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如何将svn上checkout下来的android 程序由java project转成android project in Eclipse

2014年03月17日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 381字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭

前段在svn checkout Android project的时候有一时项目老是checkout不下来,甚是戚戚,现在将正确方法做个笔记。


1. Check out from svn in your workspace

2. Delete your .project file (in file system)

3. New an Android project and the project name should be the same as original name

4. Select 'Create project from existing source' 

5. Specify the location where your source is located

6. Click Next(choose a build target: e.x Android 3.0),maybe change the text file encoding

7. Click Finish
