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【MSDN文摘】Building Windows Forms Controls and Components with Rich Design-Time Features – part 1 of 2

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Visual Studio .NET

Building Windows Forms Controls and Components with Rich Design-Time Features

Michael Weinhardt and Chris Sells

This article assumes you're familiar with Visual Studio .NET and C#

Level of Difficulty1

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Visual Studio
.NET provides support for designing rich features into your controls
and components, allowing you to set properties, set form placement,
inherit from base classes, and much more. So how does Visual Studio
.NET do all this? What does the Windows Forms designer do? What's the
difference between a control and a component?
How does Visual Studio
integrate your controls so that they can access features of the .NET

In this article, the authors answer these common
questions by building a clock control and taking the reader along for
the ride. In building the control, hosts and containers are
illustrated, the property browser is explained, debugging is discussed,
and a general overview of the design-time infrastructure is presented.



building a Windows® Forms application, you create forms, add components
and controls, consume events, and write custom code. All of this is
done with the intention of responding to user demands at run time.
Likewise, at design time, components and controls themselves have to
respond to developer demands.
Towards that end, the Microsoft® .NET
Framework includes rich design-time support, offering a bevy of
interfaces, base classes, and attributes to increase the flexibility
and usability of your controls and components, from simple form
placement and property settings to full UI editing support.

article offers an introduction into the world of design-time
functionality in the .NET Framework. We'll cover the basics of the
design-time architecture and some of the simpler things you can do to
influence how your components and controls interact with it. We'll walk
through building and testing a clock control to demonstrate the various
design-time features and services. In a future companion article, we'll
delve into some more complicated features. The goal of this series is
to provide an overview of the .NET Framework's extensive design-time
support and infrastructure. For in-depth coverage of specific features,
take a look at Shawn Burke's articles on
MSDN® Online.

mode is activated the moment a form is opened for editing. It can
involve activities like resizing, setting the border style, changing
the caption, and adding controls and components, which also enter
design mode the moment they are dragged onto either the visual or
nonvisual design surface. The nonvisual area, or component tray, hosts
components. A component is a Framework class that supports the
design-time experience but doesn't draw its own UI in a
container-specified region. Components implement the
System.ComponentModel.IComponent interface, typically by deriving from
the SystemComponent.Model.Component base class.
Controls, on the other
hand, do draw themselves and are therefore shown in the visual area.
All controls ultimately derive from the System.Windows.Forms.Control
class, which in turn derives from the Component base class.
In other
words, a control is really a component with a UI.【控件是带UI的组件】
Both act nearly
identically at design time in terms of their integration with the
design host. Figure 1 shows a form in design mode acting as a design host for a number of components and controls.

Figure 1 form in design mode
Figure 1 Form in Design Mode

both components and controls ultimately derive from the Component base
class, that's not what distinguishes a component from any other class.
Instead, what makes the Component class fit into the design-time
architecture is its implementation of the IComponent interface.
IComponent allows components to integrate with the design-time host,
providing them with design-time services.

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Hosts and Containers

Visual Studio® .NET, the Windows Forms Designer is responsible for
providing design-time services during Windows Forms development,
including a form's UI and code views. The responsibility of managing
integration between design-time objects and the designer is handled by
an internal implementation of
System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerHost. The designer host stores
IComponent references to all design-time objects on the current form as
well as the form itself, which is also a component. This collection of
components is available from the IDesignerHost interface through the
Container property of type System.ComponentModel.IContainer:

interface IContainer : IDisposable {
ComponentCollection Components { get; }
void Add(IComponent component);
void Add(IComponent component, string
void Remove(IComponent component);

This implementation of IContainer allows the designer host to
establish a relationship that helps it manage each of the components
placed on the form.

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design time, contained components can access the designer host, as well
as each other, through their container. This two-way relationship is
shown in Figure 2.
You can also see that the fundamental relationship between the designer
host and its components is established with an implementation of the
System.ComponentModel.ISite interface:

interface ISite : IServiceProvider {
IComponent Component { get; }
IContainer Container { get; }
bool DesignMode { get; }
string Name { get; set; }
Figure 2 designer component architecture
Figure 2 Designer Component Architecture

a container stores an array of sites. When each component is added to
the container, the designer host creates a new site, connecting the
component to its design-time container and vice versa, by caching the
ISite interface in the IComponent.Site property implementation.

interface IComponent : IDisposable {
ISite Site { get; set; }
event EventHandler Disposed;

The Component base class implements IComponent and
caches the site's interface in a property. It also provides a helper
property to go directly to the component's container without having to
go through the site first:

class Component : MarshalByRefObject, IComponent, IDisposable {
public IContainer Container { get; }
public ISite Site { virtual get; virtual set; }

The Component base class provides a component with
access to both the container and the site directly. A component can
also access the Visual Studio .NET designer host by requesting the
IDesignerHost interface from the container:

IDesignerHost designerHost = this.Container as  

In Visual Studio .NET, the designer has its own
implementation of the IDesignerHost interface, but to fit into other
designer hosts, it's best for a component to rely only on the interface
and not any specific implementation.



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Testing a Component

Here's the skeleton of our basic digital/analog clock control sample, including an Alarm property and a SoundTheAlarm event:

class ClockControl : Control {
public ClockControl() { ... }
public DateTime Alarm { get { ... } set { ... } }
public event onSoundTheAlarm SoundTheAlarm;

Figure 3 shows the clock control in action.

Figure 3 clock control
Figure 3 Clock Control

a component at design time requires a little more attention since
you're likely to be testing in the same environment that you're
developing in, namely Visual Studio .NET. Things you might test include
adding it to the Toolbox, dragging it onto a form, configuring
properties, consuming events, and execution. The simplest way to
support all of this is to create a host Windows Application project,
adding it to the same solution as your control project (see Figure 4).

Figure 4 create a host
Figure 4 Create a Host
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Customizing the Toolbox

your component is a User Control (and therefore derives from
System.Windows.Forms.UserControl), you'll find that it automatically
appears in the Toolbox under the Windows Forms tab after a successful
build. For other components, you'll need to add them to the Toolbox

【如果你的组件是UserControl,编译后,它将自动出现在你的Visual Studio工具箱内,否则,你恐怕要自己去手工添加进去了】

First, right-click the Toolbox and select Customize Toolbox.
Then select the .NET Framework Components tab. Click the Browse button,
navigate to the location of your control's assembly file, and click the
Open button. Then click OK.

Once the component is firmly
entrenched on the Toolbox, you can indulge in an Alan Cooper-inspired
drag-and-drop orgy, spreading your components into Windows Forms
projects far and wide.

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a standard Windows Forms application, debugging is a matter of setting
a breakpoint in some of your component's code and running the test
application, relying on Visual Studio .NET to break at the right
moment. Debugging design-time components requires a similar approach in
that the DLL is going to need a hosting EXE to debug against. What
makes testing design-time functionality a bit different is that you
need a design-time host to debug against, and the favorite one is
Visual Studio .NET itself. This means that you'll be using one instance
of Visual Studio .NET with your component's project loaded to debug
another instance of Visual Studio .NET with an instance of the
component itself loaded. While this may seem somewhat confusing, it's
remarkably easy to set up:

  1. Open the component to debug into one instance of Visual Studio .NET.
  2. Set
    a second instance of Visual Studio .NET as your debug application by
    going to Project | Properties | Configuration Properties | Debugging.
    Set Debug Mode to Program. Set Start Application to Devenv.exe path\devenv.exe. Then set Command Line Arguments to Test Solution Path\TestSolution.sln.
  3. Select Set as StartUp Project on your component project.
  4. Set a breakpoint in the component.
  5. Use Debug | Start (or F5) to begin debugging.

this point, a second instance of Visual Studio .NET starts up with
another solution (don't attempt to load the solution for the component
you're testing into the second instance of Visual Studio .NET) and you
can debug at will.

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Components versus Controls

components and controls are similar as far as their design-time
interaction is concerned, they are not identical. The most obvious
difference is how they are drawn on the design surface. One
not-so-obvious divergence is what happens when you drag one onto the
design surface. When dropping a control, a design-time instance is
created to support various design-time features, including the
generation of initialization code to set the properties of the control
(see Figure 5).

is a designer-managed area of your form code to which the designer
serializes relevant initialization code for the controls and components
hosted on the form. The designer uses InitializeComponent to remember
control state across form loads at design time and to initialize
controls for run-time execution.


The designer does not generate the
same code for every type of object that can be dragged onto a form. In
particular, components that aren't also controls get all of the same
code for creation and initialization as controls do, but they also get
some extra code that notifies them when their container goes away.
Controls don't need this extra code because they already get the Closed
event, which is an equivalent notification for most purposes. A
component can let the designer know that it would like to be notified
when its container goes away by implementing a public constructor that
takes a single argument of type IContainer, as shown in this snippet:

class ClockComponent : Component {
public ClockComponent(IContainer container) {
// Add object to container's list so that
// we get notified when the container goes away

Notice that the constructor uses the container to add
itself as a container component. In the presence of this constructor,
the designer will generate code that uses this constructor, passing it
a container for the component to add itself to. For example, if our
clock sample were a component instead of a control, once it were
dragged onto a design surface, the initialization code would call the
special constructor:

class ClockComponentHostForm : Form {
ClockComponent clockComponent1;
IContainer components;
void InitializeComponent() {
this.components = new System.ComponentModel.Container();
this.clockComponent1 = new ClockComponent(this.components);

(仍然不理解在说什么);但是组件就需要额外的代码实现之: 那就是该组件必须实现一个采用包含该组件
的容器的对象作为参数的构造函数, 这将保证: 当容器被Dispose时, 容器内的组件也将被Dispose.】

By default, the generated code for anything with a
design surface will notify each component in the container as part of
the Dispose method implementation:

class ClockComponentHostForm : Form {
protected override void Dispose( bool disposing ) {
if( disposing ) {
if (components != null) {
// Call each component's Dispose method
base.Dispose( disposing );

A component that has added itself to the container can catch the
notification that is being disposed by overriding the Component base
class's Dispose method:

class ClockComponent : Component {
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) {
// Dispose of resources

// Let base class have a chance

This service of the designer allows all types of components to be
immediately notified when the container goes away, although this
happens differently depending on whether the component is actually a
component or a control.

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Design Mode

As soon as the basic clock control is hosted at design time, it's clear that it is a bit overzealous in keeping time:

   void timer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) {

The code contained in this timer event implements run-time
functionality that shouldn't be executed at design time. To avoid
executing such code, a control can check whether it's currently in
design-time or run-time mode with Component.DesignMode, as shown here:

void timer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) {
if( this.DesignMode ) return;

Note that the DesignMode property shouldn't be checked
from within the constructor, or any code called by the constructor.
Since the constructor is called prior to the component being assigned
to a site, and it's the site that determines whether a component is in
design mode or not, an object can't know whether it's in design mode
until after the constructor has finished executing.


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functionality is available to controls in one of two ways:
programmatically or declaratively. DesignMode is an example of the
programmatic approach.
One side effect of using a programmatic approach
is that your component implementation takes on design-time
responsibilities, resulting in a blend of design-time and run-time
code. On the other hand, a declarative approach relies on attributes to
request design-time functionality implemented somewhere else, most
often in the designer host itself. As an example attribute, consider
the default Toolbox icon for a component, which you can see in Figure 6.


Figure 6 old icon
Figure 6 Old Icon

System.Drawing. ToolboxBitmapAttribute, you can give your component a
professional look by specifying a more appropriate image. The first
thing to do is add a 16 × 16 pixel, 16-color icon or bitmap to your
project and set its Build Action to Embedded Resource. Then, to
associate it with your component, add the ToolboxBitmapAttribute:

[ ToolboxBitmapAttribute(typeof(ClockControl), 
"images.ClockControl.ico") ]
class ClockControl : Control { ... }

The parameters to this attribute specify the use of an icon resource located in the "images" project subfolder.

find that the Toolbox image doesn't change if you add or change
ToolboxBitmapAttribute after the component has been added to the
Toolbox. However, if your implementation is just a component (and not a
control), its icon is updated in the component tray. You can only
assume that the Toolbox is not under the direct management of the
Windows Forms designer, unlike the component tray. To refresh the
Toolbox, remove and then re-add the component to the Toolbox. The
result will be something like Figure 7.

Figure 7 new icon
Figure 7 New Icon

can achieve the same result without using ToolboxBitmapAttribute by
placing a 16 × 16 pixel, 16-color bitmap into the same project folder
as the control and giving it the same name as the control class. This
is a special case shortcut for the ToolboxBitmapAttribute only, so
don't expect to find similar shortcuts for other design-time attributes.

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Property Browser

from code serialization, another interesting thing the designer does
with your component is make it accessible through the property browser.
The designer uses reflection with the design-time control instance to
discover its public properties. It then calls the get accessor on each
property to find the current value, rendering the property names and
associated values in the property browser.
Figure 8 shows how the property browser looks for the basic clock control.

Figure 8 clock properties
Figure 8 Clock Properties

The System.ComponentModel namespace provides a comprehensive set of attributes (see Figure 9)
to help your control modify its appearance in the property browser. By
default, public read and read/write properties are displayed in the
property browser under the "Misc" category
, such as the Alarm property
which is highlighted in Figure 10.

Figure 10 alarm property
Figure 10 Alarm Property

a property is intended for run time only, it can be hidden from the
property browser by including the BrowsableAttribute with the property,
like this:

[ BrowsableAttribute(false) ]
public bool IsItTimeForABreak {
get { ... }
set { ... }

With IsItTimeForABreak out of the design-time picture, only the
custom Alarm property remains. However, it's currently listed under the
property browser's Misc category and lacks a description. We can
improve the situation by applying both the CategoryAttribute and the
DescriptionAttribute, like so:

DescriptionAttribute("Alarm for late risers")
public DateTime Alarm {
get { ... }
set { ... }

After adding these attributes and rebuilding, you'll notice that
the Alarm property has relocated to the desired category in the
property browser, and the description appears on the description bar
when you select the property (both shown in Figure 11).
You can actually use the CategoryAttribute to create new categories,
but only do so if the existing categories don't describe the property;
otherwise, you'll confuse users who are looking for your properties.

Figure 11 new category
Figure 11 New Category

In Figure 11,
you might have noticed that some property values are bold and some are
not. Bold values are those that differ from the property's default
value, as specified by the DefaultValueAttribute shown here:

DescriptionAttribute("Determines whether digital time is shown"),
public bool ShowDigitalTime {
get { ... }
set { ... }

Using DefaultValueAttribute also allows you to reset a property
to its default value via the property browser, which is available from
the property's context.

Reset option is disabled if the current property value is the default.
Non-default properties are rendered in bold to provide a visual cue
that they've been changed.

Like properties, a class can also have
default values, most notably events and properties. By adorning a class
with the DefaultEventAttribute, the designer will automatically hook up
this event for you when the control is double-clicked:


[ DefaultEventAttribute("SoundTheAlarm") ]
class ClockControl : Control { ... }

Likewise, adorning the class with the DefaultPropertyAttribute
will cause the property browser to highlight the property by default:

[ DefaultPropertyAttribute("ShowDigitalTime") ]
class ClockControl : Control { ... }
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Code Serialization

the DefaultEventAttribute and DefaultPropertyAttribute, the
DefaultValueAttribute serves a dual purpose. Not only does it affect a
property's appearance in the property browser, but it also influences
what code the designer serializes to InitializeComponent. Those with a
default value are only included if the property's value is different
than the default. The primary rule of thumb is that your initial
property values should match the value set by the DefaultValueAttribute.

【DefaultValueAttribute 不仅仅影响控件在属性窗内的属性外观,还影响设计器在



is another attribute that affects the code serialization process. Its
constructor takes a value from the DesignerSerializationVisibility
enumeration. The default, Visible, causes a property's value to be set
in InitializeComponent if its value is not the same as that of the
default (as we've seen). If you'd prefer that no code is generated to
initialize a property, no matter what the value, use Hidden:

DescriptionAttribute("Determines whether digital time is shown"),
public bool ShowDigitalTime {
get { ... }
set { ... }

You should use Hidden in conjunction with the Browsable attribute set to false for run-time-only properties.

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Batch Initialization

might have noticed that the code that does eventually get serialized to
InitializeComponent is laid out as an alphanumerically ordered sequence
of property sets, grouped by object. Order isn't important until your
component or control exposes range-dependent properties, such as
Min/Max or Start/Stop pairs. The clock control also has two dependent
properties, PrimaryAlarm and the BackupAlarm (we decided to split the
Alarm property into two for extra-sleepy people).

Internally, the clock control instance initializes the two properties 10 minutes apart, starting from the current date/time:

DateTime _primaryAlarm = DateTime.Now;
DateTime _backupAlarm = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(10);

Both properties should check to ensure the values are valid, as shown in Figure 12. Figure 13
shows the resulting code when these properties are serialized to
InitializeComponent. At design time, the property browser would show an
error dialog if you enter an invalid property into the property
browser. That's OK, because it lets the developer know the relationship
between the two properties. However, even if the developer sets them
appropriately, we still have a problem at runtime. The problem is that
properties are serialized in InitializeComponent in alphabetical order.
When BackupAlarm is set, validation takes place resulting in an
exception being thrown because the PrimaryAlarm property hasn't been
set yet. What we'd like is to be notified when properties are being set
in batch mode so that we can validate them all at once, no matter what
order they're set in.

System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize provides this capability with
two notification methods called before and after initialization:

public interface ISupportInitialize {
public void BeginInit();
public void EndInit();

When implemented, calls to BeginInit and EndInit are serialized to InitializeComponent (see Figure 14).
Placing the appropriate validation logic into EndInit lets us delay
property checking until after initialization, as shown here:

class ClockControl : ..., ISupportInitialize {
void ISupportInitialize.BeginInit() {}
void ISupportInitialize.EndInit() {
// Check alarm values
if( _primaryAlarm >= _backupAlarm )
throw new Exception("Primary alarm must be before backup alarm");

The final step is to disable both PrimaryAlarm and
BackupAlarm's property setter validation logic during initialization,
with a simple flag representing the component's initialization state
(see Figure 15).

the control supports design time and run time validation checking,
independent of property setting order in InitializeComponent.

also turns out to be a better place to avoid the timer's Tick event,
which currently fires once every second during design time. Placing the
timer's initialization logic into EndInit prevents the events from
firing until run time:

class ClockControl : ..., ISupportInitialize {
void ISupportInitialize.BeginInit() {}
void ISupportInitialize.EndInit() {
if( !this.DesignMode ) {
//Initialize timer
_timer.Interval = 1000;
_timer.Tick += new System.EventHandler(this.timer_Tick);
_timer.Enabled = true;
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Extender Controls

far the discussion has focused on the properties implemented by a
control for itself, but there are situations where a control might
actually provide properties to other controls. For example, the clock
control only tells the time in the current time zone. Adding a
TimeZoneModifier property would allow the clock control to be adjusted
to tell the time in other time zones. This is an example of a property
that might be better provided or extended to other controls.

way to use this feature could be to display the time in each time zone
in which your organization has offices. If each office was visually
represented with a picture box, you could drag one clock control for
each time zone onto the form, adjusting the TimeZoneModifier property
on each clock control manually. The result might look like the clocks
in Figure 16.

Figure 16 time zones
Figure 16 Time Zones

works quite nicely, but could lead to space problems, particularly if
you have one clock control for each of the 24 time zones globally and,
consequently, there are 24 implementations of the same logic on the
form. Figure 17 shows how this might look.

Figure 17 too many instances
Figure 17 Too Many Instances

approach might be to have a single clock control and update its
TimeZoneModifier property with the relevant time zone from, say, the
Click event of each picture box. This is a more cumbersome approach
because it requires developers to write the code associating a time
zone offset with each control that affects the time zone, as shown in Figure 18.

Figure 18 one clock control
Figure 18 One Clock Control

would be nice to be able to access a single implementation of the clock
control without forcing the developer to write code to associated
per-control property values for the clock. The .NET Framework provides
extender properties to do just this.

Logically, an extender
property is a property provided by an extender control (like the clock
control) on other controls in the same container (like the picture
boxes). By implementing the TimeZoneModifier as an extender property,
each picture box control on the form can get its own value, as shown in
Figure 19.

Figure 19 better way to use one control
Figure 19 Better Way to Use One Control

an extender property from your control first requires that you declare
the property to extend using the ProvidePropertyAttribute, like this:

[ ProvidePropertyAttribute("TimeZoneModifier", typeof(PictureBox)) ]
public class ClockControl : System.Windows.Forms.Control { ... }

The first parameter to the attribute is the name of the property
to extend. The second parameter is the "receiver" type, which specifies
the type of object to extend, such as Control or Button. Only controls
of the type specified by receiver can be extended. If you'd like to
implement a more sophisticated algorithm, like supporting picture boxes
and panels for example, you'll need to implement IExtenderProvider like

class ClockControl : ..., IExtenderProvider {
bool IExtenderProvider.CanExtend(object extendee) {
// Don't extend self
if( extendee == this ) return false;

// Extend suitable controls
return( (extendee is PictureBox) ||
(extendee is Panel) );

As shown in Figure 20,
the provider supports one or more extendee controls. Consequently, the
provider control must be able to store and distinguish one extendee's
property value from another. It does this with GetPropertyName and
SetPropertyName methods, where PropertyName is the name you
provided in the ProvidePropertyAttribute. GetTimeZoneModifier simply
has to return the property value when requested by the property

public class ClockControl : System.Windows.Forms.Control, 
IExtenderProvider {
private HashTable _timeZoneModifiers = new HashTable();

public string GetTimeZoneModifier(Control extendee) {
return Convert.ToString(_timeZoneModifiers[extendee]);

SetTimeZoneModifier has the responsibility of storing
and retrieving property values on behalf of the extendee control. Also,
with the example TimeZoneModifier property, we need to hook into each
extendee control's Click event unless the control isn't using the
extended property. SetTimeZoneModifier is shown in Figure 20.
As with normal properties, you can affect their appearance in the
property browser by adorning the GetPropertyName property
implementation with the usual suspects, which are shown here:

class ClockControl : ..., IExtenderProvider {
Description("Sets the timezone difference from the current time"),
public string GetTimeZoneModifier(Control extendee) { ... }

These attributes are applied to the extendee's property
browser view. A compiled control's extended properties will appear in
the extendee control's property browser as specified by the use or lack
of attributes, with the following naming format:

<ExtendedPropertyName> on <ExtenderProviderName>

Figure 21 shows the extended TimeZoneModifier property in action, behaving like any other property, on a PictureBox control.

Figure 21 timezonemodifier
Figure 21 TimeZoneModifier

a property is set and is not the default value, it is serialized to
InitializeComponent grouped with the extendee control, but set on the
extender control:

void InitializeComponent() {
// pictureBox1
this.pictureBox1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(62, 163);
this.pictureBox1.Name = "pictureBox1";
this.pictureBox1.TabIndex = 5;
this.pictureBox1.TabStop = false;
this.clockControl1.SetTimeZoneModifier(this.pictureBox1, "-2");
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Where Are We?

given you an overview of building and debugging controls that target
the .NET Framework design-time features. You've also seen how
attributes and interfaces enhance a control's relationship with the
property browser and InitializeComponent. In a future article we'll
show you some more advanced design-time features including
TypeConverters, UITypeEditors, and Designers, which really spruce up
your control's usability and flexibility.

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Download imageCode download available at:
Design-TimeControls.exe (286KB)

For background information see:
Windows Forms by Chris Sells (to be published by Addison-Wesley in 2003)

Michael Weinhardtis
a software engineer at SERF, a retirement fund company where he
develops applications for the .NET Framework. He can be reached at mikedub@optusnet.com.au.

Chris Sellsis
an independent consultant, speaker, and author specializing in
distributed applications in the .NET Framework and COM. More
information about Chris and his various projects is available at http://www.sellsbrothers.com.


Figure 5 Designer-managed InitializeComponent
class ClockControlHostForm : Form {
ClockControlLibrary.ClockControl clockControl1;
void InitializeComponent() {
this.clockControl1 = new ClockControlLibrary.ClockControl();
// clockControl1
this.clockControl1.Alarm =
new System.DateTime(2002, 11, 26, 3, 39, 42, 967);
this.clockControl1.Location =
new System.Drawing.Point(18, 16);
this.clockControl1.Name = "clockControl1";
this.clockControl1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(256, 238);
this.clockControl1.TabIndex = 0;
this.clockControl1.Text = "clockControl1";

Figure 9 Design-time Property Browser Attributes

Attribute Description
Browsable Determines whether the property is visible in the property browser
Category Tells the property browser in which group to include this property
Description Provides text for the property browser displays in its description bar
DesignOnly Specifies
that the design-time value of this property is serialized to the form's
resource file, and is typically used on design-time-only properties
MergableProperty Allows this property to be combined with properties from other objects when more than one are selected and edited
ParenthesizePropertyName Specifies whether this property should be surrounded by parentheses in the property browser
ReadOnly Specifies that this property cannot be edited in the property browser

Figure 12 Check for Valid Values
public DateTime PrimaryAlarm {
get { return _primaryAlarm; }
set {
if( value >= _backupAlarm )
throw new Exception("Primary alarm must be before Backup alarm");
_primaryAlarm = value;
public DateTime BackupAlarm {
get { return _backupAlarm; }
set {
if( value < _primaryAlarm)
throw new Exception("Backup alarm must be after Primary alarm");
_backupAlarm = value;

Figure 13 Designer-serialized Property Initialization
void InitializeComponent() {
// clockControl1
this.clockControl1.BackupAlarm = new System.DateTime(2003, 1, 31, 6, 31,
27, 685);
this.clockControl1.PrimaryAlarm = new System.DateTime(2003, 1, 30, 0, 0,
0, 0);

Figure 14 Initialization Notification
void InitializeComponent() {
((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize) (this.clockControl1)).BeginInit();
// clockControl1
this.clockControl1.BackupAlarm = new System.DateTime(2003, 1, 31, 6, 31,
27, 685);
this.clockControl1.PrimaryAlarm = new System.DateTime(2003, 1, 30, 0, 0,
0, 0);
((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize) (this.clockControl1)).EndInit();

Figure 15 Disabling Property Validation
class ClockControl : ..., ISupportInitialize {
private bool _initializing = false;
void ISupportInitialize.BeginInit() { _initializing = true; }
void ISupportInitialize.EndInit() {
if( !this.DesignMode ) { ••• }
_initializing = false;
public DateTime PrimaryAlarm {
get { ••• }
set {
if( !_initializing ) { ••• }
_primaryAlarm = value;

public DateTime BackupAlarm {
get { ••• }
set {
if( !_initializing ) { ••• }
_backupAlarm = value;

Figure 20 Extended TimeZoneModifier Property Setter
class ClockControl : ..., IExtenderProvider {
private HashTable _timeZoneModifiers = new HashTable();

public void SetTimeZoneModifier(Control extendee, object value) {
string timeZoneModifier = (string)value;
// If property isn't provided
if( (timeZoneModifier == "") || (timeZoneModifier == null) ) {
// Remove it
if( !this.DesignMode ) { extendee.Click -= new
EventHandler(extendee_Click); }
else {
// Add it, convert it to Int32 to make sure it's the right type
_timeZoneModifiers[extendee] = Convert.ToInt32(timeZoneModifier);
if( !this.DesignMode ) { extendee.Click += new
EventHandler(extendee_Click); }
