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Timus 1603. Erudite

2013年07月12日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 5771字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭
Timus 1603. Erudite 要求解一个字谜。

1603. Erudite

Time Limit: 1.0 second
Memory Limit: 64 MB

Petr likes to solve crossword puzzles and other conundrums. Once he found in a newspaper
a new puzzle called "Erudite". There was a square table 4 × 4 filled with
letters. It was required to find in the table as many words as possible;
the words could go up, down, to the right, or to the left and
break at right angles any number of times but they could not have self-intersections.
Petr's friend Vasya told him that it was very silly to spend time solving this
puzzle. He told it was much easier to write a program that would search for
the required words in a dictionary. Petr was offended and told Vasya: "If
you are that clever, write the program yourself. I will cope with the puzzle
myself, the way I like." Help Vasya to get out of the situation.
You should write this program.


The first four lines of the input contain a table 4 × 4 consisting of
lowercase English letters. In the next line there is the number n
(n ≤ 100) of words in the dictionary. These words are given in the
following n lines, one word per line. Each word consists of
lowercase English letters and has length from 1 to 16.


For each word from the dictionary output "YES" if this word can be found in
the table and "NO" otherwise. Use the format given in the sample.


input output
abracadabra: YES
ababaab: YES
ababaaba: NO

Problem Author: Vladimir Yakovlev
Problem Source: IX USU Open Personal Contest (March 1, 2008)


 1 using System;
 3 namespace Skyiv.Ben.Timus
 4 {
 5   // http://acm.timus.ru/problem.aspx?space=1&num=1603
 6   sealed class T1603a
 7   {
 8     static void Main()
 9     {
10       const int size = 4;
11       const char border = ' '// 用于设定边界,以便在搜索时不用担心越界
12       string[] table = new string[size + 2];
13       table[0= table[size + 1= new String(border, size + 2);
14       for (int i = 1; i <= size; i++) table[i] = border + Console.ReadLine() + border;
15       for (int i = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); i > 0; i--)
16       {
17         string word = Console.ReadLine();
18         bool find = false;
19         bool[,] mark = new bool[size + 2, size + 2];
20         for (int x = 1!find && x <= size; x++)
21           for (int y = 1!find && y <= size; y++)
22           {
23             if (table[y][x] != word[0]) continue;
24             Array.Clear(mark, 0, mark.Length);
25             find = Search(word, table, mark, y, x, 1); // 深度优先搜索
26           }
27         Console.WriteLine(word + "" + (find ? "YES" : "NO"));
28       }
29     }
31     static readonly int[,] direction = { { 10 }, { 01 }, { -10 }, { 0-1 } };
33     static bool Search(string word, string[] table, bool[,] mark, int y, int x, int depth)
34     {
35       if (mark[y, x]) return false;
36       mark[y, x] = true;
37       if (depth == word.Length) return true;
38       for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
39       {
40         int y1 = y + direction[i, 0];
41         int x1 = x + direction[i, 1];
42         if (table[y1][x1] == word[depth] && Search(word, table, mark, y1, x1, depth + 1)) return true;
43       }
44       return mark[y, x] = false;
45     }
46   }
47 }

这个题目首先给出一个 4x4 的字谜,然后给出许多单词,要求你判断这些单词是否能够由前面的字谜组成。规则是,你能够在字谜中上下左右行走,也能够拐弯,但是已经使用过的字母不允许再用。

这个程序首先读入这个字谜。为了方便后面在字谜中搜索时不用判断是否会越界,读入字谜时在字谜的四周围了一圈边界。然后就是逐个读入单词,在字谜的每个位置开始使用深度优先搜索遍历字谜,就是在程序中第 25 行的语句通过递归调用第 33 到 45 行的 Search 方法。


 1 using System;
 2 using System.Collections.Generic;
 4 namespace Skyiv.Ben.Timus
 5 {
 6   // http://acm.timus.ru/problem.aspx?space=1&num=1603
 7   sealed class T1603b
 8   {
 9     static void Main()
10     {
11       const int size = 4;
12       const char border = ' '// 用于设定边界,以便在搜索时不用担心越界
13       string[] table = new string[size + 2];
14       table[0= table[size + 1= new String(border, size + 2);
15       Dictionary<charint> charCount = new Dictionary<charint>();
16       for (int i = 1; i <= size; i++)
17       {
18         table[i] = border + Console.ReadLine() + border;
19         for (int j = 1; j <= size; j++)
20         {
21           int cnt;
22           charCount.TryGetValue(table[i][j], out cnt);
23           charCount[table[i][j]] = cnt + 1;
24         }
25       }
26       for (int i = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); i > 0; i--)
27       {
28         string word = Console.ReadLine();
29         bool find = CanFind(new Dictionary<charint>(charCount), word);
30         if (find)
31         {
32           find = false;
33           bool[,] mark = new bool[size + 2, size + 2];
34           for (int x = 1!find && x <= size; x++)
35             for (int y = 1!find && y <= size; y++)
36             {
37               if (table[y][x] != word[0]) continue;
38               Array.Clear(mark, 0, mark.Length);
39               find = Search(word, table, mark, y, x, 1); // 深度优先搜索
40             }
41         }
42         Console.WriteLine(word + "" + (find ? "YES" : "NO"));
43       }
44     }
46     static bool CanFind(Dictionary<charint> charCount, string word)
47     {
48       foreach (char c in word)
49       {
50         int cnt;
51         charCount.TryGetValue(c, out cnt);
52         if (cnt == 0return false;
53         charCount[c]--;
54       }
55       return true;
56     }
58     static readonly int[,] direction = { { 10 }, { 01 }, { -10 }, { 0-1 } };
60     static bool Search(string word, string[] table, bool[,] mark, int y, int x, int depth)
61     {
62       if (mark[y, x]) return false;
63       mark[y, x] = true;
64       if (depth == word.Length) return true;
65       for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
66       {
67         int y1 = y + direction[i, 0];
68         int x1 = x + direction[i, 1];
69         if (table[y1][x1] == word[depth] && Search(word, table, mark, y1, x1, depth + 1)) return true;
70       }
71       return mark[y, x] = false;
72     }
73   }
74 }


可以看出,原来的程序的运行时间为 0.531 秒,改进后的程序的运行时间为 0.125 秒。实际上这道题目的限时是 1.0 秒,也就是说,这个改进其实也是没有什么必要的。原来的程序算法足够简单,速度上也能够满足这道题目时间限制的要求,应该就可以了。
