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2018年01月09日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 4171字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭






using System;

// FireEventArgs: a custom event inherited from EventArgs.

public class FireEventArgs: EventArgs {
    public FireEventArgs(string room,int ferocity) {
        this.room = room;
        this.ferocity = ferocity;

    // The fire event will have two pieces of information--
    // 1) Where the fire is, and 2) how "ferocious" it is. 

    public string room;
    public int ferocity;

}    //end of class FireEventArgs

// Class with a function that creates the eventargs and initiates the event
public class FireAlarm {

    // Events are handled with delegates, so we must establish a FireEventHandler
    // as a delegate:

    public delegate void FireEventHandler(object sender, FireEventArgs fe);
    // Now, create a public event "FireEvent" whose type is our FireEventHandler delegate.

    public event FireEventHandler FireEvent;   

    // This will be the starting point of our event-- it will create FireEventArgs,
    // and then raise the event, passing FireEventArgs.

    public void ActivateFireAlarm(string room,int ferocity) {

        FireEventArgs fireArgs = new FireEventArgs(room, ferocity);

        // Now, raise the event by invoking the delegate. Pass in
        // the object that initated the event (this) as well as FireEventArgs.
        // The call must match the signature of FireEventHandler.

        FireEvent(this, fireArgs);
}    // end of class FireAlarm

// Class which handles the event

class FireHandlerClass {

    // Create a FireAlarm to handle and raise the fire events.

    public FireHandlerClass(FireAlarm fireAlarm)    {

        // Add a delegate containing the ExtinguishFire function to the class'
        // event so that when FireAlarm is raised, it will subsequently execute
        // ExtinguishFire.

        fireAlarm.FireEvent += new FireAlarm.FireEventHandler(ExtinguishFire);

    // This is the function to be executed when a fire event is raised.

    void ExtinguishFire(object sender, FireEventArgs fe) {

        Console.WriteLine("/nThe ExtinguishFire function was called by {0}.", sender.ToString());

        // Now, act in response to the event.

        if (fe.ferocity < 2)
            Console.WriteLine("This fire in the {0} is no problem.  I'm going to pour some water on it.", fe.room);
        else if (fe.ferocity < 5)
            Console.WriteLine("I'm using FireExtinguisher to put out the fire in the {0}.",  fe.room);
            Console.WriteLine("The fire in the {0} is out of control.  I'm calling the fire department!", fe.room);
}    //end of class FireHandlerClass

public class FireEventTest {
    public staticvoid Main ()     {   

        // Create an instance of the class that will be firing an event.

        FireAlarm myFireAlarm = new FireAlarm();
        // Create an instance of the class that will be handling the event. Note that
        // it receives the class that will fire the event as a parameter.

        FireHandlerClass myFireHandler = new FireHandlerClass(myFireAlarm);
        //use our class to raise a few events and watch them get handled
        myFireAlarm.ActivateFireAlarm("Kitchen", 3);
        myFireAlarm.ActivateFireAlarm("Study", 1);
        myFireAlarm.ActivateFireAlarm("Porch", 5);

    }    //end of main

}    // end of FireEventTest



 public delegate void FireEventHandler(object sender, FireEventArgs fe);


public event FireEventHandler FireEvent;   顺便说一下事件其实就是同签名的委托


public void ActivateFireAlarm(string room,int ferocity) {

        FireEventArgs fireArgs = new FireEventArgs(room, ferocity);

                FireEvent(this, fireArgs);


 void ExtinguishFire(object sender, FireEventArgs fe) {

        Console.WriteLine("/nThe ExtinguishFire function was called by {0}.", sender.ToString());
        if (fe.ferocity < 2)
            Console.WriteLine("This fire in the {0} is no problem.  I'm going to pour some water on it.", fe.room);
        else if (fe.ferocity < 5)
            Console.WriteLine("I'm using FireExtinguisher to put out the fire in the {0}.",  fe.room);
            Console.WriteLine("The fire in the {0} is out of control.  I'm calling the fire department!", fe.room);

 fireAlarm.FireEvent += new FireAlarm.FireEventHandler(ExtinguishFire);


myFireAlarm.ActivateFireAlarm("Kitchen", 3);


