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2017年12月15日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 733字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭


class Parrot
	void Eat()
		cout << "Tsk, knick, tsk..." << endl;

	void Speak()
		cout << "On Captain, My Captain" << endl;

int main()
	// Define a type: pointer to a member function of Parrot,taking no arguments and return void
	typedef void(Parrot::*TpMemFun) ();
        // Create an object of that type and initialize it  with the address of Parrot::Eat
	TpMemFun pActivity = &Parrot::Eat;
        // Create a Parrot...
	Parrot geronimo;
        // a pointer to it...
	Parrot *pGeronimo = &geronimo;
        // Invoke the member function stored in Activity
        // via an object. Notice the user of operator.*

        // Same, via pointer. Now we use operator->*   
        // Change the activity
	pActivity = &Parrot::Speak;

	return 0;

你可以获取一般函数的 reference, 却无法获得成员函数的 reference。

