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Package com.rational.test.ft.script Description


The package com.rational.test.ft.script provides the classes that manage test scripts. RationalTestScript is the base class for all test scripts.

The class hierarchy of Functional Test scripts is shown in the following diagram:


 Rationaltestobject <-  HelperSuperClass<-TestScriptHelper<-TestScript


Each level in the script hierarchy provides a specific level of functionality.

  • The test script

    This script is the top-level class containing the recorded or scripted commands that make up a specific functional test. You can customize the format of Functional test script classes and test script helper classes by using the template files associated with Test projects.

  • The test script helper class

    This class provides script-specific methods for accessing TestObjects in the software under test. These script-specific methods simplify script commands and improve the readability of test scripts. The test script helper class is maintained by Functional Test and is regenerated when the set of TestObjects associated with a script changes. Therefore, you should never edit it directly.

  • Helper super classes

    These optional, user-written classes provide override support for base-level methods, in particular, the event handler methods.

  • Rational TestScript

    RationalTestScript provides base-level functionality and serves as the root of the inheritance hierarchy for all Functional Test scripts.


The following sections provide information about using helper super classes and the RationalTestScript class.

Using helper super classes

Helper super classes enable you to:

  • Provide new methods for scripts to inherit automatically.


  • Override the RationalTestScript default event handler to provide your own application-specific event handlers.


    You might want to override the default event handler to make a group of scripts start with a clean instance of the application under test. To do this, you would create a helper super class that implements the methods onInitialize and onTerminate, which enable you to monitor basic script execution.

    The onInitialize method is called at the beginning of a Functional Test script, before the testMain method is invoked. The onTerminate method is called at the end of every script, after the testMain method returns. Following is an example of an implementation of onInitialize and onTerminate:

    public static class ProcessManager extends TestHelper
        private static ProcessTestObject yourAppProcess = null;
        public void onInitialize()
            yourAppProcess = startApp("yourAppName");
        public void onTerminate()

    When the script starts, onInitialize runs and starts your application. When the script terminates, onTerminate ends the process.

Note the following:

  • After you create a helper super class, you can specify its path as a record option.


  • If you specify a helper super class as an option, newly created and newly recorded scripts automatically use it.


  • The default is for Functional Test not to use a helper super class.


  • If a helper super class does not exist, the script's helper script automatically extends the RationalTestScript class.


Using RationalTestScript

You can use RationalTestScript to provide additional scripting capabilities. These include:

  • Application execution support


  • Script execution events


  • Log access


  • Verification point creation, execution, and modification, including verification points of the types vpManual and vpDynamic, which are available only through scripting


  • Timer access


  • Subitem shortcut methods and literals


  • Access to operating-system capabilities not provided by the scripting platform. This access is accomplished by providing an implementation for the IOperatingSystem interface.
