up over one or more physical lines. Visual Basic 10.0 removes the requirement for an underscore to be present after certain tokens where its presence can
be inferred (i.e. the line continuation character becomes “implicit”). While the need to use underscore has not been entirely removed from the language, the intention is that developers will not have to use it in the vast majority of lines they write.
At a high level, the line continuation character is implicit in the following situations:
1. After an attribute
2. After a comma
3. After a dot (i.e. for method invocation)
4. After a binary operator
5. After a LINQ query clause
6. After a (, {, or <%=
7. Before a ), }, or %>

