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2012年09月02日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 638字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭
昨天一个前前同事msn我,叙了1番,其中让我印象最深的是伊说的:many woman become manager because they are being bitchy, and usually in a big org. many male senior managers like it, because they need some one to be a "black face".
这句话让我想到了------"文化大革命中的江青同志 vs  senior male management ".
又说:some woman has more guts than her ability. 哈哈,我常跟其他人说,女人对权欲比男人强多了,在处理问题上男人多数时候还是能以大局为重,女人大多数时候是为了自己能有更多的power:)

当然以上仅仅是说部份女人,在我看来我还是看到好多非常有sense的女人,话又说回来非常有sense的女人多数时候不要power大家也会发自内心的respect她,usually她也不是more guts than her ability的这种:)personally,I experiences two women directors in my career life, both of them are smart, justice,nice person!

我的心像阳光下的细细的小溪水,不断的回味她这句花。我又有一个疑惑,如何与这种女人相处呢?我同事建议,遇到这种女人就跟我一样----狂跑!。otherwise, your career are dead-end.
