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2018年05月05日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 1923字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭



2.将1中解压的文件夹放在MyEclipse工作空间中;(如果不清楚自己的工作空间在哪里,File - Switch Workspace进行查看)


4.成功导进去之后,在项目名上右击 - Properties - Java Build Path - Libraries 中Add JARs ,添加args4j-2.0.6.jar包

5.找到LDACmdOption.java文件, 修改部分代码

public class LDACmdOption {
	@Option(name="-est", usage="Specify whether we want to estimate model from scratch")
	public boolean est = false;
	@Option(name="-estc", usage="Specify whether we want to continue the last estimation")
	public boolean estc = false;
	@Option(name="-inf", usage="Specify whether we want to do inference")
	public boolean inf = true;
	@Option(name="-dir", usage="Specify directory")
	public String dir = "models/casestudy-en";
	@Option(name="-dfile", usage="Specify data file")
	public String dfile = "models/casestudy-en/newdocs.dat";
	@Option(name="-model", usage="Specify the model name")
	public String modelName = "model-01000";
	@Option(name="-alpha", usage="Specify alpha")
	public double alpha = 0.2;
	@Option(name="-beta", usage="Specify beta")
	public double beta = 0.1;
	@Option(name="-ntopics", usage="Specify the number of topics")
	public int K = 100;
	@Option(name="-niters", usage="Specify the number of iterations")
	public int niters = 1000;
	@Option(name="-savestep", usage="Specify the number of steps to save the model since the last save")
	public int savestep = 100;
	@Option(name="-twords", usage="Specify the number of most likely words to be printed for each topic")
	public int twords = 100;
	@Option(name="-withrawdata", usage="Specify whether we include raw data in the input")
	public boolean withrawdata = false;
	@Option(name="-wordmap", usage="Specify the wordmap file")
	public String wordMapFileName = "wordmap.txt";

6.修改该项目的Run Configurations,在Java Application中选择LDA,点击(x)=Arguments,输入-est -alpha 0.2 -beta 0.1 -ntopics 100 -niters 1000 -savestep 100 -twords 100 -dir  models\casestudy-en -dfile "newdocs.dat"


