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2014年01月01日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 665字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭


template <typename T>
void selectionSort(vector<T>& v)
   // index of smallest item in each pass
 int smallIndex;
 // save the vector size in n
 int pass, j, n = v.size();
 T temp;

 // sort v[0]..v[n-2], and arr[n-1] is in place
 for (pass = 0; pass < n-1; pass++)
  // start the scan at index pass; set smallIndex to pass
  smallIndex = pass;
  // j scans the sublist v[pass+1]..v[n-1]  找出从当前位置开始的最小的元素
      for (j = pass+1; j < n; j++)
         // update smallIndex if smaller element is found
         if (v[j] < v[smallIndex])
            smallIndex = j;
      // when finished, place smallest item in arr[pass]
      if (smallIndex != pass)      放到当前位置
   temp = v[pass];
   v[pass] = v[smallIndex];
   v[smallIndex] = temp;
