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Linear Spatial Pyramid Matching Using Sparse Coding for Image Classification代码解

2014年06月04日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 9624字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭
function [beta] = sc_approx_pooling(feaSet, B, pyramid, gamma, knn)
% Usage:
% Compute the linear spatial pyramid feature using sparse coding. 
% Inputss:
%   feaSet        -structure defining the feature set of an image   
%                       .feaArr     local feature array extracted from the
%                                   image, column-wise
%                       .x          x locations of each local feature, 2nd
%                                   dimension of the matrix
%                       .y          y locations of each local feature, 1st
%                               dimension of the matrix
%                       .width      width of the image
%                       .height     height of the image
%   B             -sparse dictionary, column-wise
%   pyramid       -defines structure of pyramid 
%   gamma         -sparsity regularization parameter
%   knn           -k nearest neighbors selected for sparse coding
% Output:
%   beta          -multiscale max pooling feature
% Written by Jianchao Yang @ NEC Research Lab America (Cupertino)
% Mentor: Kai Yu
% July 2008
% Revised May. 2010

dSize = size(B, 2);
nSmp = size(feaSet.feaArr, 2);
img_width = feaSet.width;
img_height = feaSet.height;
idxBin = zeros(nSmp, 1);

sc_codes = zeros(dSize, nSmp); 

% compute the local feature for each local feature
D = feaSet.feaArr'*B;
IDX = zeros(nSmp, knn);
for ii = 1:nSmp,
	d = D(ii, :);
	[dummy, idx] = sort(d, 'descend');
	IDX(ii, :)  = idx(1:knn);

for ii = 1:nSmp,
    y = feaSet.feaArr(:, ii);
    idx = IDX(ii, :);
    BB = B(:, idx);
    sc_codes(idx, ii) = feature_sign(BB, y, 2*gamma); %sc_codes:sparse coding coefficient(S) X=BS

sc_codes = abs(sc_codes);

% spatial levels
pLevels = length(pyramid);
% spatial bins on each level
pBins = pyramid.^2;
% total spatial bins
tBins = sum(pBins);

beta = zeros(dSize, tBins);
bId = 0;

for iter1 = 1:pLevels,
    nBins = pBins(iter1); %[1 4 16]
    wUnit = img_width / pyramid(iter1);
    hUnit = img_height / pyramid(iter1);
    % find to which spatial bin each local descriptor belongs
    xBin = ceil(feaSet.x / wUnit); %feaSet.x  960*1 vector
    yBin = ceil(feaSet.y / hUnit); %feaSet.y  960*1 vector
    idxBin = (yBin - 1)*pyramid(iter1) + xBin;
    for iter2 = 1:nBins,     
        bId = bId + 1;
        sidxBin = find(idxBin == iter2)
        if isempty(sidxBin),
        beta(:, bId) = max(sc_codes(:, sidxBin), [], 2);   %max(s, [], 2):max for each row; beta:have 1+4+16 columns, zj=max(|sj1|,|sj2|..|sjm|) X=BS where X:n*m B:n*k S:k*m

if bId ~= tBins,
    error('Index number error!');

beta = beta(:);
beta = beta./sqrt(sum(beta.^2));


1)在求解beta时,作者将原始图像用spatial pyramid划分为3 levels,相应的cells个数分别为1,4,16。在论文中由于X=UV(U为稀疏编码,V为字典),所以




function [beta] = sc_approx_pooling(feaSet, B, pyramid, gamma, knn)
% Usage:
% Compute the linear spatial pyramid feature using sparse coding. 
% Inputss:
%   feaSet        -structure defining the feature set of an image   
%                       .feaArr     local feature array extracted from the
%                                   image, column-wise
%                       .x          x locations of each local feature, 2nd
%                                   dimension of the matrix
%                       .y          y locations of each local feature, 1st
%                               dimension of the matrix
%                       .width      width of the image
%                       .height     height of the image
%   B             -sparse dictionary, column-wise
%   pyramid       -defines structure of pyramid 
%   gamma         -sparsity regularization parameter
%   knn           -k nearest neighbors selected for sparse coding
% Output:
%   beta          -multiscale max pooling feature
% Written by Jianchao Yang @ NEC Research Lab America (Cupertino)
% Mentor: Kai Yu
% July 2008
% Revised May. 2010

dSize = size(B, 2);
nSmp = size(feaSet.feaArr, 2);
img_width = feaSet.width;
img_height = feaSet.height;
idxBin = zeros(nSmp, 1);

sc_codes = zeros(dSize, nSmp);

% compute the local feature for each local feature
D = feaSet.feaArr'*B;
IDX = zeros(nSmp, knn);
for ii = 1:nSmp,
	d = D(ii, :);
	[dummy, idx] = sort(d, 'descend');
	IDX(ii, :)  = idx(1:knn);

for ii = 1:nSmp,
    y = feaSet.feaArr(:, ii);
    idx = IDX(ii, :);
    BB = B(:, idx);
    sc_codes(idx, ii) = feature_sign(BB, y, 2*gamma);

sc_codes = abs(sc_codes);

% spatial levels
pLevels = length(pyramid);
% spatial bins on each level
pBins = pyramid.^2;
% total spatial bins
tBins = sum(pBins);

beta = zeros(dSize, tBins);
bId = 0;

for iter1 = 1:pLevels,
    nBins = pBins(iter1);
    wUnit = img_width / pyramid(iter1);
    hUnit = img_height / pyramid(iter1);
    % find to which spatial bin each local descriptor belongs
    xBin = ceil(feaSet.x / wUnit);
    yBin = ceil(feaSet.y / hUnit);
    idxBin = (yBin - 1)*pyramid(iter1) + xBin;
    for iter2 = 1:nBins,     
        bId = bId + 1;
        sidxBin = find(idxBin == iter2)
        if isempty(sidxBin),
        beta(:, bId) = max(sc_codes(:, sidxBin), [], 2);%求每行的最大值

if bId ~= tBins,
    error('Index number error!');

beta = beta(:);
beta = beta./sqrt(sum(beta.^2));

function [beta] = sc_pooling(feaSet, B, pyramid, gamma)
% Usage:
% Compute the linear spatial pyramid feature using sparse coding. 
% Inputss:
% feaSet        -structure defining the feature set of an image   
%                   .feaArr     local feature array extracted from the
%                               image, column-wise
%                   .x          x locations of each local feature, 2nd
%                               dimension of the matrix
%                   .y          y locations of each local feature, 1st
%                               dimension of the matrix
%                   .width      width of the image
%                   .height     height of the image
% B             -sparse dictionary, column-wise
% gamma         -sparsity regularization parameter
% pyramid       -defines structure of pyramid 
% Output:
% beta          -multiscale max pooling feature
% Written by Jianchao Yang @ NEC Research Lab America (Cupertino)
% Mentor: Kai Yu
% July 2008
% Revised May. 2010

dSize = size(B, 2);
nSmp = size(feaSet.feaArr, 2);
img_width = feaSet.width;
img_height = feaSet.height;
idxBin = zeros(nSmp, 1);

sc_codes = zeros(dSize, nSmp);

% compute the local feature for each local feature
beta = 1e-4;
A = B'*B + 2*beta*eye(dSize);
Q = -B'*feaSet.feaArr;

for iter1 = 1:nSmp,
    sc_codes(:, iter1) = L1QP_FeatureSign_yang(gamma, A, Q(:, iter1)); %即Zj={u1j,u2j,...uMj},M: size of the dictionary

sc_codes = abs(sc_codes);

% spatial levels
pLevels = length(pyramid);
% spatial bins on each level
pBins = pyramid.^2; %[1,4,16]
% total spatial bins
tBins = sum(pBins);

beta = zeros(dSize, tBins);
bId = 0;

for iter1 = 1:pLevels,
    nBins = pBins(iter1);
    wUnit = img_width / pyramid(iter1);
    hUnit = img_height / pyramid(iter1);
    % find to which spatial bin each local descriptor belongs
    xBin = ceil(feaSet.x / wUnit);
    yBin = ceil(feaSet.y / hUnit);
    idxBin = (yBin - 1)*pyramid(iter1) + xBin;
    for iter2 = 1:nBins,     
        bId = bId + 1;
        sidxBin = find(idxBin == iter2);
        if isempty(sidxBin),
        beta(:, bId) = max(sc_codes(:, sidxBin), [], 2); %max(x,[],1)按列求最大值,max(x,[],2)按行求最大值

if bId ~= tBins,
    error('Index number error!');

beta = beta(:);
beta = beta./sqrt(sum(beta.^2));


% This is an example code for running the ScSPM algorithm described in "Linear 
% Spatial Pyramid Matching using Sparse Coding for Image Classification" (CVPR'09)
% Written by Jianchao Yang @ IFP UIUC
% For any questions, please email to jyang29@ifp.illinois.edu.
% Revised May, 2010 by Jianchao Yang

clear all;

%% set path

%% parameter setting

% directory setup
img_dir = 'image';                  % directory for dataset images
data_dir = 'data';                  % directory to save the sift features of the chosen dataset
dataSet = 'Caltech101';

% sift descriptor extraction
skip_cal_sift = true;              % if 'skip_cal_sift' is false, set the following parameter
gridSpacing = 6;
patchSize = 16;
maxImSize = 300;
nrml_threshold = 1;                 % low contrast region normalization threshold (descriptor length)

% dictionary training for sparse coding
skip_dic_training = true;           %have provided dict_Caltech101_1024,so skip dic training
nBases = 1024;
nsmp = 200000;
beta = 1e-5;                        % a small regularization for stablizing sparse coding
num_iters = 50;

% feature pooling parameters
pyramid = [1, 2, 4];                % spatial block number on each level of the pyramid
gamma = 0.15;
knn = 200;                          % find the k-nearest neighbors for approximate sparse coding
                                    % if set 0, use the standard sparse coding

% classification test on the dataset
nRounds = 5;                        % number of random tests
lambda = 0.1;                       % regularization parameter for w
tr_num = 30;                        % training number per category

rt_img_dir = fullfile(img_dir, dataSet);
rt_data_dir = fullfile(data_dir, dataSet);

%% calculate sift features or retrieve the database directory
if skip_cal_sift,
    database = retr_database_dir(rt_data_dir);
    [database, lenStat] = CalculateSiftDescriptor(rt_img_dir, rt_data_dir, gridSpacing, patchSize, maxImSize, nrml_threshold);

%% load sparse coding dictionary (one dictionary trained on Caltech101 is provided: dict_Caltech101_1024.mat)
Bpath = ['dictionary/dict_' dataSet '_' num2str(nBases) '.mat'];
Xpath = ['dictionary/rand_patches_' dataSet '_' num2str(nsmp) '.mat'];

if ~skip_dic_training,
        X = rand_sampling(database, nsmp);%如果没有提供patches,则需自己从database中提取nsmp个patches
        save(Xpath, 'X');
    [B, S, stat] = reg_sparse_coding(X, nBases, eye(nBases), beta, gamma, num_iters);
    save(Bpath, 'B', 'S', 'stat');

nBases = size(B, 2);                    % size of the dictionary

%% calculate the sparse coding feature

dimFea = sum(nBases*pyramid.^2); %每张图片特征的维数 1024(1+4+16)
numFea = length(database.path); %图片个数,database.path:contain the pathes for each image of each class

sc_fea = zeros(dimFea, numFea);%每列一个特征,共numFea个sift特征
sc_label = zeros(numFea, 1);

fprintf('Calculating the sparse coding feature...\n');
fprintf('Regularization parameter: %f\n', gamma);

for iter1 = 1:numFea,  
    if ~mod(iter1, 50),
    fpath = database.path{iter1};
    if knn,
        sc_fea(:, iter1) = sc_approx_pooling(feaSet, B, pyramid, gamma, knn);
        sc_fea(:, iter1) = sc_pooling(feaSet, B, pyramid, gamma);
    sc_label(iter1) = database.label(iter1);

%% evaluate the performance of the computed feature using linear SVM

[dimFea, numFea] = size(sc_fea);
clabel = unique(sc_label);
nclass = length(clabel);

accuracy = zeros(nRounds, 1);

for ii = 1:nRounds,
    fprintf('Round: %d...\n', ii);
    tr_idx = [];
    ts_idx = [];
    for jj = 1:nclass,
        idx_label = find(sc_label == clabel(jj));
        num = length(idx_label);
        idx_rand = randperm(num);
        tr_idx = [tr_idx; idx_label(idx_rand(1:tr_num))];
        ts_idx = [ts_idx; idx_label(idx_rand(tr_num+1:end))];
    tr_fea = sc_fea(:, tr_idx);
    tr_label = sc_label(tr_idx);
    ts_fea = sc_fea(:, ts_idx);
    ts_label = sc_label(ts_idx);
    [w, b, class_name] = li2nsvm_multiclass_lbfgs(tr_fea', tr_label, lambda); % train multi-class via lbfgs, one-against-all decomposition

    [C, Y] = li2nsvm_multiclass_fwd(ts_fea', w, b, class_name); % make multi-class prediction

    acc = zeros(length(class_name), 1);
    for jj = 1 : length(class_name)
        c = class_name(jj);
        idx = find(ts_label == c);
        curr_pred_label = C(idx);
        curr_gnd_label = ts_label(idx);    
        acc(jj) = length(find(curr_pred_label == curr_gnd_label))/length(idx);
    accuracy(ii) = mean(acc); 

fprintf('Mean accuracy: %f\n', mean(accuracy));
fprintf('Standard deviation: %f\n', std(accuracy));
