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SVN 安装

2014年10月28日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 12945字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭



1.      笔者喜欢简洁的目录,凡事常用的软件,都之间安装在磁盘根目录下,例如C:/apache2.2,这样每次修改内容时进入目的文件夹也非常方便。笔者建议文件夹名称中不含有空格。

2.      安装Apache可以选择自定义端口,其中可以选择80或者8080,笔者的80端口被IIS占用了,所以选择8080,当然,您的端口可能已经被IIS、Tomcat之类的服务器占用了,没关系,可以修改APACHE_HOME/conf/httpd.conf进行自定义端口的修改,详细内容参见Apache官方文档。




进行Apache+Subversion的整合,整合步骤如下:(其中SVN_HOME指Subversion的安装目录,本文中为C:/svn-win32-1.4.4,APACHE_HOME指Apache Http服务器的安装位置,本文中为C:/apache2.2)




#LoadModule dav_module modules/mod_dav.so

#LoadModule dav_fs_module modules/mod_dav_fs.so




LoadModule dav_svn_module "SVN_HOME/bin/mod_dav_svn.so"

LoadModule authz_svn_module " SVN_HOME /bin/mod_authz_svn.so"


Note: 也可以把Subversion/bin/下的mod_dav_svn.so和mod_authz_svn.so复制到apache下的modules/,但是这样一来每次升级svn的时候就得复制一次了,因为是用绝对路径,所以要加双引号,否则apache会出错。



<Location /svn>

    DAV svn

    SVNParentPath d:/svn






根据apache的配置文件的设置建立目录:d:/svn,然后用svnadmin create d:/svn/test命令创建仓库,命令执行成功之后,会在d:/svn/test下面生成很多的文件和目录。






locks用来放置Subversion文件库锁定数据的目录, 用来追踪存取文件库的客户端;




重新启动Apache Server




Revision 0: /

Powered by Subversion version 1.3.2 (r19776).







<Location /svn>

    DAV svn

    #SVNListParentPath on

    SVNParentPath c:/svn

    ### apache auth begin

    # how to authenticate a user

    AuthType Basic

    AuthName "Subversion repository"

    AuthUserFile c:/password/apache_authz

    Require valid-user

    ### apache auth end


    ### svn auth begin

    # our access control policy

    #AuthzSVNAccessFile c:/password/svn_authz

    # authentication if necessary

    #Satisfy Any

    ### svn auth end


用htpasswd工具创建apache_authz 文件,


htpasswd -cm D:/Subversion/apache_authz username1

-c 表示创建文件,-m表示对密码用md5加密







test-developers = zxm

everyone = @test-developers

[test:/]                     //这表示,仓库test的根目录下的访问权限

@test-developers = rw

[test:/test]             //test仓库下test目录的访问权限

@test-developers = rw         // 如果在前面加上@符号,则表示这是个群组权限设置

r 表示读权限

w 表示写权限


好,配置完成,重新启动Apache server





A. Setting Up Apache



      (Following the BOOTSTRAPPING FROM RPM procedures above will install and

      build the latest Subversion server for Linux RedHat 7.1, 7.2, and PPC

      Linux systems *IF* the apache-devel-2.0.41 or greater package is already

      installed when the SUBVERSION RPM is built.)



      1. Obtaining and Installing Apache 2


      Subversion tries to compile against the latest released version

      of Apache httpd 2.X. The easiest thing for you to do is download

      a source tarball of the latest release and unpack that.





        **                                                            **


        |                                                              |

        | First, be sure to read the APR version warning box, back in |

        | section I.C.1, which explains that APR 0.9.x and 1.X are     |

        | binary-incompatible.                                         |

        |                                                              |

        |    Apache HTTPD 2.0 uses APR 0.9.x.                          |

        |    Apache HTTPD 2.2 uses APR 1.2.x.                          |

        |                                                              |

        | We recommend using the latest Apache. However, whatever     |

        | version you choose, you *must* ensure that Subversion        |

        | and Apache are using the same version of APR. If you don't, |

        | things will segfault and break.                              |




      If you have questions about the Apache httpd 2.0 build, please consult

      the httpd install documentation:




      At the top of the httpd tree:


          $ ./buildconf

          $ ./configure --enable-dav --enable-so --enable-maintainer-mode


      The first arg says to build mod_dav.


      The second arg says to enable shared module support which is needed

      for a typical compile of mod_dav_svn (see below).


      The third arg says to include debugging information. If you

      built Subversion with --enable-maintainer-mode, then you should

      do the same for Apache; there can be problems if one was

      compiled with debugging and the other without.


      Note: if you have multiple db versions installed on your system,

      Apache might link to a different one than Subversion, causing

      failures when accessing the repository through Apache. To prevent

      this from happening, you have to tell Apache which db version to

      use and where to find db. Add --with-dbm=db4 and

      --with-berkeley-db=/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.4.2 to the configure

      line. Make sure this is the same db as the one Subversion uses.

      This note assumes you have installed Berkeley DB 4.2.52

      at its default locations. For more info about the db requirement,

      see section I.5.


      You may also want to include other modules in your build. Add

      --enable-ssl to turn on SSL support, and --enable-deflate to turn on

      compression support, for example. Consult the Apache documentation

      for more details.


      All instructions below assume you configured Apache to install

      in its default location, /usr/local/apache2/; substitute

      appropriately if you chose some other location.


      Compile and install apache:


          $ make && make install



B. Making and Installing the Subversion Apache Server Module



      Go back into your subversion working copy and run ./autogen.sh if

      you need to. Then, assuming Apache httpd 2.0 is installed in the

      standard location, run:


          $ ./configure


      Note: do *not* configure subversion with "--disable-shared"!

      mod_dav_svn *must* be built as a shared library, and it will

      look for other libsvn_*.so libraries on your system.


      If you see a warning message that the build of mod_dav_svn is

      being skipped, this may be because you have Apache httpd 2.X

      installed in a non-standard location. You can use the

      "--with-apxs=" option to locate the apxs script:


          $ ./configure --with-apxs=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs


      Note: it *is* possible to build mod_dav_svn as a static library

      and link it directly into Apache. Possible, but painful. Stick

      with the shared library for now; if you can't, then ask.


          $ rm /usr/local/lib/libsvn*


      If you have old subversion libraries sitting on your system,

      libtool will link them instead of the `fresh' ones in your tree.

      Remove them before building subversion.


          $ make clean && make && make install


      After the make install, the Subversion shared libraries are in

      /usr/local/lib/. mod_dav_svn.so should be installed in




      Section II.E explains how to build the server on Windows.



C. Configuring Apache for Subversion



      The following section is an abbreviated version of the

      information in the Subversion Book

      (http://svnbook.red-bean.com). Please read chapter 6 for more



      The following assumes you have already created a repository.

      For documentation on how to do that, see README.


      The following also assumes that you have modified

      /usr/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf to reflect your setup.

      At a minimum you should look at the User, Group and ServerName

      directives. Full details on setting up apache can be found at:



      First, your httpd.conf needs to load the mod_dav_svn module.

      Subversion's 'make install' target should automatically add this

      line for you. But if apache gives you an error like "Unknown

      DAV provider: svn", then you may want to verify that this line

      exists in your httpd.conf:


         LoadModule dav_svn_module     modules/mod_dav_svn.so


      NOTE: if you built mod_dav as a dynamic module as well, make sure

      the above line appears after the one that loads mod_dav.so.


      Next, add this to the *bottom* of your httpd.conf:


      <Location /svn/repos>

          DAV svn

          SVNPath /absolute/path/to/repository



      This will give anyone unrestricted access to the repository. If

      you want limited access, read or write, you add these lines to

      the Location block:


          AuthType Basic

          AuthName "Subversion repository"

          AuthUserFile /my/svn/user/passwd/file




          a) For a read/write restricted repository:


             Require valid-user


          b) For a write restricted repository:


             <LimitExcept GET PROPFIND OPTIONS REPORT>

                 Require valid-user



          c) For separate restricted read and write access:


             AuthGroupFile /my/svn/group/file


             <LimitExcept GET PROPFIND OPTIONS REPORT>

                 Require group svn_committers




                 Require group svn_committers

                 Require group svn_readers



      These are only a few simple examples. For a complete tutorial

      on Apache access control, please consider taking a look at the

      tutorials found under "Security" on the following page:



      In order for 'svn cp' to work (which is actually implemented as a

      DAV COPY command), mod_dav needs to be able to determine the

      hostname of the server. A standard way of doing this is to use

      Apache's ServerName directive to set the server's hostname. Edit

      your /usr/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf to include:


      ServerName svn.myserver.org


      If you are using virtual hosting through Apache's NameVirtualHost

      directive, you may need to use the ServerAlias directive to specify

      additional names that your server is known by.


      If you have configured mod_deflate to be in the server, you can enable

      compression support for your repository by adding the following line

      to your Location block:


          SetOutputFilter DEFLATE



      NOTE: If you are unfamiliar with an Apache directive, or not exactly

      sure about what it does, don't hesitate to look it up in the

      documentation: http://httpd.apache.org/docs-2.0/mod/directives.html.


      NOTE: Make sure that the user 'nobody' (or whatever UID the

      httpd process runs as) has permission to read and write the

      Berkeley DB files! This is a very common problem.



D. Running and Testing



      Fire up apache 2:


          $ /usr/local/apache2/bin/apachectl stop

          $ /usr/local/apache2/bin/apachectl start


      Check /usr/local/apache2/logs/error_log to make sure it started

      up okay.


      Try doing a network checkout from the repository:


          $ svn co http://localhost/svn/repos wc


      The most common reason this might fail is permission problems

      reading the repository db files. If the checkout fails, make

      sure that the httpd process has permission to read and write to

      the repository. You can see all of mod_dav_svn's complaints in

      the Apache error logfile, /usr/local/apache2/logs/error_log.


      To run the regression test suite for networked Subversion, see

      the instructions in subversion/tests/cmdline/README.

      For advice about tracing problems, see "Debugging the server" in




E. Alternative: 'svnserve' and ra_svn



      An alternative network layer is libsvn_ra_svn (on the client

      side) and the 'svnserve' process on the server. This is a

      simple network layer that speaks a custom protocol over plain

      TCP (documented in libsvn_ra_svn/protocol):


         $ svnserve -d     # becomes a background daemon

         $ svn checkout svn://localhost/usr/local/svn/repository


      You can use the "-r" option to svnserve to set a logical root

      for repositories, and the "-R" option to restrict connections to

      read-only access. ("Read-only" is a logical term here; svnserve

      still needs write access to the database in this mode, but will

      not allow commits or revprop changes.)


      'svnserve' has built-in CRAM-MD5 authentication (so you can use

      non-system accounts), and can also be tunneled over SSH (so you

      can use existing system accounts). It's also capable of using

      Cyrus SASL if libsasl2 is detected at ./configure time. Please

      read chapter 6 in the Subversion Book

      (http://svnbook.red-bean.com) for details on these features.




将其拷贝到ECLIPSE_HOME/plugins/目录下,删除ECLIPSE_HOME /configuration/org.eclipse.update文件夹,重新启动Eclipse后,在WindowàPreference窗口最下部分的Team中,即可看到SVN的标记,如下图所示:


可以通过New Project中选择通过SVN创建项目,然后新建Reposity,填写SVN的URL:
















