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2018年02月20日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 21447字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭

1 Concept of Hashing

  The problem at hands is to speed up searching.We could search even faster if we know in advance the index at which that value is located in the array. Suppose we do have that magic function that
would tell us the index for a given value. With this magic function our search is reduced to just one probe, giving us a constant runtime O(1). Such a function is called a hash function , such data sturcture is called hash (table).  A hash function hashes
(converts) a number in a large range into a number in a smaller range. This smaller range corresponds  to the index numbers in an array. An array into which data is inserted using a hash function is called a hash table. 

Hash tables are significantly faster than trees, insertion and searching (and sometimes deletion) can take close to constant time: O(1) in big O notation.

Hash table disadvantage:

1)Hash tables are based on arrays, and arrays are difficult to expand after they’ve been created. For some kinds of hash tables, performance may degrade catastrophically when a table becomes
too full, so the programmer needs to have a fairly accurate idea of how many data items will need to be stored (or be prepared to periodically transfer data to a larger hash table ( rehash), a time-consuming process).

2)There’s no convenient way to visit the items in a hash table in any kind of order (such as from smallest to largest). If you need this capability, you’ll need to look elsewhere.

2 Use example

  A similar widely used application for hash tables is in computer-language compilers, which maintain a symbol table in a hash table. The symbol table holds all the variable and function names made
up by the programmer, along with the address where they can be found in memory. The program needs to access these names very quickly, so a hash table is the preferred data structure.

3 Hash Process

The following figure describes the process of hash : 

The process:

1) Hash code: If keys are not digit, use hash code to covert keys into digit keys;

2)Hash function: hash (converts) a number in a large range into a number in a smaller range;

3)Hash Table: This smaller range corresponds  to the index numbers in an array. An array into which data is inserted using a hash function is called a hash table.


//hash code

//hash fuction
hashValue=hashFunction(digitKey); //hash the digit key

hashTable[hashValue].insert(key); //use hash table index(hashValue) to insert key

hashTable[hashValue].delete(key); //insert at hash table

key= hashArray[hashValue].find(key);  // get key

From the process of hash table, the following questions should solve:

1) How to implement a hash code ?

2) What is the size of the array(hash table is an array)?

3) How to implement a hash function?

4)How to solve the conflict if two keys has the same hash value?

4 How to implement a hash code?

  Hash code is the function which convert non-digit key to digit key.  If the key is not digit, how can we convert the key to digit key?

  In Java language world, a non-digit key is usually a string object. At first, we look at how digits come from. Like 324, we can write 324=3*10^2+2*10^1+4*10^0(the base is 10 in mathematics). Would
a string can write like this? Certainly, if every char in a string object can equal to  a digit, a string can be written in the same way. Luckily, a char equals a corresponding int the ASCII code which a is 97, b is 98, and so on, up to 122 for z. For example,

  We have solved the way how non-digit key transforms in digit key, but what is the base if we use the digit key in hash table? In Java, this base is 31. Now here is the Java code of the hash code:

	 * Returns a hash code for this string. The hash code for a String object is computed as
	 * s[0]*31^(n-1) + s[1]*31^(n-2) + ... + s[n-1]
	 * using int arithmetic, where s[i] is the i th character of the string,
	 * n is the length of the string, and ^ indicates exponentiation.
	 * @param key the string object
	 * @return a hash code value for the string object.
	public int hashCode1(String key){
		int digitKey=0;
		int power31=1;                       //the power
		for(int i=key.length()-1;i>=0;i--){  //right to left
			digitKey+=key.charAt(i)* power31;
		}//end for
		return digitKey;
	} //hashCode1()


The hashCode() method is not as efficient as it might be. There are two multiplications and an addition inside the loop. We can eliminate a multiplication by taking advantage of a mathematical identity
called Horner’s method(Horner规则). (Horner was an English mathematician, 1773–1827.) This states that an expression like

s[0]*31^(n-1) + s[1]*31^(n-2) + ... + s[n-1]

can be written as

((s[n-1]*31+s[n-2])*31+s[n-3])*31+ ...+ s[0]

So we have the following code

	 * Returns a hash code for this string. The hash code for a String object is computed as
	 * s[0]*31^(n-1) + s[1]*31^(n-2) + ... + s[n-1]
	 * With Horner's method, the above expression can be written as 
	 * ((s[n-1]*31+s[n-2])*31+s[n-3])*31+ ...+ s[0]
	 * using int arithmetic, where s[i] is the i th character of the string,
	 * n is the length of the string, and ^ indicates exponentiation.
	 * @param key the string object
	 * @return a hash code value for the string object.
	public int hashCode2(String key){
		int digitKey=0;
		for(int i=0;i<key.length();i++){
			digitKey=digitKey*31 + key.charAt(i);
		}//end for
		return digitKey;	
	} //end hashCode2()

Problem: overflow

   Note that Java's hashCode method might return a negative integer. If a string is long enough,
its hashcode will be bigger than the largest integer we can store on 32 bits CPU. In this case, due to integer overflow, the value returned by hashCode can be negative.

   The hashCode2() method unfortunately can’t handle strings longer than about seven letters. Longer strings cause the value of digitKey to exceed the size of type int. (If we used type long, the
same problem would still arise for somewhat longer strings.) Can we modify this basic approach so we don’t overflow any variables? 

   One solution for hashFuction(hashValue=digitKey % arraysize). Here we use the hashFuction which will be described later as an example.Notice that the key we eventually end up with is always less
than the array size because we apply the modulo operator. It’s not the final index that’s too big; it’s the intermediate key values. It turns out that with Horner’s formulation we can apply the modulo operator (%) at each step in the  calculation. This gives
the same result as applying the modulo operator once at the end but avoids overflow. Like this:

The Java code like this

	 * With the hash function : hashValue=digitKey % arraysize
	 * Returns a hash value for this string. The hash value for a String object is computed as
	 * s[0]*31^(n-1) + s[1]*31^(n-2) + ... + s[n-1]
	 * With Horner's method, the above expression can be written as 
	 * ((s[n-1]*31+s[n-2])*31+s[n-3])*31+ ...+ s[0]
	 * using int arithmetic, where s[i] is the i th character of the string,
	 * n is the length of the string, and ^ indicates exponentiation.
	 * @param key the string object
	 * @param arraysize the size of the hash table(an array)
	 * @return a hash value for the string object.
	public int hashFuction(String key,int arraysize){ //left to right
		int hashValue=0; 
		for(int i=0;i<key.length();i++){
			hashValue=(hashValue*31 + key.charAt(i)) % arraysize;
		}//end for
		return hashValue;	
	} //end hashCode2()

does Java's hashCode() in String use 31 as a multiplier?

  According to Joshua Bloch's Effective Java (from
Chapter 3, Item 9: Always override hashcode when you override equals, page 48):

The value 31 was chosen because it is an odd prime. If it were even and the multiplication overflowed, information would be lost, as multiplication by 2 is equivalent to shifting. The advantage of using a prime is less clear, but it is traditional. A nice
property of 31 is that the multiplication can be replaced by a shift and a subtraction for better performance: 
31 * i == (i << 5) - i.
Modern VMs do this sort of optimization automatically.

  But I think maybe basically using 31 gives you a more even
set-bit probability distribution for the hash function.

5 What is the size of the array(hash table is a array)?

  Use a Prime Number for the Modulo Base in a hash function,
so the array size is best a prime number. 

  This is true because, if many keys share a divisor with the array size, they may tend to hash to the same location,
causing clustering. Using a prime table size eliminates this possibility. For example, if the table size is a multiple of 50 in our car-part example, the category codes will all hash to index numbers that are multiples of 50. However, with a prime number such
as 53, you are guaranteed that no keys will divide evenly into the table size. 

例如:设有一个哈希函数H( c ) = c % N;
H( 11100(二进制) ) = H( 28 ) = 4
H( 10100(二进制) ) =  H( 20 )= 4
       这时候c的二进制第4位(从右向左数)就”失效”了,也就是说,无论第c的4位取什么值,都会导致H( c )的值一样.这时候c的第四位就根本不参与H( c )的运算,这样H( c )就无法完整地反映c的特性,增大了导致冲突的几率.取其他合数时,都会不同程度的导致c的某些位”失效”,从而在一些常见应用中导致冲突.
       但是取质数,基本可以保证c的每一位都参与H( c )的运算,从而在常见应用中减小冲突几率.


 One rule of thumb suggests make the table size about double, so that there is room to expand, and hopefully
keep the number of collisions small.
 Another rule of thumb is to assume that you are doing some sort of modulo related hashing, then round your table size up to the next largest prime number, and use that prime number as the modulo value.

6 How to implement a hash function?

  A hash function is a function which when given a key, generates an address(the array index) in the hash table. A hash function has the following properties:

  • it always returns the index of hash table for an object.
  • two equal objects will always have the same number
  • two unequal objects not always have different numbers
  • quick computation :A good hash function is simple, so it can be computed quickly.  A hash function with many multiplications and divisions is not a good idea. (The bit-manipulation(二进制处理)
    facilities of Java or C++, such as shifting bits(移位) right to divide a number by a multiple of 2, can sometimes be used to good advantage.)

The common three hash functions :


arrayIndex = hugeNumber % arraySize;



= (value * value) >> 28  

如果数值分配比较均匀的话这种方法能得到不错的结果。value如果很大,value * value不会溢出吗?答案是会的,但我们这个乘法不关心溢出,因为我们根本不是为了获取相乘结果,而是为了获取arrayIndex



  • 对于16位整数而言,这个乘数是40503 
  • 对于32位整数而言,这个乘数是2654435769 
  • 对于64位整数而言,这个乘数是11400714819323198485

987, 1597, 2584, 4181, 6765, 10946,…。另外,斐波那契数列的值和太阳系八大行星的轨道半径的比例出奇吻合。

7 How to solve the conflict if two keys has the same hash value?

Solution:Separate chaining(链接法),Open addressing(开放地址法)

  When we put objects into a hash table, it is possible that different objects (by the equals() method) might have the same hashcode. This is called a collision. Here is
the example of collision. Two different strings ""Aa" and "BB" have the same key: .

"Aa" = 'A' * 31 + 'a' = 2112
"BB" = 'B' * 31 + 'B' = 2112

  How to resolve collisions? Where do we put the second and subsequent values that hash to this same location? There are several approaches in dealing with collisions. One of them is based on idea
of putting the keys that collide in a linked list! A hash table then is an array of lists!! This technique is called a separate chaining collision solution.

  Because of collisions, we cannot guarantee the constant runtime in the worst-case. Why? Imagine that all our objects collide into the same index. Then searching for one of them will be equivalent
to searching in a list, that takes a liner runtime. However, we can guarantee an expected constant runtime, if we make sure that our lists won't become too long. This is usually implemnted by maintaining a load
 that keeps a track of the average length of lists. If a load factor approaches a set in advanced threshold, we create a bigger array and rehash all elements from the old table into the new one.

  Another technique of collision resolution is a linear probing. If we cannot insert at index k, we try the next slot k+1. If that one is occupied,
we go to k+2, and so on. This is quite simple approach but it requires new thinking about hash tables. Do you always find an empty slot? What do you do when you reach the end of the table?

8 What is a load factor(加载因子)?

  The load factor is the ratio of the number of items in a hash table to its size. 
     loadFactor=n/arraySize ;其中n代表对象元素个数,arraySize表示hash table 这个数组的大小.

       加载因子是表示Hsah表中元素的填满的程度.若加载因子越大,填满的元素越多,好处是,空间利用率高了,但:冲突的机会加大了。反之,加载因子越小,填满的元素越少,好处是:冲突的机会减小了,但:空间浪费多了.冲突的机会越大,则查找的成本越高.反之,查找的成本越小.因而,查找时间就越小.因此,必须在 "冲突的机会"与"空间利用率"之间寻找一种平衡与折衷.这种平衡与折衷本质上是数据结构中有名的"时-空"矛盾的平衡与折衷.
 In Java language the default load factor is 0.75, the following words come from Java HashMap API:

As a general rule, the default load factor (.75) offers a good tradeoff between time and space costs. Higher values decrease the space overhead but increase the lookup cost (reflected in most of the operations of the HashMap class, including get and put).  The
expected number of entries in the map and its load factor should be taken into account when setting its initial capacity, so as to minimize the number of rehash operations.  If the initial capacity is greater than the maximum number of entries divided by the
load factor, no rehash operations will ever occur.

  Let’s say that the hash table consists of arraySize elements, each of which holds a list, and that N data items have been inserted in the table. Then, on the average, each list will hold N divided
by arraySize items. 
This is the same as the definition of the load factor: loadFactor = N / arraySize. So the average list length equals the load factor.

  In a successful search, the algorithm hashes to the appropriate list and then searches along the list for the item. On the average, half the items must be examined before the correct one is located.
Thus, the search time is 1 + loadFactor / 2.

 This is true whether the lists are ordered or not. In an unsuccessful search, if the lists are unordered, all the items must be searched, so the time is 1
+ loadFactor. 
These formulas are graphed in the following Figure:

                                        Separate-chaining performance

  For an ordered list, only half the items must be examined in an unsuccessful search, so the time is the same as for a successful search. In separate chaining it’s typical to use a load factor of
about 1.0 (the number of data items equals the array size). Smaller load factors don’t improve performance significantly, but the time for all operations increases linearly with load factor, so going beyond 2 or so is generally a bad idea.

9 Hash Table implement in Java language

// hashChain.java
// demonstrates hash table with separate chaining
// to run this program: C:>java HashChainApp
import java.io.*;
class Link
   {                                   // (could be other items)
   private int iData;                  // data item
   public Link next;                   // next link in list
// -------------------------------------------------------------
   public Link(int it)                 // constructor
      { iData= it; }
// -------------------------------------------------------------
   public int getKey()
      { return iData; }
// -------------------------------------------------------------
   public void displayLink()           // display this link
      { System.out.print(iData + " "); }
   }  // end class Link
class SortedList
   private Link first;               // ref to first list item
// -------------------------------------------------------------
   public void SortedList()          // constructor
      { first = null; }
// -------------------------------------------------------------
   public void insert(Link theLink)  // insert link, in order
      int key = theLink.getKey();
      Link previous = null;          // start at first
      Link current = first;
                                     // until end of list,
      while( current != null && key > current.getKey() )
         {                           // or current > key,
         previous = current;
         current = current.next;     // go to next item
      if(previous==null)             // if beginning of list,
         first = theLink;            //    first --> new link
      else                           // not at beginning,
         previous.next = theLink;    //    prev --> new link
      theLink.next = current;        // new link --> current
      }  // end insert()
// -------------------------------------------------------------
   public void delete(int key)       // delete link
      {                              // (assumes non-empty list)
      Link previous = null;          // start at first
      Link current = first;
                                     // until end of list,
      while( current != null && key != current.getKey() )
         {                           // or key == current,
         previous = current;
         current = current.next;     // go to next link
                                     // disconnect link
      if(previous==null)             //   if beginning of list
         first = first.next;         //      delete first link
      else                           //   not at beginning
         previous.next = current.next; //    delete current link
      }  // end delete()
// -------------------------------------------------------------
   public Link find(int key)         // find link
      Link current = first;          // start at first
                                     // until end of list,
      while(current != null &&  current.getKey() <= key)
         {                           // or key too small,
         if(current.getKey() == key)    // is this the link?
            return current;          // found it, return link
         current = current.next;     // go to next item
      return null;                   // didn't find it
      }  // end find()
// -------------------------------------------------------------
   public void displayList()
      System.out.print("List (first-->last): ");
      Link current = first;       // start at beginning of list
      while(current != null)      // until end of list,
         current.displayLink();   // print data
         current = current.next;  // move to next link
   }  // end class SortedList
class HashTable
   private SortedList[] hashArray;   // array of lists
   private int arraySize;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
   public HashTable(int size)        // constructor
      arraySize = size;
      hashArray = new SortedList[arraySize];  // create array
      for(int j=0; j<arraySize; j++)          // fill array
         hashArray[j] = new SortedList();     // with lists
// -------------------------------------------------------------
   public void displayTable()
      for(int j=0; j<arraySize; j++) // for each cell,
         System.out.print(j + ". "); // display cell number
         hashArray[j].displayList(); // display list
// -------------------------------------------------------------
   public int hashFunc(int key)      // hash function
      return key % arraySize;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
   public void insert(Link theLink)  // insert a link
      int key = theLink.getKey();
      int hashVal = hashFunc(key);   // hash the key
      hashArray[hashVal].insert(theLink); // insert at hashVal
      }  // end insert()
// -------------------------------------------------------------
   public void delete(int key)       // delete a link
      int hashVal = hashFunc(key);   // hash the key
      hashArray[hashVal].delete(key); // delete link
      }  // end delete()
// -------------------------------------------------------------
   public Link find(int key)         // find link
      int hashVal = hashFunc(key);   // hash the key
      Link theLink = hashArray[hashVal].find(key);  // get link
      return theLink;                // return link
// -------------------------------------------------------------
   }  // end class HashTable
class HashChainApp
   public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
      int aKey;
      Link aDataItem;
      int size, n, keysPerCell = 100;
                                     // get sizes
      System.out.print("Enter size of hash table: ");
      size = getInt();
      System.out.print("Enter initial number of items: ");
      n = getInt();
                                     // make table
      HashTable theHashTable = new HashTable(size);

      for(int j=0; j<n; j++)         // insert data
         aKey = (int)(java.lang.Math.random() *
                                          keysPerCell * size);
         aDataItem = new Link(aKey);
      while(true)                    // interact with user
         System.out.print("Enter first letter of ");
         System.out.print("show, insert, delete, or find: ");
         char choice = getChar();
            case 's':
            case 'i':
               System.out.print("Enter key value to insert: ");
               aKey = getInt();
               aDataItem = new Link(aKey);
            case 'd':
               System.out.print("Enter key value to delete: ");
               aKey = getInt();
            case 'f':
               System.out.print("Enter key value to find: ");
               aKey = getInt();
               aDataItem = theHashTable.find(aKey);
               if(aDataItem != null)
                  System.out.println("Found " + aKey);
                  System.out.println("Could not find " + aKey);
               System.out.print("Invalid entry\n");
            }  // end switch
         }  // end while
      }  // end main()
   public static String getString() throws IOException
      InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(System.in);
      BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);
      String s = br.readLine();
      return s;
   public static char getChar() throws IOException
      String s = getString();
      return s.charAt(0);
   public static int getInt() throws IOException
      String s = getString();
      return Integer.parseInt(s);
   }  // end class HashChainApp

The following code implements a hash table with JSE LinkedList as hash table array. The heart of the hash table is hash function method.

//hash table interface
public interface IHashTable {
   //hash code
   public int hashCode(String key) ;
   //hash function
   public int hashFun(String key);
   public boolean add(String key);
   public boolean remove(String key);
   public boolean find(String key);
} //end interface IHashTable

//hash table implement
public class HashTable implements IHashTable {
   LinkedList[] hashArr=null; //the hash table array
   int size=0; //the hash table size
   public HashTable(int size){ //size can not be negitive number or zero
       hashArr=new LinkedList[size];
	   //create array:fill array with lists
	   for(int i=0; i<size; i++){
	       hashArr=new LinkedList();
	   }//end for
   }//end constructor

   //hash code
   public int hashCode(String key) {
       int digitKey=0;

       for(int i=0; i<key.length();i++){
	   }//end for
	   return digitKey;
   } //end hashCode()
   //hash function
   public int hashFun(String key) {
       int hashValue=0;

       for(int i=0; i<key.length();i++){
	       hashValue= (hashValue*31+key.charAt(i) ) % size;
	   }//end for
	   return hashValue;   
   } //end hashFun()
   public boolean add(String key) {
      return hashArr.add(key);
   } //end add()
   public boolean remove(String key) {
      return hashArr.remove(key);
   } //end remove()
   public boolean find(String key) {
        boolean isFound=false; //flag whether found
    	String temp=null;
    	Iterator it=ll.iterator(); //iterator
    		}//end if
    	}//end while
    	return isFound;
   } //end remove()
} //end class HashTable

8 External Storage and Hashing

Use External Storage Process Big Data

9 The examples of HashSet and HashMap in JSE


import java.util.*;
class HashSetTest
       public static void main(String[] args)
              HashSet hs=new HashSet();
              hs.add(new Student(1,"zhangsan"));
              hs.add(new Student(2,"wangwu"));
              hs.add(new Student(2,"wangwu"));
              Iterator it=hs.iterator();

class Student
      int num;
      String name;
      Student(int num,String name)
      public int hashCode()
             return num*name.hashCode();
      public boolean equals(Object o)
      	     Student s=(Student)o;
      	     return num==s.num && name.equals(s.name);
      public String toString()
              return num+":"+name;


import java.util.*;
class HashMapTest
	      public static void printElements(Collection c)
               Iterator it=c.iterator();
        public static void main(String[] args)
               HashMap hm=new HashMap();
               Set keys=hm.keySet();
               Collection values=hm.values();
               /*打印结果:two=lisi one=zhangsan three=wangwu */
               Set entry=hm.entrySet();
               Iterator it=entry.iterator();
                      Map.Entry  me=(Map.Entry)it.next();
