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2012年09月03日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 2879字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭






Element Description
<address> information on author
<blockquote> long quotation
<button> push button
<caption> table caption
<dd> definition description
<del> deleted text
<div> generic language/style container
<dl> definition list
<dt> definition term
<fieldset> form control group
<form> interactive form
<h1> heading
<h2> heading
<h3> heading
<h4> heading
<h5> heading
<h6> heading
<hr> horizontal rule
<iframe> inline subwindow
<ins> inserted text
<legend> fieldset legend
<li> list item
<map> client-side image map
<noframes> alternate content container for non frame-based rendering
<noscript> alternate content container for non script-based rendering
<object> generic embedded object
<ol> ordered list
<p> paragraph
<pre> preformatted text
<table> table
<tbody> table body
<td> table data cell
<tfoot> table footer
<th> table header cell
<thead> table header
<tr> table row
<ul> unordered list




Element Description
<a> anchor
<abbr> abbreviated form
<acronym> acronym
<b> bold text style
<bdo> I18N BiDi over-ride
<big> large text style
<br> forced line break
<button> push button
<cite> citation
<code> computer code fragment
<del> deleted text
<dfn> instance definition
<em> emphasis
<i> italic text style
<iframe> inline subwindow
<img> Embedded image
<input> form control
<ins> inserted text
<kbd> text to be entered by the user
<label> form field label text
<map> client-side image map
<object> generic embedded object
<q> short inline quotation
<samp> sample program output, scripts, etc.
<select> option selector
<small> small text style
<span> generic language/style container
<strong> strong emphasis
<sub> subscript
<sup> superscript
<textarea> multi-line text field
<tt> teletype or monospaced text style
<var> instance of a variable or program argument









在IE中对内联元素使用 display:inline-block,IE 是不识别的,但使用 display:inline-block 在 IE 下会触发 layout(如果你对 layout 感觉到陌生,可以参看 old9 翻译的http://www.cnblogs.com/liuguanghuiyes/articles/1848380.html),从而使内联元素拥有了display:inline-block 属性的表症。从上面的这个分析,也不难理解为什么 IE 下,对块元素设置 display:inline-block 属性无法实现 inline-block 的效果。这时块元素仅仅是被 display:inline-block 触发了 layout,而它本就是行布局,所以触发后,块元素依然还是行布局,而不会如 Opera 中块元素呈递为内联对象。


延伸一个问题:IE下块元素如何实现 display:inline-block 的效果?


1、先使用 display:inline-block 属性触发块元素,然后再定义 display:inline,让块元素呈递为内联对象(两个display 要先后放在两个 CSS 声明中才有效果,这是 IE 的一个经典 bug ,如果先定义了 display:inline-block,然后再将 display 设回 inline 或 block,layout 不会消失)。代码如下(…为省略的其他属性内容):

div {display:inline-block;...}

2、直接让块元素设置为内联对象呈递(设置属性 display:inline),然后触发块元素的 layout(如:zoom:1 等)。代码如下:

div {display:inline; zoom:1;...}


