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Factory Pattern在.Net Remoting Architecture中的实现

2012年07月15日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 22687字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭
Factory Pattern在.Net Remoting Architecture中的实现


混合法需要使用 RecordingsFactory SAO,它提供了创建 RecordingsManager CAO 的方法。(如果您不熟悉 SAO 示例,请参阅"使用服务器激活对象通过 .NET Remoting 实现 Broker"。)下面的类图表描述了总体解决方案。


这种实现使用了 SAO 示例中所描述的共享接口法。IRecordingsManagerIRecordingsFactory 这两个接口位于客户端和服务器所共享的程序集中。IRecordingsFactory 有一个 Create 方法,它可以返回一个对象来实现 IRecordingsManager 接口。这是 AbstractFactory [Gamma95] 模式的一个例子。因为客户端只依靠接口,所以无需传送服务器代码。当客户端需要 IRecordingsManager 对象时,它调用 IRecordingsFactory 实例的 Create 方法。这样,客户端就可以控制 IRecordingsManager 对象的生存期,而无需实现该对象。共享程序集中的两个接口是:


以下示例显示了 IRecordingsManager 接口:

using System; 
using System.Data; 
public interface IRecordingsManager 
   DataSet GetRecordings(); 


以下示例显示了 IRecordingsFactory 接口:

using System; 
public interface IRecordingsFactory 
   IRecordingsManager Create(); 

这些对象的服务器实现(RecordingsFactoryRecordingsManager)非常简单,并且包含在它们自己的、名为 Server 的程序集中。


该类扩展了 MarshalByRefObject,并实现了 IRecordingsFactory 接口:

using System; 
public class RecordingsFactory : MarshalByRefObject, IRecordingsFactory 
   public IRecordingsManager Create() 
      return new RecordingsManager(); 

RecordingsFactory 对象是服务器激活对象。该实现只是对 RecordingsManager 类型调用 new。该 RecordingsManager 对象是在服务器上创建的,并且,不是作为 RecordingsManager 对象、而是作为 IRecordingsManager 接口返回的。利用这种机制,客户端就可以依赖于接口而不是实现。


RecordingsManager 类所需要的唯一更改是,它现在实现的是 IRecordingsManager 接口。

using System; 
using System.Reflection; 
using System.Data; 
using System.Data.SqlClient; 
public class RecordingsManager : MarshalByRefObject, IRecordingsManager 
   public DataSet GetRecordings() 
      Console.WriteLine("Assembly: {0} - filling a request", 
      String selectCmd = "select * from Recording"; 
      SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection( 
      SqlDataAdapter myCommand =  
         new SqlDataAdapter(selectCmd, myConnection); 
      DataSet ds = new DataSet(); 
      myCommand.Fill(ds, "Recording"); 
      return ds; 


混合法中的服务器初始化代码用于为服务器激活的 RecordingsFactory 对象配置远程处理框架。激活方式与所使用的通道和协议无关,因此与以前一样(端口 8100 上的 HTTP 协议)。

using System; 
using System.Runtime.Remoting; 
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels; 
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Http; 
public class HttpServer 
   static void Main(string[] args) 
      HttpChannel channel = new HttpChannel(8100); 

在该代码中,RecordingsFactory 类型与 URL http://localhost:8100/RecordingsFactory.soap 相关联。


客户端代码显示了这种方式的混合性质。首先使用 Activator.GetObject 方法从服务器检索 IRecordingsFactory 对象。然后,使用这个服务器激活对象来调用 Create 方法,以便实例化一个 IRecordingsManager 对象。这个新实例化的对象是在服务器上创建的,但它是一个远程对象。

using System; 
using System.Data; 
using System.Runtime.Remoting; 
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels; 
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Http; 
public class HttpClient 
   static void Main(string[] args) 
      HttpChannel channel = new HttpChannel(); 
      IRecordingsFactory factory = (IRecordingsFactory) 
      Console.WriteLine("Client.main(): Factory acquired"); 
      IRecordingsManager mgr = factory.Create(); 
      DataSet ds = mgr.GetRecordings(); 
      Console.WriteLine("Recordings Count: {0}", 
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(1) 服务器端激活,又叫做WellKnow方式,很多又翻译为知名对象。为什么称为知名对象激活模式呢?是因为服务器应用程序在激活对象实例之前会在一个众所周知的统一资源标识符(URI)上来发布这个类型。然后该服务器进程会为此类型配置一个WellKnown对象,并根据指定的端口或地址来发布对象。.Net Remoting把服务器端激活又分为SingleTon模式和SingleCall模式两种。



(2) 客户端激活。与WellKnown模式不同,Remoting在激活每个对象实例的时候,会给每个客户端激活的类型指派一个URI。客户端激活模式一旦获得客户端的请求,将为每一个客户端都建立一个实例引用。SingleCall模式和客户端激活模式是有区别的:首先,对象实例创建的时间不一样。客户端激活方式是客户一旦发出调用的请求,就实例化;而SingleCall则是要等到调用对象方法时再创建。其次,SingleCall模式激活的对象是无状态的,对象生命期的管理是由GC管理的,而客户端激活的对象则有状态,其生命周期可自定义。其三,两种激活模式在服务器端和客户端实现的方法不一样。尤其是在客户端,SingleCall模式是由GetObject()来激活,它调用对象默认的构造函数。而客户端激活模式,则通过CreateInstance()来激活,它可以传递参数,所以可以调用自定义的构造函数来创建实例。

(1) SingleTon模式








RemotingConfiguration.ApplicationName = "ServiceMessage";




(1) WellKnown激活模式


ServerRemoteObject.ServerObject serverObj = (ServerRemoteObject.ServerObject)Activator.GetObject(
              typeof(ServerRemoteObject.ServerObject), "tcp://localhost:8080/ServiceMessage");


(2) 客户端激活模式



1) 调用RemotingConfiguration的静态方法RegisterActivatedClientType()。这个方法返回值为Void,它只是将远程对象注册在客户端而已。具体的实例化还需要调用对象类的构造函数。

 ServerRemoteObject.ServerObject serverObj = new ServerRemoteObject.ServerObject();

2) 调用进程Activator的CreateInstance()方法。这个方法将创建方法参数指定类型的类对象。它与前面的GetObject()不同的是,它要在客户端调用构造函数,而GetObject()只是获得对象,而创建实例是在服务器端完成的。CreateInstance()方法有很多个重载,我着重说一下其中常用的两个。

a、 public static object CreateInstance(Type type, object[] args, object[] activationAttributes);

args :与要调用构造函数的参数数量、顺序和类型匹配的参数数组。如果 args 为空数组或空引用(Visual Basic 中为 Nothing),则调用不带任何参数的构造函数(默认构造函数)。
activationAttributes :包含一个或多个可以参与激活的属性的数组。



            ServerObject(string pName,string pSex,int pAge)
                name = pName;
                sex = pSex;
                age = pAge;


            object[] attrs = {new UrlAttribute("tcp://localhost:8080/ServiceMessage")};
            object[] objs = new object[3];
            objs[0] = "wayfarer";
            objs[1] = "male";
            objs[2] = 28;
            ServerRemoteObject.ServerObject = Activator.CreateInstance(

b、public static ObjectHandle CreateInstance(string assemblyName, string typeName, object[] activationAttribute);

assemblyName :将在其中查找名为 typeName 的类型的程序集的名称。如果 assemblyName 为空引用(Visual Basic 中为 Nothing),则搜索正在执行的程序集。
activationAttributes :包含一个或多个可以参与激活的属性的数组。


            object[] attrs = {new UrlAttribute("tcp://localhost:8080/EchoMessage")};           
            ObjectHandle handle = Activator.CreateInstance("ServerRemoteObject",
            ServerRemoteObject.ServerObject obj = (ServerRemoteObject.ServerObject)handle.Unwrap();


说明:要使用UrlAttribute,还需要在命名空间中添加:using System.Runtime.Remoting.Activation;

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NET Web services vs. remoting: Which one will work best for your app?
Microsoft has made a tremendous amount of noise about building applications with Web services, and its .NET Framework simplifies the task of working with them. But while Web services represent a great way to build applications, they are ideally suited for clients outside the firewall calling components on your server over the Internet.


If both your clients and components are inside the firewall, Web services may work fine; however, all of your data travels through a Web server, which can slow performance. To speed things up, Microsoft provides a binary mechanism called remoting.

Let's take a look at how remoting works, and I'll share some code examples that show you how to set it up in a sample Web service.

How Web services work with .NET
For a brief explanation on how Web services work, and specifically how they work in .NET, check out this sidebar.

.NET remoting
While Web services are arguably the best way for clients outside of your organization to access components, what about components within your organization? Many companies are building Web services and using them internally. There is nothing wrong with this approach, but it doesn't provide the best performance. If components are created in .NET and the client applications are .NET, you can place components on shared servers and access them via remoting.

Remoting is the .NET technology that replaces DCOM allowing you to communicate between a client application and components in a binary format. As a result, remotable components are faster than Web services. However, creating remotable components is more difficult because you must add additional code to your components. This code isn't much more complicated than its Web service counterpart, but you cannot directly instantiate a remote component. Instead, you must create a host application that instantiates the component and listens for requests. The good news is that this host can be a Windows service, a Windows application, a console application, or anything that can run and hold the object open.

Not only do you have to create a host application, you must also make several decisions about the remotable object, such as which channel to use. .NET supports both HTTP and TCP channels. The HTTP channel actually uses the SOAP protocol to transport messages to and from remotable objects; this means all messages are serialized to XML. The TCP channel uses a binary stream to transport the messages.

Next, you must choose between two activation modes: Singleton and SingleCall. Singleton types have only one instance of an object at any time. All client requests are serviced by that single instance. This allows you to "share" data between requests or, more likely, maintain state between requests. SingleCall types, on the other hand, create a new instance of the object for each client request. SingleCall objects are more like Web services because they are stateless and are created and destroyed for each request.

.NET is architected in such a way that remotable components can change channels without being recompiled. You can place the channel information in a configuration file and change from TCP to HTTP or vice versa without recompiling the application. Similarly, you can change a configuration file for the client to match the channel that the host is using.

Quick code comparisons
To see some quick examples of a Web service and a remotable object with host, I'll use the example I used in a previous article in which I created a simple Web service. The entire code for the Web service follows:
<%@ WebService Language="VB" Class="ConvertMoney" %>
Imports System.Web.Services
<WebService()>Public Class ConvertMoney
Inherits WebService
<WebMethod()>Public Function _
PoundsToDollars(BritishPounds As Double) As Double
Return BritishPounds * 1.44
End Function
End Class


Here is the code to implement the same thing with a remotable component:
Public Class ConvertMoney
Inherits System.MarshalByRefObject
Public Function _
PoundsToDollars(ByVal BritishPounds As Double) As Double
Return BritishPounds * 1.44
End Function
End Class


The component looks simpler. In fact, the only difference is that it inherits from System.MarshalByRefObject. But remember, you need to build a host application that instantiates the object and listens for requests. The code for the host object could look like this:
Imports System.Runtime.Remoting
Imports System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels
Imports System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Tcp
Imports RemoteConvertMoney
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim tcpChannel As New TcpChannel(7777)
Dim ChangeMoney As New ConvertMoney
RemotingServices.Marshal(ChangeMoney, "ConvertMoney")
End Sub
End Module


In this case, the host application is a console application. You start the application and it launches a console application and creates the object. The console application runs until someone presses the [Enter] key, and the object is available until needed.

As you can see, the amount of work required to create the remotable component is more than the Web service.

Make the choice
There is no absolute answer to whether you should choose Web services or remoting in most cases. If your entire distributed application is inside your organization firewall and performance is critical, remoting via the TCP channel is the best choice. If the entire application is inside the firewall and performance isn't as critical, or if you want to keep things as simple as possible, Web services is a better choice.

But, if you need to allow access to clients other than .NET, you'll need to use Web services regardless of whether or not the client is inside or outside the firewall. In the end, the choice is left to the developer, so you'll need thorough knowledge of both technologies to make a proper decision.

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Web services in .NET
Web services, called XML Web services by Microsoft, are the components that are instantiated via HTTP. Data is passed to, and received from, Web services using HTTP and SOAP, which is clear text and based upon XML. Thanks to Web services, passing data between different operating systems on different platforms has been simplified.
    Web services use HTTP to communicate, and this requires a Web server. Requests must be turned into SOAP messages that are sent to the Web server. There, they are processed, the object is instantiated, the method is executed, and the data is placed in an XML format to be returned to the client. The client application processes the XML as necessary.
    Given this scenario, it is no great surprise that Web services are slow when compared to direct binary access of objects. Without Web services, data does not have to be serialized to XML and deserialized on the client. Requests and returns do not have to flow through a Web server.
    Of course, Web services do offer advantages. First, they can be called by almost any client. The client does not have to be a .NET application. In fact, the client machine does not need to be running a Windows operating system. Second, because Web services use SOAP, the data flows across firewalls easily; all data is passed as XML. Finally, as far as .NET is concerned, the .NET Framework makes it incredibly easy to create Web services, and you can do so with just a few lines of code.
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Building Distributed Apps? Use XML Web Services, Not Remoting (Mostly)

If you have been wondering whether to use XML Web services or .NET Remoting, here's a simple answer: Use XML Web services most of the time. XML Web services are the same as marshal-by-value .NET Remoting, but using them is much easier than using Remoting from scratch.

Marshal-by-value remoting (XML Web services) means that you get XML-serialized data from your remote server. Sometimes, you may need dynamic event behavior or you may not want to move massive amounts of data and need a little more control. In this instance, you peel back the XML Web services layer and start building directly on top of .NET Remoting with marshal-by-reference objects and event sinks. Mostly not, though.

This article looks at the basic technologies that support XML Web services and provides a brief demonstration of how to produce and consume Web services.

XML Web Services Will Do

XML Web services in .NET are built on top of .NET Remoting. For all intents and purposes, a Web service is marshal-by-value .NET Remoting. The rumor mill also suggests that .NET Remoting may be completely concealed by XML Web services in the future, making advanced features of Remoting like event sinks available using Web services.

I hope you are more comfortable with XML Web services. Now, when you have to choose between Remoting and Web services, you are prepared to make a decision. Most of the time when you create distributed applications, XML Web services will do.

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XML Web services .NET Remoting and System.NET Communication Guidelines
1. An XML Web Service call is essentially a SOAP message sent over the Http Protocol

2. .NET Remoting is a communication infrastructure that provides access to remote objects over the TCP protocol, Http protocol or some other custom protocol

3. XML Web Services uses SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) which is an XML message to communicate over the widely used Http protocol.

4. .NET Remoting provides object services over the Http or TCP protocol. .NET Remoting could be a SOAP message over a Http protocol (similar to XML Web service) or a TCP protocol or a Binary Formatted message over the TCP Protocol or Http Protocol.

5. When objects are remoted over a TCP Protocol using Binary Formatting or Encoding you have the best performance over any .NET Remoting Service or XML Web service.

6. If you intend to send SOAP messages over the Http protocol, do not use .NET Remoting, use XML Web services. The medium is the same in both instances and XML Web services deliver more speed than .NET Remoting service using SOAP Formatting over a Http protocol.

7. Using IIS as a Host or server offers scalability to both Remoted objects and XML Web Services. XML Web Services use IIS (Internet Information Server) as a Host and .NET Remoting can use IIS, Windows Services, Windows Form, Console Application as a Host or Server.

8. You can build your own interprocess communication solution using classes from the System.NET namesapce.

9. Using IIS as a host for XML Web services or .NET Remoting service offers security features like authentication and also state management.

10. Binary Formatting over the TCP protocol requires additional ports other that port 80 (which IIS uses) to be opened on your web server. These additional ports could pose security considerations.

11. Using .NET Remoting offers some flexibility for the activation of objects (they can be activated on the server or client), object life time management using leases and object instantiation management (SingleCall or Singleton modes.)

12. .NET Remoting offers access to a richer object oriented programming model than .XML Web services.

13. XML Web services offers a richer set of options for formatting SOAP messages than SOAP Formatting in a .NET Remoting Context.

14. XML Web services uses SOAP to communicate between two computers and is better suited for exchanging messages with applications not built with .NET while .NET Remoting is optimized for exchanging messages between .NET clients.

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设计 .NET 应用程序

升级到 Microsoft .NET

Paul D. Sheriff
PDSA, Inc.


摘要:本文概要介绍 .NET 应用程序中的各种典型物理结构之间的区别,这些结构已被证明是很有用的。针对每种结构介绍了其适用方案、实现方式和优缺点。本文同时介绍了两层、三层和 N 层应用程序。

注意: 本文所介绍的应用程序设计问题在 MSDN? 的 Building Distributed Applications with .NET(英文)部分中进行了更深入的讨论。


  • 了解 Microsoft? .NET 应用程序的典型结构。
  • 了解在每种结构内进行开发的优缺点。


  • 熟悉 .NET 开发(包括 Web 开发和桌面开发)。
  • 熟悉编程概念(包括类和属性)。
  • 熟悉各种结构(包括多层和多服务器结构)。


使用 XML Web Service 的三层应用程序
使用 .NET Remoting 的三层应用程序
逻辑 N 层应用程序
使用 XML Web Service 的 N 层应用程序
其他 N 层应用程序技术
迁移 Visual Basic 6.0 的 N 层应用程序


典型的两层应用程序是使用 ADO.NET 直接与数据库服务器(如 Microsoft SQL Server?)进行通信的客户端应用程序(参见图 1)。除 ADO.NET 外,在客户端应用程序和数据库之间没有任何其他层。有关 ADO.NET 的详细信息,请参阅 .NET 框架文档、本系列的其他文章或使用 MSDN 搜索引擎。

图 1:两层应用程序包括客户端应用程序和数据存储(如 Microsoft SQL Server)


两层应用程序适用于没有或只有少量窗体的小型应用程序。对于使用本文中介绍的其他 N 层技术的应用程序,其原型也可算是两层应用程序。但是,两层应用程序不太适用于企业环境,因为开发和维护的时间及成本不好控制。


开发两层应用程序时可以采用多种技术。所有技术均使用 ADO.NET、一个客户端界面(如桌面或基于 Web 的应用程序)和一个数据库(如 SQL Server)。要使用两层应用程序结构,可以采用以下方式:

  • 使用数据绑定技术将 ADO.NET 数据集直接与控件连接。
  • 编写代码以访问 ADO.NET 对象,从而手动将数据加载到用户界面的控件中。
  • 使用上述两种技术的组合。
  • 使用上述任何技术直接在窗体上编写业务规则代码。



  • 因为可以使用数据绑定将 ADO.NET 数据集直接与用于构建用户界面的很多控件连接,所以开发工作就变得简单而快捷。这有助于迅速建立并运行应用程序的基本功能。
  • 只需查看窗体便可以浏览应用程序的全部代码,而无须同时查看窗体和另一个组件。



  • 所有业务规则均包含在前端代码中。因而,如果需要更改业务规则,则必须更新全部客户端。除非能够进行自动更新,否则这种维护工作将十分繁琐。当然,如果使用 SQL Server,则可以将某些业务规则放到存储过程中,从而减少维护的时间和成本。
  • 尽管 SQL 可以在数据库结构和应用程序的其他部分之间提供某种程度的精简,但字段名称通常还是在源代码或控件属性中硬编码的。如果更改字段名称,则必须查找和替换应用程序中所有该字段的名称。如果使用了数据绑定,还必须检查所有窗体并更改属性。
  • 很多代码(如 SQL 语句和业务规则)常常在应用程序中重复出现,这是因为不同的窗体使用了某些相同的表。这使得此类应用程序的维护非常困难,因为如果需要更改表或字段的名称,则必须在多个位置进行更改,同时还需要在多个位置进行额外的回归测试。
  • 如果数据源发生变化,则对用于将数据加载到数据集的代码的更改将更加困难。例如,如果原来使用文本文件存储数据,然后又希望转换到 SQL Server,其访问方式是截然不同的。此外,要将数据加载到应用程序的数据集,还有很多地方都需要更改代码。

使用 XML Web Service 的三层应用程序

另一种设计方式是使用 XML Web service,将数据库的访问单独分给另一个组件,该组件将把数据返回到前端应用程序。图 2 显示了这种设计方式。

有关使用 XML Web services 开发三层应用程序的详细信息,请使用 MSDN 搜索引擎。

图 2:使用 XML Web service 将数据库层与前端代码分离


使用 XML Web service 的三层应用程序适用于基于 Web 的应用程序或 Microsoft Windows? 应用程序。如果需要桌面应用程序的丰富功能,而用户连接自多个不同的位置,并通过 HTTP 界面访问数据,则很适合使用此技术。


要创建三层/XML Web service 应用程序,通常采用以下开发技术:

  • 所有 SQL 驻留在 XML Web service 中。在服务器上构建数据集,并将其作为 XML 流返回到客户端,它们在这里又可以重新被构建为数据集。
  • 可以将从 XML Web service 返回的数据集直接绑定到窗体的控件中。
  • 可以使用从 XML Web service 返回的数据集手动将数据加载到窗体的各种控件中。
  • 直接在窗体上编写所有业务规则的代码。


使用 XML Web service 的三层应用程序具有以下优点:

  • 因为可以使用数据绑定将 ADO.NET 数据集直接与用于构建用户界面的很多控件连接,所以开发工作就变得简单而快捷。这有助于迅速建立并运行应用程序的基本功能。
  • 用户可以从能连接到 Internet(或 Intranet)的任何地方运行应用程序。
  • 数据库访问被单独分给自己的组件,这样就无需在前端代码中嵌入 SQL。
  • 连接信息只保留在 XML Web service 上,同样减少了客户端计算机的维护工作。
  • 可以在某个中心位置更新数据库访问层。如果对此层进行简单的代码更改,则无需重新向客户端分发组件。



  • 所有业务规则均包含在前端代码中。因而,如果需要更改业务规则,则必须更新全部客户端。除非能够进行自动更新,否则这种维护工作将十分繁琐。当然,如果使用 SQL Server,则可以将某些业务规则放到存储过程中,从而减少维护的时间和成本。
  • 所有字段名称均在源代码或控件属性中硬编码。如果更改字段名称,则必须查找和替换应用程序中所有该字段的名称。如果使用了数据绑定,还必须检查所有窗体并更改属性。
  • 通过 HTTP 界面进行访问比直接连接数据库要慢。
  • 如果用户无法访问 Internet(或 Intranet),则无法使用该应用程序。

使用 .NET Remoting 的三层应用程序

这种类型的应用程序结构与使用 XML Web service 的三层应用程序几乎完全相同。唯一的区别是使用 .NET Remoting 代替 XML Web service 来包装数据访问层。图 3 显示了这种设计方式。

有关 .NET Remoting 的详细信息,请参阅本系列的其他文章或使用 MSDN 搜索引擎。

图 3:在 LAN 环境中,可以使用 .NET Remoting 来包装数据访问层

何时使用三层 .NET Remoting 技术

使用 .NET Remoting 的三层应用程序适用于必须在 LAN 中的计算机之间分布的应用程序。这可能是出于业务原因,或者考虑到所涉及的工作成本,采用网络呼叫比较合理。



  • 所有 SQL 驻留在通过 Remoting 服务调用的组件中。在服务器上构建数据集,并将其作为 XML 流返回到客户端,它们在这里又可以重新被构建为数据集。
  • 将从 Remoting 组件返回的数据集直接绑定到窗体的控件中。
  • 使用从 Remoting 组件返回的数据集手动将数据加载到窗体的不同控件中。
  • 直接在窗体上编写所有业务规则的代码。


使用 .NET Remoting 的三层应用程序与使用 XML Web service 的三层应用程序具有相同的基本优点。

  • 因为可以使用数据绑定将 ADO.NET 数据集直接与用于创建用户界面的很多控件连接,所以编写三层应用程序就变得简单而快捷。这有助于迅速建立并运行应用程序的基本功能。
  • 用户可以从能连接到 LAN 或 WAN 的任何地方运行应用程序。
  • 数据库访问被单独分给另一个组件,这样就无需在前端代码中嵌入 SQL。
  • 可以在某个中心位置更新数据库访问层。如果在此组件中进行简单的代码更改,则无需重新向客户端分发组件。

    注意: 所有 N 层结构都具有此优点。


这种三层设计的缺点与使用 XML Web service 的三层设计的缺点相同。

  • 所有业务规则均包含在前端代码中。因而,如果需要更改业务规则,则必须更新全部客户端。除非能够进行自动更新,否则这种维护工作将十分繁琐。当然,如果使用 SQL Server,则可以将某些业务规则放到存储过程中,从而减少维护的时间和成本。
  • 所有字段名称均在源代码或控件属性中硬编码。如果更改字段名称,则必须查找和替换应用程序中所有该字段的名称。如果使用了数据绑定,还必须检查所有窗体并更改属性。
  • 通过网络从一个组件向另一个组件传输数据比直接连接数据库要慢。在 Intranet 方案中,.NET Remoting 的性能比 XML Web service 要好。而在 Internet 方案中,一般不使用 .NET Remoting。
  • 建立这种应用程序比建立两层应用程序或使用 XML Web service 的应用程序要复杂一些。

逻辑 N 层应用程序

使用 .NET 创建应用程序的最好方法是将所有逻辑进程分为不同的类。在典型的业务应用程序中,这通常包含业务规则组件、数据层组件和使用这些组件的前端代码。图 4 显示了这一方法。

有关设计 N 层应用程序的详细信息,请参阅本系列的其他文章或使用 MSDN 搜索引擎。

<图 4:将业务进程分解为不同的类,从而使应用程序更易于创建和维护

何时使用 N 层结构

逻辑 N 层开发策略适用于所有类型的应用程序。无论是小型、中
