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The difference between MDI and SDI

2016年11月18日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 649字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭

 The chief structural differences between MDI and SDI applications built with MFC are as follows:


  • MDI applications derive their top-level frame window classes from CMDI-FrameWnd rather than CFrameWnd.



  • MDI applications use classes based on CMDIChildWnd to represent the child frame windows that frame views of their documents.



  • MDI applications use CMultiDocTemplate rather than CSingleDocTemplate to create document templates. The frame window class referenced in CMultiDocTemplate's constructor is the child frame window class rather than the top-level frame window class.



  • MDI applications have at least two menu resources, as opposed to SDI's one. One is displayed when no documents are open; the other is displayed when at least one document is open.
