现在的位置: 首页 > 综合 > 正文

给 OpenPOP.Net 加一个小功能,可用于收取邮件时监测数据流量!

2012年11月06日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 40634字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭


最近写了一个自动收邮件的机器人,原来一开始偷懒"娶"了 COM 组件 JMail:

封装 JMail 4.4 的 POP3 为 .Net 组件 (.dll 程序集),实现 "邮件(附件) 到达" 等 "事件"!

后来经人介绍认识了 OpenPOP.Net



老规矩: 我的代码随便 Copy & Paste 到任意一个 .cs 文件中 csc 即可测试! (结构不够清晰,目的就是方便测试代码)



namespace OpenPOP.MIMEParser


 using System;

 using System.IO;

 using System.Text;

 using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

 using System.Collections;

 using System.Globalization;

 /// <summary>

 /// Summary description for Attachment.

 /// </summary>

 public class Attachment : IComparable


  #region Member Variables

  private string _contentType = null;

  private string _contentCharset = null;

  private string _contentFormat = null;

  private string _contentTransferEncoding = null;

  private string _contentDescription = null;

  private string _contentDisposition = null;

  private string _contentFileName = "";

  private string _defaultFileName = "body.htm";

  private string _defaultFileName2 = "body*.htm";

  private string _defaultReportFileName = "report.htm";

  private string _defaultMIMEFileName = "body.eml";

  private string _defaultMSTNEFFileName = "winmail.dat";

  private string _contentID = null;

  private long _contentLength = 0;

  private string _rawAttachment = null;

  private bool _inBytes = false;

  private byte[] _rawBytes = null;


  #region Properties

  /// <summary>

  /// raw attachment content bytes

  /// </summary>

  public byte[] RawBytes




    return _rawBytes;




    _rawBytes = value;



  /// <summary>

  /// whether attachment is in bytes

  /// </summary>

  public bool InBytes




    return _inBytes;




    _inBytes = value;



  /// <summary>

  /// Content length

  /// </summary>

  public long ContentLength




    return _contentLength;



  /// <summary>

  /// verify the attachment whether it is a real attachment or not

  /// </summary>

  /// <remarks>this is so far not comprehensive and needs more work to finish</remarks>

  public bool NotAttachment




    /*    if (_contentDisposition==null||_contentType==null)

         return true;


         return (_contentDisposition.IndexOf("attachment")==-1 && _contentType.IndexOf("text/plain")!=-1); */

    /*    if (_contentType==null)

         return true;


         return (_contentFileName!="");*/

    if ((_contentType == null || _contentFileName == "") && _contentID == null) //&&_contentType.ToLower().IndexOf("text/")!=-1)

     return true;


     return false;



  /// <summary>

  /// Content format

  /// </summary>

  public string ContentFormat




    return _contentFormat;



  /// <summary>

  /// Content charset

  /// </summary>

  public string ContentCharset




    return _contentCharset;



  /// <summary>

  /// default file name

  /// </summary>

  public string DefaultFileName




    return _defaultFileName;




    _defaultFileName = value;



  /// <summary>

  /// default file name 2

  /// </summary>

  public string DefaultFileName2




    return _defaultFileName2;




    _defaultFileName2 = value;



  /// <summary>

  /// default report file name

  /// </summary>

  public string DefaultReportFileName




    return _defaultReportFileName;




    _defaultReportFileName = value;



  /// <summary>

  /// default MIME File Name

  /// </summary>

  public string DefaultMIMEFileName




    return _defaultMIMEFileName;




    _defaultMIMEFileName = value;



  /// <summary>

  /// Content Type

  /// </summary>

  public string ContentType




    return _contentType;



  /// <summary>

  /// Content Transfer Encoding

  /// </summary>

  public string ContentTransferEncoding




    return _contentTransferEncoding;



  /// <summary>

  /// Content Description

  /// </summary>

  public string ContentDescription




    return _contentDescription;



  /// <summary>

  /// Content File Name

  /// </summary>

  public string ContentFileName




    return _contentFileName;




    _contentFileName = value;



  /// <summary>

  /// Content Disposition

  /// </summary>

  public string ContentDisposition




    return _contentDisposition;



  /// <summary>

  /// Content ID

  /// </summary>

  public string ContentID




    return _contentID;



  /// <summary>

  /// Raw Attachment

  /// </summary>

  public string RawAttachment




    return _rawAttachment;



  /// <summary>

  /// decoded attachment in bytes

  /// </summary>

  public byte[] DecodedAttachment




    return DecodedAsBytes();




  /// <summary>

  /// release all objects

  /// </summary>



   _rawBytes = null;

   _rawAttachment = null;


  /// <summary>

  /// New Attachment

  /// </summary>

  /// <param name="bytAttachment">attachment bytes content</param>

  /// <param name="lngFileLength">file length</param>

  /// <param name="strFileName">file name</param>

  /// <param name="strContentType">content type</param>

  public Attachment(byte[] bytAttachment, long lngFileLength, string strFileName, string strContentType)


   _inBytes = true;

   _rawBytes = bytAttachment;

   _contentLength = lngFileLength;

   _contentFileName = strFileName;

   _contentType = strContentType;


  /// <summary>

  /// New Attachment

  /// </summary>

  /// <param name="bytAttachment">attachment bytes content</param>

  /// <param name="strFileName">file name</param>

  /// <param name="strContentType">content type</param>

  public Attachment(byte[] bytAttachment, string strFileName, string strContentType)


   _inBytes = true;

   _rawBytes = bytAttachment;

   _contentLength = bytAttachment.Length;

   _contentFileName = strFileName;

   _contentType = strContentType;


  /// <summary>

  /// New Attachment

  /// </summary>

  /// <param name="strAttachment">attachment content</param>

  /// <param name="strContentType">content type</param>

  /// <param name="blnParseHeader">whether only parse the header or not</param>

  public Attachment(string strAttachment, string strContentType, bool blnParseHeader)


   if (!blnParseHeader)


    _contentFileName = _defaultMSTNEFFileName;

    _contentType = strContentType;


   this.NewAttachment(strAttachment, blnParseHeader);


  /// <summary>

  /// New Attachment

  /// </summary>

  /// <param name="strAttachment">attachment content</param>

  public Attachment(string strAttachment)


   this.NewAttachment(strAttachment, true);


  /// <summary>

  /// create attachment

  /// </summary>

  /// <param name="strAttachment">raw attachment text</param>

  /// <param name="blnParseHeader">parse header</param>

  private void NewAttachment(string strAttachment, bool blnParseHeader)


   _inBytes = false;

   if (strAttachment == null)

    throw new ArgumentNullException("strAttachment");

   StringReader srReader = new StringReader(strAttachment);

   if (blnParseHeader)


    string strLine = srReader.ReadLine();

    while (Utility.IsNotNullTextEx(strLine))


     ParseHeader(srReader, ref strLine);

     if (Utility.IsOrNullTextEx(strLine))



      strLine = srReader.ReadLine();



   this._rawAttachment = srReader.ReadToEnd();

   _contentLength = this._rawAttachment.Length;


  /// <summary>

  /// Parse header fields and set member variables

  /// </summary>

  /// <param name="srReader">string reader</param>

  /// <param name="strLine">header line</param>

  private void ParseHeader(StringReader srReader, ref string strLine)


   string[] array = Utility.GetHeadersValue(strLine); //Regex.Split(strLine,":");

   string[] values = Regex.Split(array[1], ";"); //array[1].Split(';');

   string strRet = null;

   switch (array[0].ToUpper())


    case "CONTENT-TYPE":

     if (values.Length > 0)

      _contentType = values[0].Trim();

     if (values.Length > 1)


      _contentCharset = Utility.GetQuotedValue(values[1], "=", "charset");


     if (values.Length > 2)


      _contentFormat = Utility.GetQuotedValue(values[2], "=", "format");


     _contentFileName = Utility.ParseFileName(strLine);

     if (_contentFileName == "")


      strRet = srReader.ReadLine();

      if (strRet == "")


       strLine = "";



      _contentFileName = Utility.ParseFileName(strLine);

      if (_contentFileName == "")

       ParseHeader(srReader, ref strRet);




     _contentTransferEncoding = Utility.SplitOnSemiColon(array[1])[0].Trim();



     _contentDescription = Utility.DecodeText(Utility.SplitOnSemiColon(array[1])[0].Trim());



     if (values.Length > 0)

      _contentDisposition = values[0].Trim();

     ///<bug>reported by grandepuffo @ https://sourceforge.net/forum/message.php?msg_id=2589759


     if (values.Length > 1)


      _contentFileName = values[1];




      _contentFileName = "";


     if (_contentFileName == "")

      _contentFileName = srReader.ReadLine();

     _contentFileName = _contentFileName.Replace("\t", "");

     _contentFileName = Utility.GetQuotedValue(_contentFileName, "=", "filename");

     _contentFileName = Utility.DecodeText(_contentFileName);


    case "CONTENT-ID":

     _contentID = Utility.SplitOnSemiColon(array[1])[0].Trim('<').Trim('>');




  /// <summary>

  /// verify the encoding

  /// </summary>

  /// <param name="encoding">encoding to verify</param>

  /// <returns>true if encoding</returns>

  private bool IsEncoding(string encoding)


   return _contentTransferEncoding.ToLower().IndexOf(encoding.ToLower()) != -1;


  /// <summary>

  /// Decode the attachment to text

  /// </summary>

  /// <returns>Decoded attachment text</returns>

  public string DecodeAsText()


   string decodedAttachment = null;



    if (_contentType.ToLower() == "message/rfc822".ToLower())

     decodedAttachment = Utility.DecodeText(_rawAttachment);

    else if (_contentTransferEncoding != null)


     decodedAttachment = _rawAttachment;

     if (!IsEncoding("7bit"))


      if (IsEncoding("8bit") && _contentCharset != null & _contentCharset != "")

       decodedAttachment = Utility.Change(decodedAttachment, _contentCharset);

      if (Utility.IsQuotedPrintable(_contentTransferEncoding))

       decodedAttachment = DecodeQP.ConvertHexContent(decodedAttachment);

      else if (IsEncoding("8bit"))

       decodedAttachment = decodedAttachment;


       decodedAttachment = Utility.deCodeB64s(Utility.RemoveNonB64(decodedAttachment));



    else if (_contentCharset != null)

     decodedAttachment = Utility.Change(_rawAttachment, _contentCharset); //Encoding.Default.GetString(Encoding.GetEncoding(_contentCharset).GetBytes(_rawAttachment));


     decodedAttachment = _rawAttachment;




    decodedAttachment = _rawAttachment;


   return decodedAttachment;


  /// <summary>

  /// decode attachment to be a message object

  /// </summary>

  /// <returns>message</returns>

  public Message DecodeAsMessage()


   bool blnRet = false;

   return new Message(ref blnRet, "", false, _rawAttachment, false);


  /// <summary>

  /// Decode the attachment to bytes

  /// </summary>

  /// <returns>Decoded attachment bytes</returns>

  public byte[] DecodedAsBytes()


   if (_rawAttachment == null)

    return null;

   if (_contentFileName != "")


    byte[] decodedBytes = null;

    if (_contentType != null && _contentType.ToLower() == "message/rfc822".ToLower())

     decodedBytes = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(Utility.DecodeText(_rawAttachment));

    else if (_contentTransferEncoding != null)


     string bytContent = _rawAttachment;

     if (!IsEncoding("7bit"))


      if (IsEncoding("8bit") && _contentCharset != null & _contentCharset != "")

       bytContent = Utility.Change(bytContent, _contentCharset);

      if (Utility.IsQuotedPrintable(_contentTransferEncoding))

       decodedBytes = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(DecodeQP.ConvertHexContent(bytContent));

      else if (IsEncoding("8bit"))

       decodedBytes = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(bytContent);


       decodedBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(Utility.RemoveNonB64(bytContent));



      decodedBytes = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(bytContent);


    else if (_contentCharset != null)

     decodedBytes = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(Utility.Change(_rawAttachment, _contentCharset)); //Encoding.Default.GetString(Encoding.GetEncoding(_contentCharset).GetBytes(_rawAttachment));


     decodedBytes = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(_rawAttachment);

    return decodedBytes;




    return null;



  public int CompareTo(object attachment)


   return (this.RawAttachment.CompareTo(((Attachment) (attachment)).RawAttachment));



 public enum MessageImportanceType


  HIGH = 5,

  NORMAL = 3,

  LOW = 1


 /// <summary>

 /// Decoding Quoted-Printable text


 /// </summary>

 public class DecodeQP


  public DecodeQP()



  /// <summary>

  /// Decoding Quoted-Printable string

  /// </summary>

  /// <param name="Hexstring">Quoted-Printable encoded string</param>

  /// <param name="encode">encoding method</param>

  /// <returns>decoded string</returns>

  public static string ConvertHexToString(string Hexstring, string Encoding)




    return ConvertHexToString(Hexstring, System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(Encoding));




    return ConvertHexContent(Hexstring);



  /// <summary>

  /// Decoding Quoted-Printable string

  /// </summary>

  /// <param name="Hexstring">Quoted-Printable encoded string</param>

  /// <param name="encode">encoding method</param>

  /// <returns>decoded string</returns>

  public static string ConvertHexToString(string Hexstring, Encoding encode)




    if (Hexstring == null || Hexstring.Equals("")) return "";

    if (Hexstring.StartsWith("=")) Hexstring = Hexstring.Substring(1);

    string[] aHex = Hexstring.Split(new char[1] {'='});

    byte[] abyte = new Byte[aHex.Length];

    for (int i = 0; i < abyte.Length; i++)


     // Console.WriteLine(aHex[i]);

     abyte[i] = (byte) int.Parse(aHex[i], NumberStyles.HexNumber);


    return encode.GetString(abyte);




    return Hexstring;



  /// <summary>

  /// Decoding Quoted-Printable string at a position

  /// </summary>

  /// <param name="Hexstring">Quoted-Printable encoded string</param>

  /// <param name="encode">encoding method, "Default" is suggested</param>

  /// <param name="nStart">position to start, normally 0</param>

  /// <returns>decoded string</returns>

  public static string ConvertHexContent(string Hexstring, Encoding encode, long nStart)


   if (nStart >= Hexstring.Length) return Hexstring;

   //to hold string to be decoded

   StringBuilder sbHex = new StringBuilder();


   //to hold decoded string

   StringBuilder sbEncoded = new StringBuilder();


   //wether we reach Quoted-Printable string

   bool isBegin = false;

   string temp;

   int i = (int) nStart;

   while (i < Hexstring.Length)


    //init next loop

    sbHex.Remove(0, sbHex.Length);

    isBegin = false;

    int count = 0;

    while (i < Hexstring.Length)


     temp = Hexstring.Substring(i, 1); //before reaching Quoted-Printable string, one char at a time

     if (temp.StartsWith("="))


      temp = Hexstring.Substring(i, 3); //get 3 chars

      if (temp.EndsWith("\r\n")) //return char


       if (isBegin && (count%2 == 0))


       // sbEncoded.Append("");

       i = i + 3;


      else if (!temp.EndsWith("3D"))



       isBegin = true; //we reach Quoted-Printable string, put it into buffer

       i = i + 3;



      else //if it ends with 3D, it is "="


       if (isBegin && (count%2 == 0)) //wait until even items to handle all character sets



       i = i + 3;





      if (isBegin) //we have got the how Quoted-Printable string, break it


      sbEncoded.Append(temp); //not Quoted-Printable string, put it into buffer




    //decode Quoted-Printable string

    sbEncoded.Append(ConvertHexToString(sbHex.ToString(), encode));


   return sbEncoded.ToString();


  /// <summary>

  /// Decoding Quoted-Printable string using default encoding and begin at 0

  /// </summary>

  /// <param name="Hexstring">Quoted-Printable encoded string</param>

  /// <returns>decoded string</returns>

  public static string ConvertHexContent(string Hexstring)


   if (Hexstring == null || Hexstring.Equals("")) return Hexstring;

   return ConvertHexContent(Hexstring, Encoding.Default, 0);



 /// <summary>

 /// Message Parser.

 /// </summary>

 public class Message


  #region Member Variables

  private ArrayList _attachments = new ArrayList();

  private string _rawHeader = null;

  private string _rawMessage = null;

  private string _rawMessageBody = null;

  private int _attachmentCount = 0;

  private string _replyTo = null;

  private string _replyToEmail = null;

  private string _from = null;

  private string _fromEmail = null;

  private string _date = null;

  private string _dateTimeInfo = null;

  private string _subject = null;

  private string[] _to = new string[0];

  private string[] _cc = new string[0];

  private string[] _bcc = new string[0];

  private ArrayList _keywords = new ArrayList();

  private string _contentType = null;

  private string _contentCharset = null;

  private string _reportType = null;

  private string _contentTransferEncoding = null;

  private bool _html = false;

  private long _contentLength = 0;

  private string _contentEncoding = null;

  private string _returnPath = null;

  private string _mimeVersion = null;

  private string _received = null;

  private string _importance = null;

  private string _messageID = null;

  private string _attachmentboundry = null;

  private string _attachmentboundry2 = null;

  private bool _hasAttachment = false;

  private string _dispositionNotificationTo = null;

  private ArrayList _messageBody = new ArrayList();

  private string _basePath = null;

  private bool _autoDecodeMSTNEF = false;

  private Hashtable _customHeaders = new Hashtable();


  #region Properties

  /// <summary>

  /// custom headers

  /// </summary>

  public Hashtable CustomHeaders




    return _customHeaders;




    _customHeaders = value;



  /// <summary>

  /// whether auto decoding MS-TNEF attachment files

  /// </summary>

  public bool AutoDecodeMSTNEF




    return _autoDecodeMSTNEF;




    _autoDecodeMSTNEF = value;



  /// <summary>

  /// path to extract MS-TNEF attachment files

  /// </summary>

  public string BasePath




    return _basePath;






     if (value.EndsWith("\\"))

      _basePath = value;


      _basePath = value + "\\";







  /// <summary>

  /// message keywords

  /// </summary>

  public ArrayList Keywords




    return _keywords;



  /// <summary>

  /// disposition notification

  /// </summary>

  public string DispositionNotificationTo




    return _dispositionNotificationTo;



  /// <summary>

  /// received server

  /// </summary>

  public string Received




    return _received;



  /// <summary>

  /// importance level

  /// </summary>

  public string Importance




    return _importance;



  /// <summary>

  /// importance level type

  /// </summary>

  public MessageImportanceType ImportanceType




    switch (_importance.ToUpper())


     case "5":

     case "HIGH":

      return MessageImportanceType.HIGH;

     case "3":

     case "NORMAL":

      return MessageImportanceType.NORMAL;

     case "1":

     case "LOW":

      return MessageImportanceType.LOW;


      return MessageImportanceType.NORMAL;




  /// <summary>

  /// Content Charset

  /// </summary>

  public string ContentCharset




    return _contentCharset;



  /// <summary>

  /// Content Transfer Encoding

  /// </summary>

  public string ContentTransferEncoding




    return _contentTransferEncoding;



  /// <summary>

  /// Message Bodies

  /// </summary>

  public ArrayList MessageBody




    return _messageBody;



  /// <summary>

  /// Attachment Boundry

  /// </summary>

  public string AttachmentBoundry




    return _attachmentboundry;



  /// <summary>

  /// Alternate Attachment Boundry

  /// </summary>

  public string AttachmentBoundry2




    return _attachmentboundry2;



  /// <summary>

  /// Attachment Count

  /// </summary>

  public int AttachmentCount




    return _attachmentCount;



  /// <summary>

  /// Attachments

  /// </summary>

  public ArrayList Attachments




    return _attachments;



  /// <summary>

  /// CC

  /// </summary>

  public string[] CC




    return _cc;



  /// <summary>

  /// BCC

  /// </summary>

  public string[] BCC




    return _bcc;



  /// <summary>

  /// TO

  /// </summary>

  public string[] TO




    return _to;



  /// <summary>

  /// Content Encoding

  /// </summary>

  public string ContentEncoding




    return _contentEncoding;



  /// <summary>

  /// Content Length

  /// </summary>

  public long ContentLength




    return _contentLength;



  /// <summary>

  /// Content Type

  /// </summary>

  public string ContentType




    return _contentType;



  /// <summary>

  /// Report Type

  /// </summary>

  public string ReportType




    return _reportType;



  /// <summary>

  /// HTML

  /// </summary>

  public bool HTML




    return _html;



  /// <summary>

  /// Date

  /// </summary>

  public string Date




    return _date;



  /// <summary>

  /// DateTime Info

  /// </summary>

  public string DateTimeInfo




    return _dateTimeInfo;



  /// <summary>

  /// From name

  /// </summary>

  public string From




    return _from;



  /// <summary>

  /// From Email

  /// </summary>

  public string FromEmail




    return _fromEmail;



  /// <summary>

  /// Reply to name

  /// </summary>

  public string ReplyTo




    return _replyTo;



  /// <summary>

  /// Reply to email

  /// </summary>

  public string ReplyToEmail




    return _replyToEmail;



  /// <summary>

  /// whether has attachment

  /// </summary>

  public bool HasAttachment




    return _hasAttachment;



  /// <summary>

  /// raw message body

  /// </summary>

  public string RawMessageBody




    return _rawMessageBody;



  /// <summary>

  /// Message ID

  /// </summary>

  public string MessageID




    return _messageID;



  /// <summary>

  /// MIME version

  /// </summary>

  public string MimeVersion




    return _mimeVersion;



  /// <summary>

  /// raw header

  /// </summary>

  public string RawHeader




    return _rawHeader;



  /// <summary>

  /// raw message

  /// </summary>

  public string RawMessage




    return _rawMessage;



  /// <summary>

  /// return path

  /// </summary>

  public string ReturnPath




    return _returnPath;



  /// <summary>

  /// subject

  /// </summary>

  public string Subject




    return _subject;




  /// <summary>

  /// release all objects

  /// </summary>




   _attachments = null;


   _keywords = null;


   _messageBody = null;


   _customHeaders = null;


  /// <summary>

  /// New Message

  /// </summary>

  /// <param name="blnFinish">reference for the finishing state</param>

  /// <param name="strBasePath">path to extract MS-TNEF attachment files</param>

  /// <param name="blnAutoDecodeMSTNEF">whether auto decoding MS-TNEF attachments</param>

  /// <param name="blnOnlyHeader">whether only decode the header without body</param>

  /// <param name="strEMLFile">file of email content to load from</param>

  public Message(ref bool blnFinish, string strBasePath, bool blnAutoDecodeMSTNEF, bool blnOnlyHeader, string strEMLFile)


   string strMessage = null;

   if (Utility.ReadPlainTextFromFile(strEMLFile, ref strMessage))


    NewMessage(ref blnFinish, strBasePath, blnAutoDecodeMSTNEF, strMessage, blnOnlyHeader);



    blnFinish = true;


  /// <summary>

  /// New Message

  /// </summary>

  /// <param name="blnFinish">reference for the finishing state</param>

  /// <param name="strBasePath">path to extract MS-TNEF attachment files</param>

  /// <param name="blnAutoDecodeMSTNEF">whether auto decoding MS-TNEF attachments</param>

  /// <param name="strMessage">raw message content</param>

  /// <param name="blnOnlyHeader">whether only decode the header without body</param>

  public Message(ref bool blnFinish, string strBasePath, bool blnAutoDecodeMSTNEF, string strMessage, bool blnOnlyHeader)


   NewMessage(ref blnFinish, strBasePath, blnAutoDecodeMSTNEF, strMessage, blnOnlyHeader);


  /// <summary>

  /// New Message

  /// </summary>

  /// <param name="blnFinish">reference for the finishing state</param>

  /// <param name="strMessage">raw message content</param>

  /// <param name="blnOnlyHeader">whether only decode the header without body</param>

  public Message(ref bool blnFinish, string strMessage, bool blnOnlyHeader)


   NewMessage(ref blnFinish, "", false, strMessage, blnOnlyHeader);


  /// <summary>

  /// New Message

  /// </summary>

  /// <param name="blnFinish">reference for the finishing state</param>

  /// <param name="strMessage">raw message content</param>

  public Message(ref bool blnFinish, string strMessage)


   NewMessage(ref blnFinish, "", false, strMessage, false);


  /// <summary>

  /// get valid attachment

  /// </summary>

  /// <param name="intAttachmentNumber">attachment index in the attachments collection</param>

  /// <returns>attachment</returns>

  public Attachment GetAttachment(int intAttachmentNumber)


   if (intAttachmentNumber < 0 || intAttachmentNumber > _attachmentCount || intAttachmentNumber > _attachments.Count)


    Utility.LogError("GetAttachment():attachment not exist");

    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("intAttachmentNumber");


   return (Attachment) _attachments[intAttachmentNumber];


  /// <summary>

  /// New Message

  /// </summary>

  /// <param name="blnFinish">reference for the finishing state</param>

  /// <param name="strBasePath">path to extract MS-TNEF attachment files</param>

  /// <param name="blnAutoDecodeMSTNEF">whether auto decoding MS-TNEF attachments</param>

  /// <param name="strMessage">raw message content</param>

  /// <param name="blnOnlyHeader">whether only decode the header without body</param>

  /// <returns>construction result whether successfully new a message</returns>

  private bool NewMessage(ref bool blnFinish, string strBasePath, bool blnAutoDecodeMSTNEF, string strMessage, bool blnOnlyHeader)


   StringReader srdReader = new StringReader(strMessage);

   StringBuilder sbdBuilder = new StringBuilder();

   _basePath = strBasePath;

   _autoDecodeMSTNEF = blnAutoDecodeMSTNEF;

   _rawMessage = strMessage;

   string strLine = srdReader.ReadLine();

   while (Utility.IsNotNullTextEx(strLine))


    sbdBuilder.Append(strLine + "\r\n");

    ParseHeader(sbdBuilder, srdReader, ref strLine);

    if (Utility.IsOrNullTextEx(strLine))



     strLine = srdReader.ReadLine();


   _rawHeader = sbdBuilder.ToString();


   if (_contentLength == 0)

    _contentLength = strMessage.Length; //_rawMessageBody.Length;

   if (blnOnlyHeader == false)


    _rawMessageBody = srdReader.ReadToEnd().Trim();

    //the auto reply mail by outlook uses ms-tnef format

    if ((_hasAttachment == true && _attachmentboundry != null) || MIMETypes.IsMSTNEF(_contentType))



     if (this.Attachments.Count > 0)


      Attachment at = this.GetAttachment(0);

      if (at != null && at.NotAttachment)





      //in case body parts as text[0] html[1]

      if (this.Attachments.Count > 1 && !this.IsReport())


       at = this.GetAttachment(1);

       if (at != null && at.NotAttachment)
















   blnFinish = true;

   return true;


  /// <summary>

  /// parse message body

  /// </summary>

  /// <param name="strBuffer">raw message body</param>

  /// <returns>message body</returns>

  public string GetTextBody(string strBuffer)


   if (strBuffer.EndsWith("\r\n."))

    return strBuffer.Substring(0, strBuffer.Length - "\r\n.".Length);


    return strBuffer;


  /// <summary>

  /// parse message body

  /// </summary>

  /// <param name="strBuffer">raw message body</param>

  public void GetMessageBody(string strBuffer)


   int end, begin;

   string body;

   string encoding = "";

   begin = end = 0;




    if (Utility.IsOrNullTextEx(strBuffer))


    else if (Utility.IsOrNullTextEx(_contentType) && _contentTransferEncoding == null)




    else if (_contentType != null && _contentType.IndexOf("digest") >= 0)


     // this is a digest method




    else if (_attachmentboundry2 == null)


     body = GetTextBody(strBuffer);

     if (Utility.IsQuotedPrintable(_contentTransferEncoding))


      body = DecodeQP.ConvertHexContent(body);


     else if (Utility.IsBase64(_contentTransferEncoding))


      body = Utility.deCodeB64s(Utility.RemoveNonB64(body));


     else if (Utility.IsNotNullText(_contentCharset))


      body = Encoding.GetEncoding(_contentCharset).GetString(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(body));






     begin = 0;

     while (begin != -1)


      // find "\r\n\r\n" denoting end of header

      begin = strBuffer.IndexOf("--" + _attachmentboundry2, begin);

      if (begin != -1)


       encoding = MIMETypes.GetContentTransferEncoding(strBuffer, begin);

       begin = strBuffer.IndexOf("\r\n\r\n", begin + 1); //strBuffer.LastIndexOfAny(ALPHABET.ToCharArray());

       // find end of text

       end = strBuffer.IndexOf("--" + _attachmentboundry2, begin + 1);

       if (begin != -1)


        if (end != -1)


         begin += 4;

         if (begin >= end)


         else if (this._contentEncoding != null && this._contentEncoding.IndexOf("8bit") != -1)

          body = Utility.Change(strBuffer.Substring(begin, end - begin - 2), _contentCharset);


          body = strBuffer.Substring(begin, end - begin - 2);




         body = strBuffer.Substring(begin);


        if (Utility.IsQuotedPrintable(encoding))


         string ret = body;

         ret = DecodeQP.ConvertHexContent(ret);



        else if (Utility.IsBase64(encoding))


         string ret = Utility.RemoveNonB64(body);

         ret = Utility.deCodeB64s(ret);

         if (ret != "\0")







        if (end == -1) break;









       if (_messageBody.Count == 0)









   catch (Exception e)


    Utility.LogError("GetMessageBody():" + e.Message);



   if (_messageBody.Count > 1)

    _html = true;


  /// <summary>

  /// verify if the message is a report

  /// </summary>

  /// <returns>if it is a report message, return true, else, false</returns>

  public bool IsReport()


   if (Utility.IsNotNullText(_contentType))

    return (_contentType.ToLower().IndexOf("report".ToLower()) != -1);


    return false;


  /// <summary>

  /// verify if the attachment is MIME Email file

  /// </summary>

  /// <param name="attItem">attachment</param>

  /// <returns>if MIME Email file, return true, else, false</returns>

  public bool IsMIMEMailFile(Attachment attItem)




    return (attItem.ContentFileName.ToLower().EndsWith(".eml".ToLower()) || attItem.ContentType.ToLower() == "message/rfc822".ToLower());


   catch (Exception e)


    Utility.LogError("IsMIMEMailFile():" + e.Message);

    return false;



  /// <summary>

  /// translate pictures url within the body

  /// </summary>

  /// <param name="strBody">message body</param>

  /// <param name="hsbFiles">pictures collection</param>

  /// <returns>translated message body</returns>

  public string TranslateHTMLPictureFiles(string strBody, Hashtable hsbFiles)




    for (int i = 0; i < this.AttachmentCount; i++)


     Attachment att = this.GetAttachment(i);

     if (Utility.IsPictureFile(att.ContentFileName) == true)


      if (Utility.IsNotNullText(att.ContentID))

       //support for embedded pictures

       strBody = strBody.Replace("cid:" + att.ContentID, hsbFiles[att.ContentFileName].ToString());

      strBody = strBody.Replace(att.ContentFileName, hsbFiles[att.ContentFileName].ToString());




   catch (Exception e)


    Utility.LogError("TranslateHTMLPictureFiles():" + e.Message);


   return strBody;


  /// <summary>

  /// translate pictures url within the body

  /// </summary>

  /// <param name="strBody">message body</param>

  /// <param name="strPath">path of the pictures</param>

  /// <returns>translated message body</returns>

  public string TranslateHTMLPictureFiles(string strBody, string strPath)




    if (!strPath.EndsWith("\\"))


     strPath += "\\";


    for (int i = 0; i < this.AttachmentCount; i++)


     Attachment att = this.GetAttachment(i);

     if (Utility.IsPictureFile(att.ContentFileName) == true)


      if (Utility.IsNotNullText(att.ContentID))

       //support for embedded pictures

       strBody = strBody.Replace("cid:" + att.ContentID, strPath + att.ContentFileName);

      strBody = strBody.Replace(att.ContentFileName, strPath + att.ContentFileName);




   catch (Exception e)


    Utility.LogError("TranslateHTMLPictureFiles():" + e.Message);


   return strBody;


  /// <summary>

  /// Get the proper attachment file name

  /// </summary>

  /// <param name="attItem">attachment</param>

  /// <returns>propery attachment file name</returns>

  public string GetAttachmentFileName(Attachment attItem)


   int items = 0;

   //return unique body file names

   for (int i = 0; i < _attachments.Count; i++)


    if (attItem.ContentFileName == attItem.DefaultFileName)



     attItem.ContentFileName = attItem.DefaultFileName2.Replace("*", items.ToString());



   string name = attItem.ContentFileName;

   return (name == null || name == "" ? (IsReport() == true ? (this.IsMIMEMailFile(attItem) == true ? attItem.DefaultMIMEFileName : attItem.DefaultReportFileName) : (attItem.ContentID != null ? attItem.ContentID : attItem.DefaultFileName)) : name);


  /// <summary>

  /// save attachments to a defined path

  /// </summary>

  /// <param name="strPath">path to have attachments to be saved to</param>

  /// <returns>true if save successfully, false if failed</returns>

  public bool SaveAttachments(string strPath)


   if (Utility.IsNotNullText(strPath))




     bool blnRet = true;

     if (!strPath.EndsWith("\\"))


      strPath += "\\";


     for (int i = 0; i < this.Attachments.Count; i++)


      Attachment att = GetAttachment(i);

      blnRet = SaveAttachment(att, strPath + GetAttachmentFileName(att));

      if (!blnRet)



     return blnRet;


    catch (Exception e)



     return false;




    return false;


  /// <summary>

  /// save attachment to file

  /// </summary>

  /// <param name="attItem">Attachment</param>

  /// <param name="strFileName">File to be saved to</param>

  /// <returns>true if save successfully, false if failed</returns>

  public bool SaveAttachment(Attachment attItem, string strFileName)


   byte[] da;



    //    FileStream fs=File.Create(strFileName);

    //    byte[] da;

    //    if(attItem.ContentFileName.Length>0)

    //    {

    //     da=attItem.DecodedAttachment;

    //    }

    //    else

    //    {

    //     this.GetMessageBody(attItem.DecodeAttachmentAsText());

    //     da=Encoding.Default.GetBytes((string)this.MessageBody[this.MessageBody.Count-1]);

    //    }

    //    fs.Write(da,0,da.Length);

    //    fs.Close();

    //    return true;

    if (attItem.InBytes)


     da = attItem.RawBytes;


    else if (attItem.ContentFileName.Length > 0)


     da = attItem.DecodedAttachment;


    else if (attItem.ContentType.ToLower() == "message/rfc822".ToLower())


     da = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(attItem.RawAttachment);





     da = Encoding.Default.GetBytes((string) this.MessageBody[this.MessageBody.Count - 1]);


    return Utility.SaveByteContentToFile(strFileName, da);





    return false;*/

    da = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(attItem.RawAttachment);

    return Utility.SaveByteContentToFile(strFileName, da);



  /// <summary>

  /// set attachments

  /// </summary>

  private void set_attachments()


   int indexOf_attachmentstart = 0;

   int indexOfAttachmentEnd = 0;

   bool processed = false;

   Attachment att = null;


   while (!processed)


    if (Utility.IsNotNullText(_attachmentboundry))


     indexOf_attachmentstart = _rawMessageBody.IndexOf(_attachmentboundry, indexOf_attachmentstart) + _attachmentboundry.Length;

     if (_rawMessageBody == "" || indexOf_attachmentstart < 0) return;

     indexOfAttachmentEnd = _rawMessageBody.IndexOf(_attachmentboundry, indexOf_attachmentstart + 1);




     indexOfAttachmentEnd = -1;



    if (indexOfAttachmentEnd != -1)



    else if (indexOfAttachmentEnd == -1 && !processed && _attachmentCount == 0)


     processed = true;

     indexOfAttachmentEnd = _rawMessageBody.Length;




    if (indexOf_attachmentstart == indexOfAttachmentEnd - 9)


     indexOf_attachmentstart = 0;

     processed = true;


    string strLine = _rawMessageBody.Substring(indexOf_attachmentstart, (indexOfAttachmentEnd - indexOf_attachmentstart - 2));

    bool isMSTNEF;

    isMSTNEF = MIMETypes.IsMSTNEF(_contentType);

    att = new Attachment(strLine.Trim(), _contentType, !isMSTNEF);

    //ms-tnef format might contain multiple attachments

    if (MIMETypes.IsMSTNEF(att.ContentType) && AutoDecodeMSTNEF && !isMSTNEF)


     Utility.LogError("set_attachments():found ms-tnef file");

     TNEFParser tnef = new TNEFParser();

     TNEFAttachment tatt = new TNEFAttachment();

     Attachment attNew = null;

     tnef.Verbose = false;

     tnef.BasePath = this.BasePath;

     //tnef.LogFilePath=this.BasePath + "OpenPOP.TNEF.log";

     if (tnef.OpenTNEFStream(att.DecodedAsBytes()))


      if (tnef.Parse())


       for (IDictionaryEnumerator i = tnef.Attachments().GetEnumerator(); i.MoveNext(); )


        tatt = (TNEFAttachment) i.Value;

        attNew = new Attachment(tatt.FileContent, tatt.FileLength, tatt.FileName, MIMETypes.GetMimeType(tatt.FileName));






       Utility.LogError("set_attachments():ms-tnef file parse failed");



      Utility.LogError("set_attachments():ms-tnef file open failed");










  /// <summary>

  /// Set alternative attachment boundry

  /// </summary>

  /// <param name="strBuffer">raw message</param>

  private void SetAttachmentBoundry2(string strBuffer)


   int indexOfAttachmentBoundry2Begin = 0;

   int indexOfAttachmentBoundry2End = 0;

   indexOfAttachmentBoundry2Begin = strBuffer.ToLower().IndexOf("Multipart/Alternative".ToLower());

   if (indexOfAttachmentBoundry2Begin != -1)


    /*    indexOfAttachmentBoundry2Begin=strBuffer.IndexOf("boundary=\"");





    indexOfAttachmentBoundry2Begin = strBuffer.IndexOf("boundary=");

    if (indexOfAttachmentBoundry2Begin != -1)


     int p = strBuffer.IndexOf("\r\n", indexOfAttachmentBoundry2Begin);

     string s = strBuffer.Substring(indexOfAttachmentBoundry2Begin + 29, 4);

     indexOfAttachmentBoundry2End = strBuffer.IndexOf("\r\n", indexOfAttachmentBoundry2Begin + 9);

     if (indexOfAttachmentBoundry2End == -1)

      indexOfAttachmentBoundry2End = strBuffer.Length;

     _attachmentboundry2 = Utility.RemoveQuote(strBuffer.Substring(indexOfAttachmentBoundry2Begin + 9, indexOfAttachmentBoundry2End - indexOfAttachmentBoundry2Begin - 9));





    _attachmentboundry2 = _attachmentboundry;



  /// <summary>

  /// Save message content to eml file

  /// </summary>

  /// <param name="strFile"></param>

  /// <returns></returns>

  public bool SaveToMIMEEmailFile(string strFile, bool blnReplaceExists)


   return Utility.SavePlainTextToFile(strFile, _rawMessage, blnReplaceExists);


  /// <summary>

  /// parse multi-line header

  /// </summary>

  /// <param name="sbdBuilder">string builder to hold header content</param>

  /// <param name="srdReader">string reader to get each line of the header</param>

  /// <param name="strValue">first line content</param>

  /// <param name="strLine">reference header line</param>

  /// <param name="alCollection">collection to hold every content line</param>

  private void ParseStreamLines(StringBuilder sbdBuilder

                                , StringReader srdReader

                                , string strValue

                                , ref string strLine

                                , ArrayList alCollection)


   string strFormmated;

   int intLines = 0;



   strLine = srdReader.ReadLine();

   while (strLine.Trim() != "" && (strLine.StartsWith("\t") || strLine.StartsWith(" ")))


    strFormmated = strLine.Substring(1);



    strLine = srdReader.ReadLine();



   if (strLine != "")




   else if (intLines == 0)


    strLine = srdReader.ReadLine();



   ParseHeader(sbdBuilder, srdReader, ref strLine);


  /// <summary>

  /// parse multi-line header

  /// </summary>

  /// <param name="sbdBuilder">string builder to hold header content</param>

  /// <param name="srdReader">string reader to get each line of the header</param>

  /// <param name="strName">collection key</param>

  /// <param name="strValue">first line content</param>

  /// <param name="strLine">reference header line</param>

  /// <param name="hstCollection">collecti
