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error C2859 the precompiled header

2018年10月08日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 506字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭


 error C2859: XXX/debug/vc90.pdb is not the pdb file that was used when this precompiled header was created, recreate the precompiled header.


error C2859:  XXX/debug/vc90.idb is not the idb file that was used when this precompiled header was created, recreate the precompiled header.




大概意思就是预编译头问题. 尝试着改名等,都不能完全解决, 干脆在Configuration Properties | C/C++  | Output Files里的Program Database File Name改为$(IntDir)/$(ProjectName).pdb, 也就是让 静态库pdb不是默认的vc90.pdb,而是跟随项目名称,瞬间, 问题解决,不会反复出现重编译问题.

