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服务端不装Office ASP.NET 导出Excel控件 MyXls(项目在用)

2014年12月12日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 7999字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭

如果从快速生成Excel报表,不调用Excel组件角度讲,MyXls可能是一种最好的选择之一,当然使用Open Xml方式也是不错的选择。MyXls是一个用C#语言开发的生成Excel报表的优秀开源项目,在快速开发中我一直比较喜欢它。MyXls官方的解释:
Writes and now Reads Excel files quickly and easily, including formatting. Generate Excel files for ASP.NET sites or .NET applications. Doesn't require Excel on the server or any licensing $. Compatible with Excel versions >= 97
MyXls可以用在.NET平台的诸如Windows Form,Asp.NET项目中,当然Sharepoint项目中也可以使用,支持的Excel版本包裹2003,2007等等(Excel versions >= 97)。
大凡开源项目的作者,多半都是重口味者,MyXls开源组件基于的技术是Excel文件的二进制格式(BIFF),  OpenOffice.org发布过的俩个文档Excel File Format (BIFF8)SpecificationMicrosoft CompoundDocument (OLE2) Format SpecificationExcel的二进制格式做了一个比较详细的说明,MyXls的作者正是凭借这些信息把它开发而成的。

                        XlsDocument doc = new XlsDocument(); 
                        doc.FileName = "MyXlsWebAppDemo.xls"
                        Worksheet sheet = doc.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Hello World Sheet"); 
                        Cell cell = sheet.Cells.Add(1, 1, "Hello,MyXls!"); 
                        for (int i = 2; i <= 10; i++) 
                                cell = sheet.Cells.Add(i, 1, "51CTO五岁了!"); 
                                cell.Font.Weight = FontWeight.Bold; 
                                cell.Font.ColorIndex =2;//白 红 绿 蓝 黄 粉红等等颜色,可以通过源代码了解颜色 
 XlsDocument xls = new XlsDocument();//新建一个xls文档 
                        xls.FileName = "MyXlsDemo.xls";//设定Excel文件名 
                        xls.SummaryInformation.Author = "Terry Li"//填加Excel文件作者信息 
                        xls.SummaryInformation.Subject = "MyXls Demo";//填加文件主题信息 
                        xls.DocumentSummaryInformation.Company = "in2bits.org";//填加文件公司信息 
string sheetName = "第一个Sheet Demo";#region    
string sheetName = "第一个Sheet Demo"
                        Worksheet sheet = xls.Workbook.Worksheets.Add(sheetName);//填加名为"第一个Sheet Demo"的sheet页 
                        Cells cells = sheet.Cells;//Cells实例是sheet页中单元格(cell)集合 
                        Cell cell = cells.Add(2, 3, "三");//设定第2行,第3例单元格的值 
                        cell.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignments.Centered;//设定文字居中 
                        cell.Font.FontName = "行楷";//设定字体 
                        cell.Font.Height = 30 * 20;//设定字大小(字体大小是以 1/20 point 为单位的) 
                        cell.UseBorder = true;//使用边框 
                        cell.BottomLineStyle = 2;//设定边框底线为粗线 
                        cell.BottomLineColor = Colors.Red;//设定颜色为红色 
                        cell.RightLineStyle = 2; 
                        cell.RightLineColor = Colors.Red; 
                        XF cellXF = xls.NewXF();//为xls生成一个XF实例(XF是cell格式对象) 
                        cellXF.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignments.Centered;//设定文字居中 
                        cellXF.Font.FontName = "隶书";//设定字体 
                        cellXF.Font.Height = 30 * 20;//设定字大小(字体大小是以 1/20 point 为单位的) 
                        cellXF.UseBorder = true;//使用边框 
                        cellXF.BottomLineStyle = 2;//设定边框底线为粗线 
                        cellXF.BottomLineColor = Colors.Green;//设定颜色为绿色 
                        cellXF.LeftLineStyle = 2; //设定边框左线为粗线 
                        cellXF.LeftLineColor = Colors.Green; 
                        cell = cells.Add(3, 3, "国", cellXF);//以设定好的格式填加cell 
                        cellXF.Font.FontName = "仿宋_GB2312"
                        cellXF.BottomLineStyle = 2; //设定边框底线为粗线 
                        cellXF.BottomLineColor = Colors.Blue;//设定颜色为蓝色 
                        cellXF.RightLineStyle = 2;//设定边框右线为粗线 
                        cellXF.RightLineColor = Colors.Blue;//设定颜色为蓝色 
                        cellXF.LeftLineStyle = 0; 
                        cell = cells.Add(4, 3, "志", cellXF);//格式可以多次使用 
                        //ColumnInfo colInfo = new ColumnInfo(xls, sheet);//生成列格式对象 
                        //colInfo.ColumnIndexStart = 1;//起始列为第二列 
                        //colInfo.ColumnIndexEnd = 5;//终止列为第六列 
                        //colInfo.Width = 15 * 256;//列的宽度计量单位为 1/256 字符宽 
                        //colInfo.ColumnIndexEnd = 6;//可以更改列对象的值 
                        //ColumnInfo colInfo2 = new ColumnInfo(xls, sheet);//通过新生成一个列格式对象,才到能设定其它列宽度 
                        //colInfo2.ColumnIndexStart = 7; 
                        //colInfo2.ColumnIndexEnd = 8; 
                        //colInfo2.Width = 20 * 256; 
                        MergeArea meaA = new MergeArea(2, 3, 5, 7);//一个合并单元格实例(合并第2行、第5例 到 第3行、第7例) 
                        cellXF.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignments.Centered; 
                        cellXF.Font.FontName = "隶书"
                        //cellXF.Font.Height = 48 * 20; 
                        //cellXF.Font.Bold = true; 
                        cellXF.Pattern = 1;//设定单元格填充风格。如果设定为0,则是纯色填充(无色),1代表没有间隙的实色 
                        cellXF.PatternBackgroundColor = Colors.Red;//填充的底色 
                        cellXF.PatternColor = Colors.Green;//设定填充线条的颜色 
                        cell = cells.Add(2, 5, "晋/陈寿", cellXF); 
                        sheet.Cells.Merge(7, 9, 1, 4); 
                        cell = cells.Add(7, 1, "MyXls 合并单元格 Demo"); 
                        cell.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignments.Centered; 
                        cell.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignments.Centered; 
                        for (int sheetNumber = 1; sheetNumber <= 4; sheetNumber++) 
                                sheetName = "Sheet " + sheetNumber; 
                                int rowMin = sheetNumber; 
                                int rowCount = sheetNumber + 10; 
                                int colMin = sheetNumber; 
                                int colCount = sheetNumber + 10; 
                                sheet = xls.Workbook.Worksheets.Add(sheetName); 
                                cells = sheet.Cells; 
                                for (int r = 0; r < rowCount; r++) 
                                        if (r == 0) 
                                                for (int c = 0; c < colCount; c++) 
                                                        cells.Add(rowMin + r, colMin + c, "Column" + (c + 1)).Font.Bold = true
                                                for (int c = 0; c < colCount; c++) 
                                                        int val = r + c; 
                                                        cell = cells.Add(rowMin + r, colMin + c, val+ ":51CTO五岁了!"); 
                                                        if (val % 2 != 0) 
                                                                cell.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignments.Centered; 
                                                                cell.Font.FontName = "Times New Roman"
                                                                cell.Font.Underline = UnderlineTypes.Double; 
                                                                cell.Font.ColorIndex = 2; 
                                                                cell.Rotation = 45; //字符倾斜45度 
