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2014年06月10日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 3280字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭

软硬件环境: ubuntu9.10 Linux 3.4.2 busybox1.20.0 yaffs2


ntegrating YAFFS2 into a Linux 2.6.x kernel

We'll start by assuming you have a building linux 2.6.x source tree called
linux-dir and have the
yaffs2 source code in a directory calls yaffs-dir. 

yaffs-dir has a handy shell script called patch-ker.sh will painlessly do all the patching
for you. //你可以手动使用以下脚本来进行安装

patch-ker.sh takes three parameters:
c/l	copy or link: c will copy yaffs files into the kernel tree, l will  
create symbolic links.     //c 直接复制到内核目录中 l是创建一个链接符,这里使用c
m/s	multi-version or single version vfs glue layer. Suggest you use m.
linux-tree  //m 支持多个vfs版本或者单个vfs版本 ,这里使用建议的m


cd yaffs-dir
./patch-ker.sh  c m linux-tree

You will now have to do "make menuconfig" or similar in the Linux tree to
set up the yaffs2 configs. The configs are found under:
File systems/Miscellaneous file systems/ yaffs2


1. 这里我的文档yaffs2和linux3.4.2在同一个文件下,假设在这个两个文件夹上一级,如下就是使用的脚本命令:

cd yaffs2
./patch-ker.sh  c m ../linux-3.4.2/

2.make menuconfig

   File systems/Miscellaneous file systems/

 在上面目录下进行选中yaffs2,Linux 3.4.2内核里面是yaffs2 file system support,使用Y就可,里面有个分页文件的大小,我的开发板使用的nand page 就是2048,退出使用默认设置即可,编译之后却出现了以下问题

fs/yaffs2/yaffs_vfs.c: In function 'yaffs_mtd_put_super':
fs/yaffs2/yaffs_vfs.c:2514: error: 'struct mtd_info' has no member named 'sync'
fs/yaffs2/yaffs_vfs.c:2515: error: 'struct mtd_info' has no member named 'sync'
fs/yaffs2/yaffs_vfs.c: In function 'yaffs_internal_read_super':
fs/yaffs2/yaffs_vfs.c:2702: error: 'struct mtd_info' has no member named 'erase'
fs/yaffs2/yaffs_vfs.c:2703: error: 'struct mtd_info' has no member named 'read'
fs/yaffs2/yaffs_vfs.c:2704: error: 'struct mtd_info' has no member named 'write'
fs/yaffs2/yaffs_vfs.c:2705: error: 'struct mtd_info' has no member named 'read_oob'

这里找到struct mtd_info发现的确没有这个成员,但是却有前面加一个_*的类似成员,为什么呢?


	 * Do not call via these pointers, use corresponding mtd_*()
	 * wrappers instead.


static inline void mtd_sync(struct mtd_info *mtd)
	if (mtd->_sync)


fs/yaffs2/yaffs_vfs.c:2967: error: implicit declaration of function 'd_alloc_root'


	d_alloc_root() is gone, along with a lot of bugs caused by code
misusing it.  Replacement: d_make_root(inode).  The difference is,
d_make_root() drops the reference to inode if dentry allocation fails. 


root = d_make_root(inode); //从字面意思理解应该是分配一个根节点的空间,具体没有去看,有此爱好可以进行研究


set bootargs console=ttySAC0,115200 root=/dev/mtdblock3




Formatting a YAFFS device is simply done by erasing it.

Making an initial filesystem can be tricky because YAFFS uses the OOB
and thus the bytes that get written depend on the YAFFS data (tags),
and the ECC bytes and bad block markers which are dictated by the
hardware and/or the MTD subsystem. The data layout also depends on the
device page size (512b or 2K). Because YAFFS is only responsible for
some of the OOB data, generating a filesystem offline requires
detailed knowledge of what the other parts (MTD and NAND
driver/hardware) are going to do.

To make a YAFFS filesystem you have 3 options:

1) Boot the system with an empty NAND device mounted as YAFFS and copy
   stuff on.

2) Make a filesystem image offline, then boot the system and use
   MTDutils to write an image to flash.

3) Make a filesystem image offline and use some tool like a bootloader to
   write it to flash
