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2014年09月05日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 2128字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭


Introducing KitchenSync animation library for AS3

by Mims Wright

After about 6 months in development, I'm very proud to announce the release of KitchenSync, a multi-purpose tool written in ActionScript 3.0 for doing tween based animations and timing of functions and much more. The project is open-source under the GNU LGPL and hosted at Google Code. Please take a moment to check it out and feel free to write to me with questions, comments or suggestions for improvement!

在6个月的努力开发之后,我终于可以骄傲的宣布,kitchenSync发布了,一个使用AS3开发的多用途的工具,功能基于动画和函数记时以及更多。此工程是开源的,并且遵守GPL协议,我们的主页在GOOGLE CODE ,请花费一些时间使用它,如果你觉得有问题的话请写EMAIL给我,或者直接在博客上提问

KitchenSync is more than an animation library

KitchenSync is more than an animation library. Tweens are a major part of KitchenSync but that is not the end. It also allows you to sequence sounds, functions, and event dispatches among other actions. The framework is open-ended allowing you to come up with new ways to work with the virtual timeline.


KitchenSync was designed with developers in mind

KitchenSync was designed for developers who want a smart way to handle animation or other time-based functionality with code. Written from the ground up in ActionScript 3.0, KitchenSync relies on smart object-oriented architecture rather than complicated shorthand. It includes a number of features and shortcuts, such as the clone() method, that save effort for developers. KitchenSync makes extensive use of events and informative runtime errors and is quite flexible when it comes to extending the functionality.


KitchenSync aims to...目标是:

  • offer a well-architected, extensible framework for working with time-based animations and events. 提供一个良好架构的,基于时间的动画和事件框架
  • take advantage of the power of ActionScript 3.0 while using OOP best practices and design patterns and without requiring the Flex framework. 利用AS3的强大功能,面向切面的编程以及设计模式而不需要FLEX框架
  • respond to the needs of developers with a rich set of features. 通过一系列特色满足开发者的需要
  • be a full-featured library for animation and timeline based actions. 成为一个完全基于时间轴动作的库


