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一点SICP(Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs) 资料 (转载加整理)

2012年11月05日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 1316字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭
官方网站  : http://mitpress.mit.edu/sicp/
在线版本  : http://mitpress.mit.edu/sicp/full-text/book/book-Z-H-4.html#%_toc_start
课程录像  : http://groups.csail.mit.edu/mac/classes/6.001/abelson-sussman-lectures/

参考答案1: http://eli.thegreenplace.net/category/programming/lisp/sicp/
参考答案2: http://oss.timedia.co.jp/show/SICP/Answer%20Book

MIT OpenCourseWare : http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/Electrical-Engineering-and-Computer-Science/6-001Spring-2005/CourseHome/index.htm
The Scheme Programming Language : http://www.scheme.com/tspl3/

[Lisp/Scheme书籍合集]Lisp And Scheme eBooks Collection

非常好用的适合于教学的Scheme交互式环境(支持多种平台,Windows,Linux,MacOS, Unix):

PLT Scheme

The DrScheme IDE
For professional programmers, DrScheme comes with an indispensable graphical module browser and contour view pane.

Languages in DrScheme
DrScheme is more than a Scheme environment, it's a greenhouse for growing different languages.

The Profiler Window in French
DrScheme's profiler annotates your functions showing how much time each takes. The DrScheme window here is set to the French translation.

PLT Games
PLT Scheme comes with a number of games, in case you needed an excuse to waste more time...

Debugging in DrScheme
The debugger can step through the program, displaying the breakpoints and the current values (see upper right) of arguments via mouse overs.

MrEd Drawing
DrScheme GUI Library (called MrEd) supports anti-aliased drawing with regions and paths that (like postscript) can be composed of splines, arcs, ellipses, lines, rectangles, etc.
