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线性表(List / Linear List):零个或多个数据元素的有限序列。










1.顺序表 Sequence List(线性表的顺序存储结构):用一段地址连续的存储单元一次存储线性表的数据元素。




2.链表 Linked List(线性表的链式存储结构):由n个结点链结成的链表。






  2.2.1单链表(singly linked list) :每个对象含关键字和后继指针

  2.2.2双向链表(doubly linked list)每个对象含关键字,前驱指针和后继指针

  2.2.3循环链表(circular linked list)(也可再分为单循环链表和双循环链表):首尾对象含有指针指向,形成圆环。

(上述更详细分类和术语可参考: http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/线性表http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linked_list



优点: 随机存取时间复杂度为O(1);无需为表中元素之间的逻辑关系额外增加存储空间
缺点: 插入、删除操作需要移动大量的元素,时间复杂度为O(n);表的长度难以确定
优点: 插入、删除节点时不移动数据, 效率高,时间复杂度为O(1)
缺点: 存取时要遍历,效率低,时间复杂度为O(n)















 * @file list.h
 * @brief list header that has macro definition used by many types of list.
 * @author chenxilinsidney
 * @version 1.0
 * @date 2015-01-19
#ifndef __LIST_H__
#define __LIST_H__

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
// #define NDEBUG
#include <assert.h>

/// list return state
#ifndef OK
#define OK        1
#ifndef ERROR
#define ERROR     0
#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE      1
#ifndef FALSE
#define FALSE     0

/// list array maz length used by static sequence list, can be modified
#define LIST_MAXSIZE      1000
/// list initialize size used by dynamic sequence list, can be modified
#define LIST_INIT_SIZE      1000
/// list memory increated size used by dynamic sequence list, can be modified
#define LIST_INCREMENT       2

/// data type, can be modified
typedef int Status;         ///< status data type
typedef int ElementType;    ///< element data type
typedef int CommonType;     ///< common data type

#endif  // __LIST_H__

静态顺序表(sequence_list_satic.h sequence_list_static.c):

 * @file sequence_list_static.h
 * @brief static sequence list header.
 * @author chenxilinsidney
 * @version 1.0
 * @date 2015-01-19

#include "list.h"

/// static sequence list structure
typedef struct {
    ElementType data[LIST_MAXSIZE];   ///< list elements
    CommonType length;                ///< list length

/// static sequence list method

/// initialize list
void InitList(SqList* L);
/// detect if list is empty
Status ListEmpty(SqList* L);
/// clear list
void ClearList(SqList* L);
/// get list length
CommonType ListLength(SqList* L);
/// get element from the list
Status GetElem(SqList* L, CommonType index, ElementType* e);
/// locate element of the index
CommonType LocateElem(SqList* L, ElementType e);
/// insert element to the list
Status ListInsert(SqList* L, CommonType index, ElementType e);
/// delete element from the list
Status ListDelete(SqList* L, CommonType index, ElementType* e);


 * @file sequence_list_static.c
 * @brief static sequence list method implements.
 * The methods use <assert.h> to help debug the program.
 * @author chenxilinsidney
 * @version 1.0
 * @date 2015-01-19

#include "sequence_list_static.h"

 * @brief initialize the list.
 * @param[in,out]  L     list struct pointer
void InitList(SqList* L)
    assert(L != NULL);
    /// initialize length only, ignore the list data
    L->length = 0;

 * @brief detect if the list is empty.
 * @param[in]      L     list struct pointer
 * @return return TRUE if empty, else return FALSE
Status ListEmpty(SqList* L)
    assert(L != NULL && L->length >= 0);
    /// always have length >= 0
    if (L->length)
        return FALSE;
        return TRUE;

 * @brief clear the list.
 * @param[in,out]  L     list struct pointer
void ClearList(SqList* L)
    assert(L != NULL);
    /// set length only, ignore the list data
    L->length = 0;

 * @brief  get list length.
 * @param[in]      L     list struct pointer
 * @return list length
CommonType ListLength(SqList* L)
    assert(L != NULL && L->length >= 0);
    return L->length;

 * @brief get element from the list.
 * @param[in]      L     list struct pointer
 * @param[in]      index the index from the list
 * @param[out]     e     the element by index
 * @warning index begin from 1
 * @return return OK if success, else return ERROR
Status GetElem(SqList* L, CommonType index, ElementType* e)
    assert(L != NULL && e != NULL && L->length >= 0);
    /// index should be in reasonable range
    if (index > L->length || index < 1)
        return ERROR;
    /// get element from list
    *e = L->data[index - 1];
    return OK;

 * @brief locate element by index.
 * @param[in]      L     list struct pointer
 * @param[in]      e     the element to be located
 * @warning index begin from 1
 * @return return the index of the element if success, else return 0
CommonType LocateElem(SqList* L, ElementType e)
    assert(L != NULL && L->length >= 0);
    CommonType i;
    for (i = 1; i <= L->length; i++)
        if (L->data[i - 1] == e)
            /// get index of the first found element from list
            return i;
    return 0;

 * @brief insert element to the list at given index.
 * @param[in,out]  L     list struct pointer
 * @param[in]      index the index from the list
 * @param[in]      e     the element to be insert
 * @warning index begin from 1
 * @return return OK if success, else return ERROR
Status ListInsert(SqList* L, CommonType index, ElementType e)
    assert(L != NULL && L->length >= 0);
    /// list length and index should be in reasonable range
    if (L->length == LIST_MAXSIZE || index > (L->length + 1) || index < 1)
        return ERROR;
    /// move the element after the index position to next position
    CommonType i;
    for (i = L->length - 1; i >= index - 1; i--)
        L->data[i + 1] = L->data[i];
    /// increase list length
    /// insert element
    L->data[index - 1] = e;
    return OK;

 * @brief delete element from the list.
 * @param[in,out]  L     list struct pointer
 * @param[in]      index the index from the list
 * @param[out]     e     the element to be deleted
 * @warning index begin from 1
 * @return return OK and set e if success, else return ERROR
Status ListDelete(SqList* L, CommonType index, ElementType* e)
    assert(L != NULL && e != NULL && L->length >= 0);
    /// index should be in reasonable range
    if (index > L->length || index < 1)
        return ERROR;
    /// get deleted element
    *e = L->data[index - 1];
    /// move the element after the index position to previous position
    CommonType i;
    for (i = index; i < L->length; i++)
        L->data[i - 1] = L->data[i];
    /// decrease list length
    return OK;

动态顺序表(sqlist_dynamic.h sqlist_dynamic.c):

 * @file sequence_list_dynamic.h
 * @brief dynamic sequence list header.
 * @author chenxilinsidney
 * @version 1.0
 * @date 2015-01-19

#include "list.h"

/// dynamic sequence list structure
typedef struct {
    ElementType* data;                ///< list elements
    CommonType length;                ///< list length
    CommonType listsize;              ///< list size mallocated

/// dynamic sequence list method

/// initialize list
void InitList(SqList* L);
/// destroy list
void DestroyList(SqList* L);
/// detect if list is empty
Status ListEmpty(SqList* L);
/// clear list
void ClearList(SqList* L);
/// get list length
CommonType ListLength(SqList* L);
/// get element from the list
Status GetElem(SqList* L, CommonType index, ElementType* e);
/// locate element of the index
CommonType LocateElem(SqList* L, ElementType e);
/// insert element to the list
Status ListInsert(SqList* L, CommonType index, ElementType e);
/// delete element from the list
Status ListDelete(SqList* L, CommonType index, ElementType* e);


 * @file sequence_list_dynamic.c
 * @brief dynamic sequence list method implements.
 * The methods use <assert.h> to help debug the program.
 * @author chenxilinsidney
 * @version 1.0
 * @date 2015-01-19

#include "sequence_list_dynamic.h"

 * @brief initialize the list.
 * @param[in,out]  L     list struct pointer
void InitList(SqList* L)
    assert(L != NULL);
    /// initialize length list size and malloc memory
    if ((L->data = malloc(LIST_INIT_SIZE * sizeof(ElementType))) == NULL) {
    L->length = 0;
    L->listsize = LIST_INIT_SIZE;

 * @brief destroy the list.
 * @param[in,out]  L     list struct pointer
void DestroyList(SqList* L)
    assert(L != NULL && L->length >= 0 && L->length <= L->listsize);
    /// clear length list size and free memory
    L->data = NULL;
    L->length = 0;
    L->listsize = 0;

 * @brief detect if the list is empty.
 * @param[in]      L     list struct pointer
 * @return return TRUE if empty, else return FALSE
Status ListEmpty(SqList* L)
    assert(L != NULL && L->length >= 0 && L->length <= L->listsize);
    /// always have length >= 0
    if (L->length)
        return FALSE;
        return TRUE;

 * @brief clear the list.
 * @param[in,out]  L     list struct pointer
void ClearList(SqList* L)
    assert(L != NULL);
    /// set length only, ignore the list data
    L->length = 0;

 * @brief  get list length.
 * @param[in]      L     list struct pointer
 * @return list length
CommonType ListLength(SqList* L)
    assert(L != NULL && L->length >= 0 && L->length <= L->listsize);
    return L->length;

 * @brief get element from the list.
 * @param[in]      L     list struct pointer
 * @param[in]      index the index from the list
 * @param[out]     e     the element by index
 * @warning index begin from 1
 * @return return OK if success, else return ERROR
Status GetElem(SqList* L, CommonType index, ElementType* e)
    assert(L != NULL && e != NULL && L->length >= 0 &&
            L->length <= L->listsize);
    /// index should be in reasonable range
    if (index > L->length || index < 1)
        return ERROR;
    /// get element from list
    *e = L->data[index - 1];
    return OK;

 * @brief locate element by index.
 * @param[in]      L     list struct pointer
 * @param[in]      e     the element to be located
 * @warning index begin from 1
 * @return return the index of the element if success, else return 0
CommonType LocateElem(SqList* L, ElementType e)
    assert(L != NULL && L->length >= 0 && L->length <= L->listsize);
    CommonType i;
    for (i = 1; i <= L->length; i++)
        if (L->data[i - 1] == e)
            /// get index of the first found element from list
            return i;
    return 0;

 * @brief insert element to the list at given index.
 * @param[in,out]  L     list struct pointer
 * @param[in]      index the index from the list
 * @param[in]      e     the element to be insert
 * @warning index begin from 1
 * @return return OK if success, else return ERROR
Status ListInsert(SqList* L, CommonType index, ElementType e)
    assert(L != NULL && L->length >= 0 && L->length <= L->listsize);
    /// list length and index should be in reasonable range
    if (index > (L->length + 1) || index < 1)
        return ERROR;
    /// malloc memory if not enough
    if (L->length == L->listsize) {
        ElementType* newbase = (ElementType*)realloc(
                L->data, (L->listsize + LIST_INCREMENT) * sizeof(ElementType));
        if (newbase == NULL) {
        L->data = newbase;
        L->listsize += LIST_INCREMENT;
    /// move the element after the index position to next position
    CommonType i;
    for (i = L->length - 1; i >= index - 1; i--)
        L->data[i + 1] = L->data[i];
    /// increase list length
    /// insert element
    L->data[index - 1] = e;
    return OK;

 * @brief delete element from the list.
 * @param[in,out]  L     list struct pointer
 * @param[in]      index the index from the list
 * @param[out]     e     the element to be deleted
 * @warning index begin from 1
 * @return return OK and set e if success, else return ERROR
Status ListDelete(SqList* L, CommonType index, ElementType* e)
    assert(L != NULL && e != NULL && L->length >= 0 &&
            L->length <= L->listsize);
    /// index should be in reasonable range
    if (index > L->length || index < 1)
        return ERROR;
    /// get deleted element
    *e = L->data[index - 1];
    /// move the element after the index position to previous position
    CommonType i;
    for (i = index; i < L->length; i++)
        L->data[i - 1] = L->data[i];
    /// decrease list length
    return OK;


 * @file linked_list_dynamic.h
 * @brief dynamic linked list header.
 * the data was not in the first node.
 * @author chenxilinsidney
 * @version 1.0
 * @date 2015-01-19

#include "list.h"

/// node structure
typedef struct Node
    ElementType data;     ///< data in the node
    struct Node* next;    ///< pointer to next node

/// define single linked list
typedef Node* LinkList;

/// dynamic linked list method

/// initialize list
void InitList(LinkList* L, CommonType size);
/// destroy list
void DestroyList(LinkList* L);
/// detect if list is empty
Status ListEmpty(LinkList* L);
/// clear list
void ClearList(LinkList* L);
/// get list length
CommonType ListLength(LinkList* L);
/// get element from the list
Status GetElem(LinkList* L, CommonType index, ElementType* e);
/// locate element of the index
CommonType LocateElem(LinkList* L, ElementType e);
/// insert element to the list
Status ListInsert(LinkList* L, CommonType index, ElementType e);
/// delete element from the list
Status ListDelete(LinkList* L, CommonType index, ElementType* e);

#endif  // __LINKED_LIST_DYNAMIC_H__

 * @file linked_list_dynamic.c
 * @brief dynamic linked list method implements.
 * The methods use <assert.h> to help debug the program.
 * @author chenxilinsidney
 * @version 1.0
 * @date 2015-01-19

#include "linked_list_dynamic.h"

 * @brief initialize the list.insert node in the head of list.
 * The method can be alse modified to insert node in the tail
 * of list.
 * @param[in,out]  L     list struct pointer
 * @param[in]      size  list data size
void InitList(LinkList* L, CommonType size)
    assert(size >= 0);
    /// initialize first node
    if ((*L = (LinkList)malloc(sizeof(Node))) == NULL) {
    (*L)->next = NULL;
    /// initialize other node
    LinkList new_node;
    while (size--) {
        /// add new node to the head of the list
        if ((new_node = (LinkList)malloc(sizeof(Node))) == NULL) {
        new_node->data = 0;
        new_node->next = (*L)->next;
        (*L)->next = new_node;

 * @brief destroy the list.
 * @param[in,out]  L     list struct pointer
void DestroyList(LinkList* L)
    assert(L != NULL);
    /// pointer to the first node
    LinkList q, p = (*L);
    /// free memory
    while (p) {
        q = p->next;
        p = q;
    /// set first node to null
    *L = NULL;

 * @brief detect if the list is empty.
 * @param[in]      L     list struct pointer
 * @return return TRUE if empty, else return FALSE
Status ListEmpty(LinkList* L)
    assert(L != NULL);
    /// check the first data node
    if ((*L)->next)
        return FALSE;
        return TRUE;

 * @brief clear the list.
 * @param[in,out]  L     list struct pointer
void ClearList(LinkList* L)
    assert(L != NULL);
    /// pointer to the first data node
    LinkList q, p = (*L)->next;
    /// free memory
    while (p) {
        q = p->next;
        p = q;
    /// set first data node to NULL
    (*L)->next = NULL;

 * @brief  get list length.
 * @param[in]      L     list struct pointer
 * @return list length
CommonType ListLength(LinkList* L)
    assert(L != NULL);
    /// pointer to the first data node
    CommonType length = 0;
    LinkList p = (*L)->next;
    /// pointer to next node
    while (p) {
        p = p->next;
    return length;

 * @brief get element from the list.
 * @param[in]      L     list struct pointer
 * @param[in]      index the index from the list
 * @param[out]     e     the element by index
 * @warning index begin from 1
 * @return return OK if success, else return ERROR
Status GetElem(LinkList* L, CommonType index, ElementType* e)
    assert(L != NULL && e != NULL);
    /// pointer to the first data node
    CommonType j = 1;
    LinkList p = (*L)->next;
    /// pointer to node of index
    while (p && j < index) {
        /// pointer to next node
        p = p->next;
    /// can not get the element by index
    if(!p || j > index)
        return ERROR;
    /// get element from list
    *e = p->data;
    return OK;

 * @brief locate element by index.
 * @param[in]      L     list struct pointer
 * @param[in]      e     the element to be located
 * @warning index begin from 1
 * @return return the index of the element if success, else return 0
CommonType LocateElem(LinkList* L, ElementType e)
    assert(L != NULL);
    /// pointer to the first data node
    CommonType index = 0;
    LinkList p = (*L)->next;
    /// pointer to next node
    while (p) {
        /// get index of the first found element from list
        if(p->data == e)
            return index;
        p = p->next;
    return 0;

 * @brief insert element to the list at given index.
 * @param[in,out]  L     list struct pointer
 * @param[in]      index the index from the list
 * @param[in]      e     the element to be insert
 * @warning index begin from 1
 * @return return OK if success, else return ERROR
Status ListInsert(LinkList* L, CommonType index, ElementType e)
    assert(L != NULL);
    CommonType j = 1;
    /// pointer to the first node
    LinkList s, p = *L;
    /// pointer to node of index
    while (p->next && j < index) {
        p = p->next;
    /// can not get the location by index
    if(!p->next || j > index)
        return ERROR;
    /// malloc memory
    if ((s = (LinkList)malloc(sizeof(Node))) == NULL) {
    /// insert element
    s->data = e;
    s->next = p->next;
    p->next = s;
    return OK;

 * @brief delete element from the list.
 * @param[in,out]  L     list struct pointer
 * @param[in]      index the index from the list
 * @param[out]     e     the element to be deleted
 * @warning index begin from 1
 * @return return OK and set e if success, else return ERROR
Status ListDelete(LinkList* L, CommonType index, ElementType* e)
    assert(L != NULL && e != NULL);
    CommonType j = 1;
    /// pointer to the first node
    LinkList q, p = *L;
    /// pointer to node of index
    while (p->next && j < index) {
        p = p->next;
    /// can not get the location by index
    if (!(p->next) || j > index)
        return ERROR;
    /// get deleted element
    q = p->next;
    p->next = q->next;
    *e = q->data;
    return OK;


