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C++知识总结(一)—— 全局变量的初始化顺序

2014年09月02日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 2587字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭





#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class CLogger 
	CLogger() { cout << "CLogger()" << endl; }
	~CLogger() { cout << "~CLogger()" << endl; }

CLogger gLogger;

int main()
	return 0;

这段代码肯定可以正常工作,cout也是一个ostream类型的全局对象,它怎么可以保证会先于gLogger之前被构造呢?实际上这是通过预处理器指令(preprocessor directive)来控制的。

#pragma init_seg(compiler)
#pragma init_seg(lib)
#pragma init_seg(user)
#pragma init_seg("user_defined_segment_name")


The purpose ofthis directive is to give the developer the ability to group the constructorsin an application. This would be useful if some objects relied upon theexistence of other objects to function correctly. Objects that are groupedtogether
using #pragma init_seg(compiler) are constructed before all otherobjects and destroyed after all other objects in the application. This is usedfor objects in the run-time libraries. For example, because cin and cout may ormay not be constructed yet, using
these objects in your constructor ordestructor that uses the init_seg(compiler) #pragma would be unwise.

Objects thatare grouped together using #pragma init_seg(lib) are constructed after anddestructed before objects that are in modules compiled with #pragmainit_seg(compiler), but before all other objects in the application. Objectsthat are grouped
together using #pragma init_seg(user) are constructed afterand destructed before objects that are in modules compiled with #pragmainit_seg(compiler) and #pragma init_seg(lib). In other words, objects that aregrouped together using #pragma init_seg(user) are
constructed and destructed atthe same time as all other static objects that were not grouped using #pragmainit_seg.


* 预处理器指令可以给构造函数分组,让某些先执行,某些后执行。这样就可以控制全局对象的构造(析构)顺序。

* #pragma init_seg(compiler)分组内的对象最先构造,最后析构。

* #pragma init_seg(lib)分组内的对象在(compiler)之后构造,在其之前析构。

* #pragma init_seg(user)分组内的对象和普通的全局对象一样,在(compiler)(lib)之后构造,在其之前析构。

* 我们不应该用#pragma init_seg(compiler),它应该只给run-time libraries用,否则是cout先构造还是gLogger先构造又不确定了,这问题就麻烦了。

* #pragmainit_seg("user_defined_segment_name"),先无视它,除非要修改startup code

最后的结论就是我们可以使用#pragma init_seg(lib)指令,来确保某些全局对象先于其他普通的全局对象构造(后于他们析构)

#pragma warning(disable: 4074)
#pragma init_seg(lib)
static CLogger gLogger;

NOTE: Only one init_seg directive can appear in asingle source file. Otherwise, the compiler generates "error C2356:initialization segment must not change during translation unit."
