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2017年10月29日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 5524字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭


D:\VC98\MFC\SRC\WINCORE.CPP(38) : warning C4273: 'public: static class CWnd const CWnd::wndTop' : inconsistent dll linkage. dllexport assumed.D:\VC98\MFC\SRC\WINCORE.CPP(38) : error C2491: 'CWnd::wndTop' : definition of
dllimport static data member not allowedD:\VC98\MFC\SRC\WINCORE.CPP(39) : warning C4273: 'public: static class CWnd const CWnd::wndBottom' : inconsistent dll linkage. dllexport assumed.D:\VC98\MFC\SRC\WINCORE.CPP(39) : error
C2491: 'CWnd::wndBottom' : definition of dllimport static data member not allowedD:\VC98\MFC\SRC\WINCORE.CPP(40) : warning C4273: 'public: static class CWnd const CWnd::wndTopMost' : inconsistent dll linkage. dllexport assumed.D:\VC98\MFC\SRC\WINCORE.CPP(40)
: error C2491: 'CWnd::wndTopMost' : definition of dllimport static data member not allowedD:\VC98\MFC\SRC\WINCORE.CPP(41) : warning C4273: 'public: static class CWnd const CWnd::wndNoTopMost' : inconsistent dll linkage. dllexport assumed.D:\VC98\MFC\SRC\WINCORE.CPP(41)
: error C2491: 'CWnd::wndNoTopMost' : definition of dllimport static data member not allowedD:\VC98\MFC\SRC\WINCORE.CPP(43) : error C2065: 'AFX_WND' : undeclared identifierD:\VC98\MFC\SRC\WINCORE.CPP(43) : error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from
'int' to 'const char []' There are no conversions to array types, although there are conversions to references or pointers to arraysD:\VC98\MFC\SRC\WINCORE.CPP(44) : error C2065: 'AFX_WNDCONTROLBAR' : undeclared identifierD:\VC98\MFC\SRC\WINCORE.CPP(44) :
error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'int' to 'const char []' There are no conversions to array types, although there are conversions to references or pointers to arraysD:\VC98\MFC\SRC\WINCORE.CPP(45) : error C2065: 'AFX_WNDMDIFRAME' : undeclared
identifierD:\VC98\MFC\SRC\WINCORE.CPP(45) : error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'int' to 'const char []' There are no conversions to array types, although there are conversions to references or pointers to arraysD:\VC98\MFC\SRC\WINCORE.CPP(46)
: error C2065: 'AFX_WNDFRAMEORVIEW' : undeclared identifierD:\VC98\MFC\SRC\WINCORE.CPP(46) : error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'int' to 'const char []' There are no conversions to array types, although there are conversions to references or
pointers to arrays…………


所以我想说的就是,以后解决问题的时候,看别人的解释的时候,一定要认真,不然,像我,这样,不认真,一个多小时就这样不小心给丢了,太浪费啦,所以,兄弟姐妹们,干什么事都认真点吧。祝看过这篇文章的人好运 ~_~!

 **************************************************************************************** 添加:今天不知道怎么回事,本来运行好好的程序,突然又出现了38个错误,纠结ing~~~D:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\MFC\SRC\DLGCORE.CPP(45) : warning C4273: 'protected: static struct AFX_MSGMAP
const CDialog::messageMap' : inconsistent dll linkage. dllexport assumed.D:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\MFC\SRC\DLGCORE.CPP(45) : error C2491: 'CDialog::messageMap' : definition of dllimport static data member not allowedD:\Program Files\Microsoft
Visual Studio\VC98\MFC\SRC\DLGCORE.CPP(52) : error C2065: 'WM_COMMANDHELP' : undeclared identifierD:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\MFC\SRC\DLGCORE.CPP(53) : error C2065: 'WM_HELPHITTEST' : undeclared identifierD:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual
Studio\VC98\MFC\SRC\DLGCORE.CPP(58) : error C2065: 'WM_QUERY3DCONTROLS' : undeclared identifierD:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\MFC\SRC\DLGCORE.CPP(81) : error C2065: '_AfxCompareClassName' : undeclared identifierD:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual
Studio\VC98\MFC\SRC\DLGCORE.CPP(101) : error C2065: 'IS_COMMAND_ID' : undeclared identifierD:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\MFC\SRC\DLGCORE.CPP(171) : error C2065: '_AfxCheckDialogTemplate' : undeclared identifier…………


 *******************************************************************************************************2012-4-9看来是坏事天天有,今年特别多,今天好像是单步调试的时候,本来好好的程序,出现了下面的提示71 error(s), 8 warning(s)随便粘一下:D:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\MFC\SRC\CMDTARG.CPP(51)
: error C2027: use of undefined type 'COleDispatchImpl' d:\program files\microsoft visual studio\vc98\mfc\include\afxwin.h(1721) : see declaration of 'COleDispatchImpl'D:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\MFC\SRC\CMDTARG.CPP(51) : error C2227: left
of '->Disconnect' must point to class/struct/unionD:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\MFC\SRC\CMDTARG.CPP(69) : error C2079: 'mmf' uses undefined union 'MessageMapFunctions'D:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\MFC\SRC\CMDTARG.CPP(70) : error
C2228: left of '.pfn' must have class/struct/union typeD:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\MFC\SRC\CMDTARG.CPP(76) : error C2027: use of undefined type 'AFX_CMDHANDLERINFO' d:\program files\microsoft visual studio\vc98\mfc\include\afxwin.h(1303)
: see declaration of 'AFX_CMDHANDLERINFO'D:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\MFC\SRC\CMDTARG.CPP(76) : error C2227: left of '->pTarget' must point to class/struct/union这次在网搜,别人的回答就是删除多余的文件,我看了一下,的确多出来一个文件“CMDTARG.cpp”,一看路径有时文件安装的路径,这次果断的删除,在重新编译一次,OK,搞定。这次我注意到一个人说的挺有道理的,内容如下:

