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2018年03月16日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 16521字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭


#ifndef MAIN_H
#define MAIN_H

#define bool int
#define true 1
#define false 0

typedef struct remote_client
 bool state ;
 int qulity ;
 int hntcpsockfd ;
 struct sockaddr_in add_client ;
 char *recvbuf ;
}client ;


#include "server_udpsocket.h"
#include "capture.h"
#include "server_tcpsocket.h"

pthread_mutex_t capture_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER ;
//pthread_cond_t cnt_nonzero ;
int cnt ;

int main()
 //start capture
  printf("MAIN:start tcpsocket thread failed!/n") ;
  return -1 ;
  printf("MAIN:start capture thread failed !/n") ;
  return -1 ;
 //start transportation thread
  printf("MAIN:start udpsocket thread failed!/n") ;
  return -1 ;

 pthread_join(hthread_tcpsocket,NULL) ;
 pthread_join(hthread_udpsocket,NULL) ;//
 pthread_join(hthread_capture,NULL) ;//
 return 0;

#ifndef _CAPTURE_H_
#define _CAPTURE_H_

#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#include <linux/videodev.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>

#include <fcntl.h>
#include <linux/fb.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>

#include <linux/types.h>
#include <jpeglib.h>
#include <setjmp.h>

#define bool int
#define true 1
#define false 0
//#include <sys/times.h>
int errno;
extern pthread_t hthread_capture ;//capture thread!
extern int quality ;
//extern pthread_cond_t cnt_nonzero ;
extern int cnt ;

bool open_video() ;//open video
char *NextFrame() ;//capture one frame data
void close_video() ;//close video and free resource
bool capture_Run(pthread_mutex_t *capture_lock) ;//create capture thread
void *thread_capture(pthread_mutex_t *capture_lock) ;//capture thread function
void init_encode() ;//initialise the parametre of encoder
void close_encode() ;//Destroy encoder
bool encode_jpeg(char *lpbuf,pthread_mutex_t *capture_lock) ;//jpeg encode

#include "capture.h"

struct video_mbuf v_bufferproperty ;//此结构体利用mmap进行映射帧信息
struct video_mmap *v_memorymap ;//用于内存映射
struct video_picture v_imageproperty ;//采集图像的各种属性
struct video_capability v_capability ;//摄像头的基本信息
char *memorymap ;
int bufferIndex=0 ;
//struct v4l vd ;//vidoe4linux

//define the variable
char* deviceName = "/dev/v4l/video0";  
char *fname="temp.jpg" ;
int deviceHandle = 0;
int width = 320;  
int height = 240;  
int depth=16;  
int palette=VIDEO_PALETTE_RGB24;  
int quality = 40 ;
//conrresponding to thread
pthread_t hthread_capture ;//capture thread!

//variable corresponding to jpeg encoder
 struct jpeg_compress_struct cinfo ;//
 struct jpeg_error_mgr jerr ;//
 JSAMPROW  row_pointer[1] ;
 int row_stride ;
 char *buffer=NULL ;
 FILE *fptr_jpg=NULL ;
bool open_video()
 int ret =-1 ;
 //open device
 deviceHandle=open(deviceName,O_RDWR) ;//read and write mode
  printf("Capture:Open failed!/n") ;
  printf("Mesg:%s/n",sys_errlist[errno]) ;
  return false ;
 //get the property of capture
 ret=ioctl(deviceHandle,VIDIOCGCAP,&v_capability) ;
 if(ret == -1)
  printf("Capture:obtain capability failed!/n") ;
  printf("Mesg:%s/n",sys_errlist[errno]) ;
  close(deviceHandle) ;//关闭设备文件
  return false ;
  printf("Capture:this device can't capture video to memory!/n") ;
  close(deviceHandle) ;//关闭设备文件
  return false ;
 //print the information of capture
  printf(", Type:%d/n",v_capability.type);
  printf("Maxwidth:%d,Maxheight:%d/n",v_capability.maxwidth ,v_capability.maxheight);
  printf("Channels:%d,Audios:%d/n",v_capability.channels,v_capability.audios) ;
 //get property of the picture that captured
 ret=ioctl(deviceHandle,VIDIOCGPICT,&v_imageproperty) ;
  printf("Capture:obtain picture property failed!/n") ;
  printf("Mesg:%s/n",sys_errlist[errno]) ;
  close(deviceHandle) ;//关闭设备文件
  return false ;
 v_imageproperty.palette=palette ;
 v_imageproperty.depth=depth ;
 //set property of the picture that capured
 ret = ioctl(deviceHandle,VIDIOCSPICT,&v_imageproperty) ;
  printf("Capture:Set the property of image failed!/n") ;  
  printf("Mesg:%s/n",sys_errlist[errno]) ;
  close(deviceHandle) ;//关闭设备文件
  return false ;
 //printf("test!/n") ;
 //get the property of  map buffer
 ret=ioctl(deviceHandle,VIDIOCGMBUF,&v_bufferproperty) ;
  printf("Capture:Get the property of map buffer failed!/n") ;
  printf("Mesg:%s/n",sys_errlist[errno]) ;
  close(deviceHandle) ;//关闭设备文件  
  return false ;
 memorymap=(char *)mmap(0,v_bufferproperty.size,PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, deviceHandle, 0); 
  printf("Capture:Mmap failed!/n") ;
  printf("Mesg:%s/n",sys_errlist[errno]) ;
  close(deviceHandle) ;//关闭设备文件  
  return false ;  

 //allocate video_map structures
 v_memorymap=(struct video_mmap*)(malloc(v_bufferproperty.frames*sizeof(struct video_mmap))) ;
  printf("Capture:malloc failed!/n")  ;
  printf("Mesg:%s/n",sys_errlist[errno]) ;
  close(deviceHandle) ;//关闭设备文件  
  return false ;   
 ret=0 ;
// printf("test!/n") ;
  v_memorymap[ret].frame=ret ;
  v_memorymap[ret].width=width ;
  v_memorymap[ret].height=height ;
  v_memorymap[ret].format=palette ;
  ++ret ;

 ret=0 ;

    if (ioctl (deviceHandle, VIDIOCMCAPTURE, &v_memorymap[bufferIndex]) == -1)  
    {       // capture request failed   
   printf("Capture:capture failed!/n") ;
   printf("Mesg:%s/n",sys_errlist[errno]) ;
   close(deviceHandle) ;//关闭设备文件
   return false ;
  ++ret ; 
 bufferIndex=v_bufferproperty.frames-1 ;
 return true ;
char* NextFrame()  
        // send a request to begin capturing to the currently indexed buffer   
        if (ioctl (deviceHandle, VIDIOCMCAPTURE, &v_memorymap[bufferIndex]) == -1)  
        {       // capture request failed   
     printf("Capture:capture failed!/n") ;
     printf("Mesg:%s/n",sys_errlist[errno]) ;
     close(deviceHandle) ;//关闭设备文件
     exit(0) ;
        // move bufferIndex to the next frame   
        ++ bufferIndex;  
        if (bufferIndex == v_bufferproperty.frames)  
        {       // bufferIndex is indexing beyond the last buffer   
                // set it to index the first buffer   
            bufferIndex = 0;  
        // wait for the currently indexed frame to complete capture   
        if (ioctl (deviceHandle, VIDIOCSYNC, &v_memorymap[bufferIndex]) == -1)  
        {       // sync request failed 
     printf("Capture:video sync failed!/n") ;
     printf("Mesg:%s/n",sys_errlist[errno]) ;
     close(deviceHandle) ;//关闭设备文件
     exit(0) ; 
        // return the address of the frame data for the current buffer index   
        return (memorymap + v_bufferproperty.offsets[bufferIndex]);  

//free resource
void close_video()
 //free the video_mmap structure
 free(v_memorymap) ;
 //unmap the capture memory
 munmap(memorymap,v_bufferproperty.size) ;
 //Close device file
 close(deviceHandle) ;
//create thread

bool capture_Run(pthread_mutex_t *capture_lock)
 int ret=-1 ;
 ret=pthread_create(&hthread_capture,PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE,(void *)thread_capture,capture_lock)  ;
  printf("Capture:create capture thread failed!/n") ;
  return false ;
 return true ;
//thread function
void *thread_capture(pthread_mutex_t *capture_lock)
 char *temp=NULL ;
  goto exit ;
 init_encode() ;//
  temp=NextFrame() ;
   goto exit ;
 close_encode() ;
 close_video() ;
 printf("Capture:capture thread exited !/n") ;

void init_encode()
    cinfo.err = jpeg_std_error(&jerr);

    cinfo.image_width = width;
    cinfo.image_height = height;
    cinfo.input_components = 3;
    cinfo.in_color_space = JCS_RGB;
    row_stride = width * 3; 
  buffer=malloc(row_stride) ;   //allocate memory for encoder ,note free after 
void close_encode()
     //destrory encoder  ;
    free(buffer) ;//release jpeg encode buffer
bool encode_jpeg(char *lpbuf,pthread_mutex_t *capture_lock)

 int x ;
 pthread_mutex_lock(capture_lock) ;//open lock
 fptr_jpg = fopen (fname,"wb");//注意这里为什么用fopen而不用open
  printf("Encoder:open file failed!/n") ;
  printf("Mesg:%s/n",sys_errlist[errno]) ;  
  return false ;
    jpeg_stdio_dest(&cinfo, fptr_jpg);
    jpeg_set_quality(&cinfo, quality,true);

    //begin compress
    jpeg_start_compress(&cinfo, TRUE);
    row_pointer[0] = buffer;
    while (cinfo.next_scanline < height)
   for (x = 0; x < row_stride; x+=3)
    buffer[x]   = lpbuf[x+2];
    buffer[x+1] = lpbuf[x+1];
    buffer[x+2] = lpbuf[x];
   jpeg_write_scanlines (&cinfo, row_pointer, 1);//critical
   lpbuf += row_stride;
//finish compress
    cnt=1 ;
//cond_signal(&cnt_nonzero) ;
    pthread_mutex_unlock(capture_lock) ;//release lock
    return true ;



#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <pthread.h>

#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/types.h>


#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>

#include "main.h"
#define bool int
#define true 1
#define false 0
//#include "main.h"
bool init_udpsocket() ;
bool udpsocket_Run(pthread_mutex_t *capture_lock) ;
void *thread_udpsocket(pthread_mutex_t *capture_lock) ;
extern pthread_t hthread_udpsocket ;
//extern pthread_cond_t cnt_nonzero ;
extern int cnt ;

#include "server_udpsocket.h"

int hudpsockfd;                        // Socket file descriptor
int localport=6767 ;          //Local socket port
struct sockaddr_in addr_udplocal;     //local socket address
struct sockaddr_in addr_udpremote;  //remote socket address
int sin_size ;

int errno ;
//file operation
char tempbuf[65535] ;
char revbuf[15] ;
pthread_t hthread_udpsocket ;
sin_size=sizeof(struct sockaddr_in) ;
extern client* client_queque[10] ;

bool udpsocket_Run(pthread_mutex_t *capture_lock)
 int ret =-1 ;
 ret=pthread_create(&hthread_udpsocket,PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE,(void *)thread_udpsocket,capture_lock) ;
 return true ;

void *thread_udpsocket(pthread_mutex_t *capture_lock)
 unsigned int ret ;
 FILE *file=NULL ;
 char i=0 ;
 printf("UDPSocket:udpsocket thread start!/n") ;
 hudpsockfd=socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP) ;

   continue ;
  pthread_mutex_lock(capture_lock) ;
  cnt=0 ;
  //open file
  file=fopen("temp.jpg","r") ;
   printf("UDPSocket:open file failed!/n") ;
   printf("Mesg:%s/n",sys_errlist[errno]) ;   
   goto exit ;
  ret=fread(tempbuf,1,65535,file) ;
   printf("UDPSocket:read file failed!/n") ;
   printf("Mesg:%s/n",sys_errlist[errno]) ;   
   //ret=sendto(hudpsockfd,tempbuf,ret,0,(struct sockaddr *)&addr_udpremote, sin_size) ;
     continue ;
     continue ;
    ret=sendto(hudpsockfd,tempbuf,ret,0,(struct sockaddr *)&(client_queque[i]->add_client), sin_size) ;
     printf("UDPSocket:send filed!/n") ;
     printf("Mesg:%s/n",sys_errlist[errno]) ;
  //close file
  fclose(file) ;
  pthread_mutex_unlock(capture_lock) ;
 close(hudpsockfd) ;
 printf("udpsocket thread exited!/n") ;




#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <pthread.h>

#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/types.h>


#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>

#include "main.h"

#define bool int
#define true 1
#define false 0

#define LOGIN 0x05
#define SET 0x06

#define LOGIN_SUCCESS 0x01
#define LOGIN_FAILED 0x02
#define SET_SUCCESS 0x03
#define SET_FAILED 0x04

#define START 0x07
#define STOP 0x08

#define LENGTH 20
#define BACKLOG 10  


extern int quality ;

extern client * client_queque[10] ;
extern pthread_t hthread_tcpsocket ;

bool init_tcpsocket() ;
bool tcpsocket_Run(pthread_mutex_t *capture_lock) ;
void *thread_tcpsocket(pthread_mutex_t *capture_lock) ;
extern pthread_t hthread_tcpsocket ;


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <pthread.h>

#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/types.h>


#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>

#include "main.h"

#define bool int
#define true 1
#define false 0

#define LOGIN 0x05
#define SET 0x06

#define LOGIN_SUCCESS 0x01
#define LOGIN_FAILED 0x02
#define SET_SUCCESS 0x03
#define SET_FAILED 0x04

#define START 0x07
#define STOP 0x08

#define LENGTH 20
#define BACKLOG 10  


extern int quality ;

extern client * client_queque[10] ;
extern pthread_t hthread_tcpsocket ;

bool init_tcpsocket() ;
bool tcpsocket_Run(pthread_mutex_t *capture_lock) ;
void *thread_tcpsocket(pthread_mutex_t *capture_lock) ;
extern pthread_t hthread_tcpsocket ;

#include "server_tcpsocket.h"
int  htcpsockfd ;//local socket ;
int hntcpsockfd ;//remote socket ;
int localtcpport=6768 ;          //Local socket port
struct sockaddr_in addr_tcplocal;     //local socket address
struct sockaddr_in addr_tcpremote;  //remote socket address

client * client_queque[10] ;
//char recvbuf[LENGTH] ;
int errno ;

unsigned char add_len ;
char *user ="wk521521" ;
pthread_t hthread_tcpsocket ;

extern client* client_queque[10] ;

bool init_tcpsocket()
 int ret ;
 //obtain socket description
 htcpsockfd=socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0) ;
  printf("TCPSocket:failed to obtain socket descripter/n") ;
  printf("Mesg:%s/n",sys_errlist[errno]) ;  
  return false ;  
    // Fill the local socket address struct
    addr_tcplocal.sin_family = AF_INET;           // Protocol Family
    addr_tcplocal.sin_port = htons(localtcpport);         // Port number
    addr_tcplocal.sin_addr.s_addr  = INADDR_ANY;  // AutoFill local address
    bzero(&(addr_tcplocal.sin_zero), 8);          // Flush the rest of struct 
    //bind local port
  ret=bind(htcpsockfd, (struct sockaddr*)&addr_tcplocal, sizeof(struct sockaddr)) ;
   printf("TCPSocket:failed to obtain socket descripter/n") ;
   printf("Mesg:%s/n",sys_errlist[errno]) ; 
   close(htcpsockfd) ;     
   return false ;  
  //listen remote calling
  ret=listen(htcpsockfd,BACKLOG) ;
   printf("TCPSocket:failed to obtain socket descripter/n") ;
   printf("Mesg:%s/n",sys_errlist[errno]) ; 
   close(htcpsockfd) ; 
   return false ;     
 return true ;


bool tcpsocket_Run(pthread_mutex_t *capture_lock)
 int ret =-1 ;
 ret=pthread_create(&hthread_tcpsocket,PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE,(void *)thread_tcpsocket,capture_lock) ;
 return true ; 
void *thread_childsocket(client *lpclient)
 int num =sizeof(struct sockaddr) ;
 char temp ;
 u_short add ;
  close(lpclient->hntcpsockfd) ;
  printf("Child:can't detach child thread!/n") ;
  pthread_exit((void *)1) ;
 getpeername(lpclient->hntcpsockfd,(struct sockaddr*)&(lpclient->add_client),&num) ;
// add=htons(ntohs(lpclient->add_client.sin_port)+1) ;
 lpclient->add_client.sin_port=htons(6767) ; 

 lpclient->state=false ;
 lpclient->recvbuf=malloc(LENGTH) ;
  //clear buffer
  memset(lpclient->recvbuf,'/0',LENGTH) ;

  num=recv(lpclient->hntcpsockfd,lpclient->recvbuf,LENGTH,0) ;
   printf("TCPSocket:failed to recieve!/n") ;
   printf("Mesg:%s/n",sys_errlist[errno]) ;
   //continue ; 
   goto exit ;     

  temp=(lpclient->recvbuf)[0] ;
   case LOGIN :
         (lpclient->recvbuf)[0]=LOGIN_SUCCESS ;
         (lpclient->recvbuf)[1]='/0' ;
         (lpclient->recvbuf)[0]=LOGIN_FAILED ;
         (lpclient->recvbuf)[1]='/0' ;
        send(lpclient->hntcpsockfd,(lpclient->recvbuf),2,0) ;
    break ;
   case SET :
        quality=atoi((lpclient->recvbuf)+1)  ;
        (lpclient->recvbuf)[0]=SET_SUCCESS ;
        (lpclient->recvbuf)[1]='/0' ;
        send(lpclient->hntcpsockfd,(lpclient->recvbuf),2,0) ;
    break ;
   case START :
    lpclient->state=true ;
    break ;
   case STOP :
    lpclient->state=false ;
    break ;
    printf("Child:default!/n") ;
    break ;  
 lpclient=NULL ;
 free(lpclient->recvbuf) ;
 close(lpclient->hntcpsockfd) ;
  free(lpclient) ;
 lpclient=NULL ;
void *thread_tcpsocket(pthread_mutex_t *capture_lock)
 int index,sin_size ;
 int fd[10] ;
 unsigned char temp ;
 pthread_t hthread_child[5] ;
 sin_size = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); 
 //init listen socket
  goto exit ;
 printf("TCP thread start!/n") ;
 client_queque[index]=NULL ;
 index=0 ;
// while(1)
  //accept remote link
    hntcpsockfd=accept(htcpsockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&addr_tcpremote, &sin_size) ;
     printf("TCPSocket:failed to accept remote link!/n") ;
     printf("Mesg:%s/n",sys_errlist[errno]) ;
     continue ;   
  //  fd[index]=hntcpsockfd ;
    client_queque[index]= (client*)malloc(sizeof(client)) ;
    client_queque[index]->hntcpsockfd=hntcpsockfd ;
    ++index ;
    pthread_create(hthread_child,NULL,(void *)thread_childsocket,client_queque[index-1]) ;
     index=0 ;
 close(htcpsockfd) ;
 printf("TCP thread exite!/n") ;
