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WindowFromPoint Function

2014年02月26日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 971字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭

WindowFromPoint Function

The WindowFromPoint function retrieves a handle to the window that contains the specified point.


HWND WindowFromPoint(      

    POINT Point );


[in] Specifies a POINT structure that defines the point to be checked.

Return Value

The return value is a handle to the window that contains the point. If no window exists at the given point, the return value is NULL. If the point is over a static text control, the return value is a handle to the window under the static text control.


The WindowFromPoint function does not retrieve a handle to a hidden or disabled window, even if the point is within the window. An application should use the ChildWindowFromPoint function for a nonrestrictive search.


For an example, see "Interface from Running Object Table" in About Text Object Model.

Function Information

Minimum DLL Version user32.dll
Header Declared in Winuser.h, include Windows.h
Import library User32.lib
Minimum operating systems Windows 95, Windows NT 3.1
Unicode Implemented as Unicode version.

See Also

Windows Overview, ChildWindowFromPoint, POINT, WindowFromDC
